About us

Last changed: 27 January 2025

Here, you can find contact information and information on how to find us.

Where to find us

SLU is located south of Uppsala centre. Go south on Dag Hammarskölds väg, turn left on Veterinärvägen and then right on Ulls väg. The BioCentre (a large grey brick building) is located on the left-hand side. There are also buses that stop at Ulls väg, see Upplands lokaltrafik for details.

The BioCentre is located in the center of the campus.  Website


Department head (prefekt)
Mattias Thelander email

Director of Undergraduate Studies
Anna Westerbergh email
Per-Olof Lundquist email
Director of Postgraduate Studies
Anders Hafrén email

Course administrator
Qing Heijkenskjöld email

Staff administrator
Lotta Olsson email

IT admin, webmaster
Christian Divander email

Paper mail
Uppsala Biocenter
Plant Biology
PO Box 7080
SE-750 07 Uppsala

Billing address
SLU Fakturamottagning
PO Box 7090
SE-75007 Uppsala, Sweden

Visiting address
BioCentrum, Almas allé 5, Ultuna (Uppsala)
(also Undervisningsplan 7E)

Package delivery address
Department of Plant Biology
Ulls gränd 1
SE-75651 Uppsala, Sweden

Direct delivery address
Lennart Hjelms väg 8

Billing address
SLU Fakturamottagning
PO Box 7090
SE-75007 Uppsala, Sweden

Visiting address
BioCentrum, Undervisningsplan 5, Ultuna

Direct delivery address
Lennart Hjelms väg 8 (northern side of the Biocenter building)

Note: up to 2014 we were the Department of Plant Biology and Forest Genetics
