Bachelor's and Master's Studies at Forest Remote Sensing

Last changed: 19 January 2024

Within Forest Remote Sensing we conduct teaching in geographical information technology (GIT) and remote sensing. We are also responsible for the Ljungberg's Laboratory.

Whitin SLU's forestry programes we give two courses at bachelor's level, GIS an Forest Remote Sensing and the distance course Applied Remote Sensing in Forestry. At master's level, we provide a GIT project course, as well as a course in remote sensing in combination with forest inventory. We also provide two distance courses at master's level, Forest Remote Sensing and Advanced Spatial Modelling through GIS. You can take our coureses as a part of SLU's forestry programs or as individual coruses. 

Each year, some student’s do their master’s theses within the remote sensing field, other master students we assist with GIT support.

Within the Remote Sensing area it's possible to work with digital data from sensors such as distancemeasuring lasers, electro-optical sensors (including digital cameras) and radar. Sensor platforms include airplane, satellites, UAVs or ground based platforms. If you wish to write your master's thesis in the field of remote sensing, you should have completed the course Remote Sensing and Forest Inventory or its equivalent. You are welcome with your ideas and discuss them with appropriate supervisor or contact the Department Director for Undergraduate and Master's Studies.

Courses within our subject area

  • GIS and Forest Remote Sensing
  • Applied Remote Sensing in Forestry
  • Geographic information technology II
  • Remote Sensing and Forest Inventory
  • Forest Remote Sensing
  • Advanced Spatial Modelling through GIS

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Ljungberg's Laboratory

The subject area is also responsible for the Ljungberg's Laboratory. The lab, is a teaching resource for students with the latest technology for collecting and processing of remote sensing data. The lab also serves as a meeting place for students, researchers and companies. Today, modern remote sensing equipment in the lab is mainly available for forest and technology students in their undergraduate and master’s studies. 

