Extension services at the Department of Soil and Environment

Last changed: 20 June 2024
Several persons are digging a whole in the ground outdoors, photo.

Collaboration and continuous dialogue with stakeholders and the public is the foundation for our research.

We work closely with the agricultural and forestry sectors, extension services, authorities etc. to identify and look for solutions to the most important questions they are facing, to develop research projects and to communicate the results from work we perform. We also deal with questions from schools and the public about soil science and the sustainable management of soils.

Our external collaboration specialists

Black and white portrait of a woman, photo.Helena Aronsson

External collaboration specialist in soil and environment

Good nutrient management on a farm is the key for efficient production with low negative environmental impact.

Read more about Helena Aronsson.


Black and white portrait photo of a man, photo.Mats Söderström

External collaboration specialist in precision agriculture

In precision agriculture you use satellite positioning, sensors, digital soil mapping, satellite images, and geographical information systems to adapt cultivation measures to the needs of every part of the field.

Read more about Mats Söderström.

Black and white portrait of a woman, photo.

Ingrid Wesström

External collaboration specialist in water management in the agricultural landscape

Ingrid want to contribute to a future viable agriculture based on sustainable land and water use.

Read more about Ingrid Wesström.



Environmental monitoring

In our work with environmental monitoring we assesse the state of the environment in Sweden on a mission from the government. We coordinate two programs from the Department. Read more about them below.

  • Climate programme - We support efforts to achieve the Reduced Climate Impact environmental objective. In the near term priority is being given to Sweden's international climate reporting in the land-use, land-use change and forestry sectors. 
  • Agricultural landscape programme - We monitor the agricultural landscape and contribute to an overall picture of the environmental quality in the agricultural landscape.


helena.aronsson@slu.se, 018-672466

mats.soderstrom@slu.se, 0511-67244

ingrid.wesstrom@slu.se, 018-671183