
Last changed: 18 November 2022
The Heureka logo, two trees and the name

Studying forest development at a regional or national level is made possible with RegWise, a software product designed for long-term analysis of large geographical areas. The analyses are based primarily on data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory but also data from digital maps and remote sensing.

Based on the prerequisites for forest management and other resource use the program provides a basis for evaluation and analysis of a range of issues. RegWise takes into account a range of ecosystem services, like the potential for energy and timber supply, biodiversity, recreational possibilities and carbon storage in the forest ecosystem. At the same time that forest development is interactively controlled within RegWise, a range of forest management options are automatically generated and optimized in PlanWise, giving RegWise a simulated approach where the user can control the forest management such as stand types and land owners through a regulatory system. RegWise thereby provides the answers to questions such as the effects of different forest management approaches in different regions or ownership groups.

The software includes models that describe the development of the tree layer over time for different tree species and for different forest management approaches. The management of the forest is simulated using a regulatory system for different silvicultural and harvesting measures. The measures that can be simulated are:

  • Regeneration (planting, sown or natural regeneration; with or without soil scarification)
  • Cleaning
  • Thinning (with or without removal for forest fuel)
  • Fertilization
  • Regeneration felling (with or without removal for forest fuel; with or without seed trees or shelter trees left)
  • Continuous cover forest management

The results are given in the form of tables, maps and graphs describing the initial state, future state and the outcomes based on different usage within the relevant analysis area.

RegWise is intended for large forest companies, the Swedish Forest Agency, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and forestry sector organizations. RegWise can also be applied in other areas. Given the increased analysis potential in comparison with other systems for nature conservation and environmental issues then county councils, regional energy companies and NGO's could also potentially use RegWise.