Elias Andersson
Department of Forest resource management
Landscape studies
Phone: +46 90 786 83 58
This is a course that will provide students and professionals with a basic understanding of gender in the forest sector and provide these with analytical tools to work on issues related to gender, inclusion and gender equality at a practical level. This course will be given in Swedish.
Gender competence for the forest sector is a 7,5hp distance course at half-speed with four physical hits. The course will be given in the latter half of the spring semester 2019 in Swedish and is open to both students and professionals.
is that after completion of the course the student should be able to handle gender concepts and tools to analyze and reflect on practical gender equality work in relation to the forest sector.
Upon completion of the course the student should be able to:
During the course, various aspects of the forest sector and forestry academy are studied based on basic theory of gender and gender equality work. The course is divided into four parts consisting of;
1) Introduction to gender perspective on forestry and forestry (1.5hp)
2) Organization and Leadership (1.5hp)
3) Forest Relationships (1hp)
4) a final project work (3.5hp)
Throughout the cource, the forest sector and academy is used as a starting point for studying and discussing gender and gender equality.
The implementation is largely based on literature, lectures with seminars and project work. During the course's meetings, which are obligatory to attend, both teaching takes place in the form of lectures, exercises, seminars and examinations.
Teacher-led meetings, exercises and written reports are compulsory parts of the course.
Department of Forest resource management
Landscape studies
Phone: +46 90 786 83 58