Topics and groups

Read more about the research groups. at the Department of Plant Biology and their research here.
Molecular Cell Biology
Epigenetic regulation of plant development
Köhler, Claudia
Understanding plant-pest interactions and plant defence in Brassicaceae
Meijer, Johan
Plant sugar signalling and carbon allocation
Sun, Chuanxin
3D organization of the plant cell nucleus
Rosa, Stefanie
Plant Genomics and Breeding
Population genomics, quantitative genetics and plant breeding
Ingvarsson, Pär
Plant pathogenic fungi and their plant-host interactions
Dixelius, Christina
Using wild plants and their genetic diversity for the development of novel crops in a changing climate
Westerbergh, Anna
Beneficial bacteria interactions with plants
Lundberg, Derek
The Plant Clinic
Salim Bourras
Plant Physiology
Plant grafting and vascular regeneration
Melnyk, Charles
Physiology of N2-fixing plants and perennial cereals
Lundquist, Per-Olof
Regulation of sterol and glycoalkaloid metabolism
Sitbon, Folke
Reproductive development (cone and flower setting) of vascular plants
Sundström, Jens
Evolution of developmental control in land plants
Thelander, Mattias
Plant Virology
Molecular epidemiology of plant-infecting viruses
Kvarnheden, Anders
Molecular Plant-Virus Interactions
Savenkov, Eugene
Developmental genetics and evolution
Sicard, Adrien
Epigenetics of stress and reproduction
Martinez Arias, Germán
Molecular Interactions
Mechanisms of autophagy and cell death in plant immunity
Hofius, Daniel
Plant-Virus Interactions
Hafrén, Anders
Embryogenesis and Phase Change
Sara von Arnold
Organ development in Arabidopsis and moss
Eva Sundberg