Mattias Thelander, Head of department
Department of Plant Biology, +46 18 673236
The Department organizes and teaches on many of the basic and advanced biology courses used in SLU's educational programmes.
The department has the main responsibility for several of the university's courses in Uppsala. We also participate as teachers in courses organized by other institutions. Our subjects are cell biology, genetics, molecular biology, virology, plant physiology, plant breeding and plant pathology.
Here you will find our courses within undergraduate education.
For more information, please contact the directors of studies Anna Westerbergh email or Per-Olof Lundquist email.
The department is giving post-graduate education (PhD) in the Biology topic. The projects are mainly externally funded. To get an idea of our work, please take a look at our publications list.
Requirements for obtaining a Doctor degree: 30 course credits, and a thesis comprised of:
1. At least 3 papers
2. The doctoral student must have first or split first authorship of at least two of the papers.
3. At least one of the papers must have been accepted for publication or have been published in an international scientific journal.
It takes 4-5 years to finish a PhD. During this time, 5-10% of the time is devoted to UG teaching.
General objectives for a Doctor degree in Sweden are set by the Higher Education Ordinance (Universitets & höskolerådet A summary can be found here.
PhD courses are mainly given by SLU Research Schools, for us mainly “Organism biology” see
More practical details on admission, follow-up of the studies and thesis defense can be found at our internal web.
The ULS PhD Student Council for PhD students at the Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences.
Interested in Sweden? See general information compiled by the Swedish Institute.
Interested in working at SLU? See general information compiled by SLU.
Mattias Thelander, Head of department
Department of Plant Biology, +46 18 673236