Department of Forest Resource Management, Division of Forest Planning, joint staff
We train doctors and licentiates to become researchers with high international competence in Forest Resource Management, Technology and Mathematical Statistics. The training is four and two years respectively, where at least 1/8 part constitute of courses.
With us, the students develop and address questions within our subject areas of Forest Remote Sensing, Forest Inventory and Sampling, Forest Planning, Mathematical Statistics Applied to Forest Sciences and Landscape Studies. Through unique data sets collected within the area environmental monitoring - or by one’s own field work and data collection - you will contribute to the development of overall concepts for the sustainable use of natural resources.
A large proportion of the Department's research, including methodological development is an outcome of our students’ thesis work. The programme is individualized and the supervisor group's task is to support and follow up the education together with the director of doctoral and licentiate studies.
Visit Faculty of Forest Sciences Research school -SILVA- for details about our courses (link below).