Professor Anna Schnürer
Department of Molecular sciences, SLU
Telephone: 018-673288, 0734231517
Microbial processes represent an important key for the development of a more sustainable and climate-smart society. Through knowledge of these, we can produce renewable value products, such as green energy and biochemicals.
In the field of microbial biotechnology, we study anaerobic microorganisms and bioprocesses. The research aims to generate basic knowledge about microbial metabolism and ecology and to understand connections between diversity, function and process. Our main goal is to produce knowledge of importance for different types of bioprocesses, but also to understand their importance in the environment. Our research ranges from isolation and characterization of new organisms, to operation and optimization of different types of bioprocesses. The characterization of microorganisms takes place both with anaerobic culturing techniques and molecular methods, which we also partly develop within our research group. The research laboratory has different types of bioreactors (1-40L), but we often also collaborate with industry and study full-scale processes.
Here we study both the microorganisms that drive biogas production and evaluate different substrates and reactor types. The research in this area aims to find new solutions for reaching high efficiency of the process as well as to find new applications and / or synergies with other bioprocesses, such as the production of organic acids or feed. Another area of interest is the digestate and various issues related to its use as a fertilizer. The research takes place partly in collaboration with Linköping University and industry within the national platform BRC and with the research institutes RISE and IVL. We also collaborate with other researchers at SLU, who are gathered within a biogas center. In collaboration with researchers at SLU, we also study the methane formation process in various natural environments, such as in the rumen of cows and in rice fields.
If you are interested in our research for a collaborative project or to do a master's or exchange project, you are welcome to contact Anna Schnürer (contact information below). You will find more information about our research projects under the tab "ongoing projects" and more information about us can also be found on twitter (@AMB_SLU) or via the biogas blog.
Jonas Ohlsson
Victoria Goddio
Andrea Carranza Muñzo (Industrial PhD IVL)
Hateem Ul Ghani
Simon Isaksson (research engineer)
Abhijeeth Singh, Oskar Karlsson-Lindsjö, Maria Erikson, Karin Ahlberg Eliasson, Li Sun, Jan Moestedt, Kajsa Risberg, Lotta Levén, Karin Nyberg
Abhijeeth Singh, Post doc Uppsala University, Department of Earth Sciences (
Florian Gabler, PhD student (RISE and Dept. of Energy and Technology)
Sepher Shakeri Yekta (Environmental Change (TEMA M) Dept. of Thematic Studies, Linköping University)
Rebecca Danielsson (Dept of Animal Nutrition and Management, SLU)
Melania Angelotti (PhD student) (Dept of Animal Animal Nutrition and Management, SLU)
Erik Bongcam-Rudloff (Dept of Animal Breeding and Genetics, SLU)
Anna Neubeck (Department of Earth Sciences Uppsala University)
Jan Moestedt (Processutveckling, Tekniska Verken, Linköping)
Jan Dolfing (Mechanical and Construction Engineering Northumbria University).
Forskare i BSRC (
The research is performed in cooperation with national and international universities, as well as with industry and branch oriented organisations
Contact us if you are interested in discussing biogas issues or would like to be a partner in a biogas project. We are also engaged in seminars and courses and can assist in process evaluations and analyses.
Read more about our biogas projects here: (link to webpage).
More information about our collaboration partners is available here (link to webpage).
You can also find information about our activities on the Biogas blogg (in Swedish).
Department of Molecular sciences, SLU
Telephone: 018-673288, 0734231517