Program for the RESDINET Workshop

Last changed: 17 September 2024

October 8th Tuesday morning, seminar

Rastislav Jakuš, Institute of Forest Ecology: SAS, Slovakia, 9:00-9:25 CET

Project: Research team and infrastructure upgrade to study the mechanism of conifer resistance to bark beetles in the changing climate: From Gene to Tree level.

Petter Öhrn, Skogforsk, Sweden, 9:25-10:05 CET

Norway spruce susceptibility to the spruce bark beetle and an associated fungus -Effects of tree phenology, site conditions and seasonal variability.

Aleksandr Karpov, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czechia, 10:05-10:45 CET

Response of mature Norway spruce to experimental termalthermal and drought stress in relation to Ips typographus attack: Crown temperatures and sap flow.

Break 10:45-11:15 CET

Johanna Tuviala, Mikko Pelto-Arvo, University of Eastern Finland, Finland, 11:15-11:40 CET

Topographic distribution of bark beetle damage and measurements of tree vigour in tree and plot level, preliminary results from Koli National Park.

Juha Honkaniemi, Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke, Finland, 11:40-12:20 CET

Simulating forest disturbances and their impacts on forests in a changing world.


October 8th Tuesday afternoon, seminar

Nana Pirtskhalava-Karpova, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czechia, 13:50-14:30 CET

Modeling the Impact of Drought on Spruce Bark Beetle Outbreaks Using the TANABBO II model.

Mitro Müller, Lund University, Sweden, 14:30-14:55 CET

Risk mapping of bark beetle attacks during drought.

Per-Ola Olsson, Lund University, Sweden, 14:55-15:35 CET

Remote sensing of bark beetle - what can we see from space?

Break 15:35-16:05 CET

Donato Morresi, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden, 16:05-16:30 CET

Forest disturbances across the European Alps: a landscape-scale analysis based on Landsat time series.

Svein Solberg, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Norway, 16:30-17:10 CET

Dead spruce detection in Norway using Sentinel-2.


October 9 Wednesday morning, seminar

Eija Honkavaara, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute in the National Land Survey of Finland, Finland, 9:00-9:25 CET

Advancements in autonomous drone technologies for bark beetle management.

Emma Turkulainen, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute in the National Land Survey of Finland, Finland, 9:25-9:50 CET

Scalability of Deep Learning Models for Bark Beetle Infestation Detection: Addressing Domain Shift Across Diverse Study Areas.

Roope Näsi,  Finnish Geospatial Research Institute in the National Land Survey of Finland, Finland, 9:50-10:15 CET

Drone-based multiannual methods for bark beetle induced forest disturbance monitoring.

Break 10:15-10:45 CET

Matúš Pivovar, Institute of Forest Ecology SAS, Slovakia, 10:45-11:10

Spectral Signatures of Spruces Under Acute and Chronic Stress.

Aurora Bozzini, University of Padua, Italy,  Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden, 11:10-11:35 CET

Early detection of Bark Beetles by Drone Images differs in Endemic and Epidemic Populations.

Langning Huo, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden, 11:35-12:00 CET

Lesson learned so far from the Swedish test site: what affects the bark beetle pre-emergence detection using drone imagery?


October 9 Wednesday afternoon, hands-on training

Kenji Ose, Joint Research Center, European Commission, 13:30 CET

Hands-on training on the software package for near-real-time monitoring of satellite time series

In this session, Dr. Kenji Ose will demonstrate nrt, which is a Python package designed for near real-time detection of changes in spatio-temporal datasets, with a particular focus on monitoring forest disturbances from satellite image time series. It offers a standardized API inspired by scikit-learn, ensuring seamless interoperability and comparison across various state-of-the-art monitoring algorithms. Optimized for rapid computation, nrt is suitable for operational deployment at scale. This package is an essential tool for researchers and practitioners aiming for timely and efficient monitoring, contributing to climate change mitigation, biodiversity conservation, and natural heritage preservation. 

Find more info on and 

Please get ready to use Python to follow our hands-on exercise.


October 10 Thursday morning, hands-on training

Dr. Reza Belaghi, statistics@SLU, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden, 9:00 CET

Statistical training in ecological modeling

In this session, Dr. Reza Belaghi will demonstrate how generalized linear models can be used to analyze environmental factors of forest damage risks. We will learn about specifying generalized linear models including conditions and assumptions, selecting an appropriate linear model for a given problem, carrying out an analysis based on a generalized linear model in the statistical software R, interpreting and evaluating results correctly and drawing reasonable conclusions, and clearly and concisely communicating results and conclusions. Please get ready to use R to follow our hands-on exercise.