About the Department of Soil and Environment

Last changed: 08 January 2025
A moder building in evening light, photo.

The Department of Soil and Environment is part of the Soil-Water-Environment cluster at SLU and belongs to both the Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences and the Faculty of Forest Sciences. It is located in Uppsala, Sweden.

Our research seeks knowledge about the interaction between man, soil, plant and the surrounding environment in forest and agricultural landscapes as well as urban environments.

We teach at several of SLU’s undergraduate programs and run two masters programs. Our post-graduate training involves around thirty PhD candidates. On behalf of Swedish authorities, we collect, analyze and report data on the state of the environment.

Do you need answers to specific questions? Take a look at our collaboration page.

Contact persons and information about the MVM building, where the department is located, can be found here. The webpage is only accessible for staff at SLU.


Head of department

Johan Stendahl
Johan.Stendahl@slu.se, 018-67 38 01

Deputy head of department

Mattias Lundblad
mattias.lundblad@slu.se, 018-67 22 26

Assistant heads of department

Mattias Lundblad
mattias.lundblad@slu.se, 018-67 22 26
Areas: Agricultural Water Management, Soil Chemistry

Helena Aronsson
helena.aronsson@slu.se, 018-67 24 66
Areas: Soil Nutrient Turnover in the Soil (Skara and Uppsala), Lanna Research Station

Geert Cornelis 
geert.cornelis@slu.se, 018-67 12 68
Areas: Biochemistry of forest soils, Soil Mechanics and Management, Soil and Environmental Physics, Soil Biology

Economy, administration and communication

Head of administration
Britta Lästh, britta.lasth@slu.se, 018-67 25 56

David Törling, david.torling@slu.se, 018-67 22 76
Martina Camitz Trowald, martina.camitz.trowald@slu.se, 018-67 27 52
Ellinor Norman, ellinor.norman@slu.se, 018-67 14 33
Sofia Johansson, sofia.johansson@slu.se, 018-67 33 18

Sara Wassén, sara.wassen@slu.se, 018-67 24 85, 0738-04 39 81

Student Service
Gustaf Holmberg, mark-kurssekretariat@slu.se, 0720-83 95 36 / 018-67 24 93

Communictions Officer
Elin Wärm, elin.warm@slu.se, 018-67 26 94

Hamede Tajaddodi, hamede.tajaddodi@slu.se, 076-141 74 26

Teaching & laboratories

Directors of Undergraduate Studies:
Magnus Simonsson, magnus.simonsson@slu.se, 018-67 12 72 
Katharina Meurer, katharina.meurer@slu.se, 018 67 24 76

Director of Postgraduate Studies:
Elisabet Lewan, lisbet.lewan@slu.se, 018-67 26 29

Laboratory Manager

Other contacts

Environmental Coordinator
Helena Linefur, helena.linefur@slu.se, +4618672459

Certification mark ISO 14001. Illustration.

The Department of Soil and Environment is environmentally certified.









Find us

Visiting address in Uppsala: Lennart Hjelms väg 9, Uppsala

Buses to SLU Ultuna

From the Central station in Uppsala, you can take bus 4, 100. 101 or 188 to Campus Ultuna. The bus company no longer accepts cash on buses in Uppsala, they do however take credit cards. You can find more information regarding timetables and tickets at the Upplands Lokaltrafik web site.

Mailing address

Department of Soil and Environment
Box 7014
750 07  Uppsala

Billing address

SLU Fakturamottagning
Box 7090
750 07  Uppsala

Delivery address

Department of Soil and Environment
Gerda Nilssons väg 5
756 51  Uppsala
Telephone: +46(0)18-67 30 05

Opening hours: 08.30-15.00 (closed for lunch 11.30-12.30)


Department of Soil and Environment
Box 234
SE-532 23  Skara
Telephone: +46(0)511-67 000
Visiting address: Gråbrödragatan 19, 532 31  Skara


Lanna försöksstation 
SE-531 93 Lidköping
Telephone: 0510-530005





The Department was formed in 2008 through an amalgamation of the Department of Soil Science and the Department of Forest Soils. We moved into our premises in the new state-of-the-art Soil-Water-Environment building at Ultuna, Uppsala in 2011.


Johan Stendahl
Head of Department and Researcher, Department of Soil and Environment