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Environmental monitoring

The environmental monitoring task means that SLU should follow changes in the environment’s condition, evaluate problems, and provide a basis of information for the sustainable use of natural resources. This information is delivered to the Swedish government and parliament, national and regional government authorities, businesses, and other interested organizations.  

The Swedish National Forest Inventory

Official statistics about the status and change in Sweden's forests.

Two people doing field invetory. Photo.

National Inventories of Landscapes in Sweden

A national environmental monitoring umbrella that gathers a number of programmes like seashores, grasslands and descidious forests.

Flowers and gras with a backbround of ocean and sky. Photo.

Forest Sustainability Analysis

A research program that works with analysis of forest planning, management and development of the Heureka system.

Tree modells on a screen. Photo.

Target-tailored forest damage inventories

Tailored inventories targeting specific pest outbreaks. In recent years, damage caused by spruce bark beetles and damage to young forests have been inventoried.

Inventering av granbarkborreskadat träd
Published: 17 June 2024 - Page editor: emma.sandstrom@slu.se

Contacts at the Department of Forest Resource Management

Head of Department: Hans Petersson, hans.petersson@slu.se, +46 (0)90-786 8501
Assistant Head of Department: Dianne Wästerlund, dianne.wasterlund@slu.se, 090-786 8450

Postal address: Department of Forest Resource Management, SE-901 83, Sweden
Visiting address: Skogsmarksgränd, SE-901 83 Umeå, Sweden

Other contacts at the department. 
