QTL mapping
QTL mapping
We investigate the genetic basis of traits of interest by means of quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping. For the QTL mapping we use the genetic linkage maps S1 and S3 developed in this project, and phenotypic data from all individuals in the mapping populations (see Linkage maps project section). We are conducting field, greenhouse and lab experiments to quantify the variation in resource economy in relation to growth (mainly water and nutrient use efficiency), tolerance to heat, resistance to leaf rust (Melampsora spp.) and to leaf gall midge (Dasineura marginemtorquens).
We also study phenology traits such as timing of bud burst and growth cessation, which are crucial for plant adaptation to the local climate. We study these traits both in field conditions and in a phytotron, where temperature and daylength can be controlled. |
QTL area for growth cessation and SNP marker closest to LOD-peak in the Salix linkage group Ib indicated in blue |