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Department of Soil and Environment

Our research seeks knowledge about the interaction between man, soil, plant and the surrounding environment in forest and agricultural landscapes as well as urban environments. We collect, analyze and report data on the state of the environment. 

What we do

In addition to conducting research, we teach at several of SLU's undergraduate programs and are responsible for two master's programs. Our post-graduate training involves around thirty PhD candidates. On behalf of Swedish authorities, we also conduct environmental analysis. We collect, analyze, and report data on the state of the environment.

The department i located in the MVM-building.

Research Projects

Curious about our research? Here you can find ongoing research projects.

Comments on the EU Soil Directive

Researchers at the department have provided input on the European Commission's proposal for a Soil Directive, "Soil Monitoring Law".

A child's hands holding a small plant in dirt.

National Data Host

We deliver quality-assured data from environmental monitoring. The data is collected through the national and regional environmental monitoring programs for agricultural land.

A person at the edge of a river takes water samples, photo.

Field Stations

We conduct different field trials as a part of the applied rearch. Most of them are located to our field stations Lanna Research station outside Skara and Ekhaga outside Uppsala.

A tracotr ona field under a blue sky, photo.
Published: 20 June 2024 - Page editor: markmiljo-webb@slu.se

ISO 14001_En.png

The Department of Soil and Environment is environmentally certified.

Contacts at the Department of Soil and Environment

Head of Department: Johan Stendahl, 018-67 38 01 
Deputy Head of Department: Mattias Lundblad, 018-67 22 26
Administrative Manager: Britta Lästh, 018- 67 25 56
Communications Officer: Elin Wärm, 018-67 26 94

Mailing address: Department of Soil and Environment, Box 7014, 750 07  Uppsala, Sweden

Billing address: SLU Fakturamottagning, Box 7090, 750 07  Uppsala, Sweden

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