The Soil and Plant Laboratory

The laboratory performs field and plant nutrition analyzes and has good resources for preparing soil samples. Continuous quality work is being conducted through participation in international proficiency testing.
Soil analyses are mainly carried out for the environmental monitoring program Markinventeringen, the department's long-term field experiments, and for the department's research projects, but external assignments are also carried out regularly.
Nutrient analyses of plant and soil samples (e.g. grain, grass, potatoes) are mainly carried out for SLU, but external assignments can also be carried out.
Analysis order forms can be downloaded here.
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Brief descriptions of the analyses we perform at the Soil and Plant Laboratory are listed here below.
Determination of dry matter and loss on ignition
The sample is weighed and dried in a heating cabinet at 105°C for 20-24 h. The sample is then weighed and the dry matter is calculated. For loss on ignition, the dry sample is placed in a muffle furnace and burned at 550°C for at least 2 hours. The sample is then weighed and the loss on ignition is calculated.
Total carbon and nitrogen - determination by LECO
The sample is burned at 1350°C in pure oxygen, after which the combustion gases are analyzed for carbon dioxide and nitrogen. The result is given as percentage by weight of carbon and nitrogen. For the determination of organic carbon, the samples are first annealed at 550°C and analyzed, then the remaining carbonate carbon is burned at 1350°C. The organic carbon content is then calculated. The organic carbon content is then calculated as: Org-C = Tot-C - Carb-C.
pH of water extract
The soil sample is mixed with water to form a suspension. pH is measured on the suspension.
In the EN ISO 10390:2022 method and the 'House method' the suspension is mixed in a volume:volume proportion, while in the MI method the suspension is mixed in a mass:volume proportion (1:5 in all cases).
pH of 0,01 M CaCl2 extract
The soil sample is mixed with 0,01 M CaCl2 solution to form a suspension. pH is measured on the suspension.
In the EN ISO 10390:2022 method, the suspension is mixed in volume:volume proportion, while in the MI method the suspension is mixed in mass:volume proportion (1:5 in both cases).
pH of 1 M KCl extract
The soil sample is mixed with 1 M KCl solution and the soil is filtered from the extracts. The filtrate is used for pH determination.
Acidity of 1 M KCl extract
The sample is extracted with 1 M KCl solution. After filtration, a potentiometric titration to pH 7,6 is carried out with 0,02 M NaOH and the acidity is obtained.
Aluminum in 1 M KCl extract - determination by ICP-OES
Aluminum ions are extracted from the soil sample with 1 M KCl solution and the soil is filtered from the extracts. The filtrate is used for pH determination and determination of aluminum content by ICP-OES.
Acidity of 1 M NH4OAc extract (pH = 7,0)
The sample is extracted with 1 M NH4OAc solution. After filtration, a potentiometric titration to pH 7,0 is carried out with 0,1 M NaOH to obtain the acidity.
Base cations in 1 M NH4OAc extract (pH = 7,0) - determination by ICP-OES
The sample is extracted with 1 M NH4OAc solution. After filtration, the concentration of Ca, K, Mg, Mn and Na is determined by ICP-OES.
Orthophosphate - determination by autoanalyzer (Segmented Flow Analysis, SFA)
Orthophosphate reacts with molybdate and ascorbic acid to form a blue compound that is measured at a wavelength of 660 nm. The calibration range is 0.05 - 50 mg/L as P.
Ammonium, nitrate and nitrite by autoanalyser (FIA)
The soil sample is frozen and extracted in 2 M KCl. The concentration of NH4-N and NO3-N in the extract solution is determined colorimetrically by autoanalyser. When analyzing nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N), the sum of nitrate plus nitrite nitrogen is obtained.
Electrical conductivity - determination
The soil sample is extracted in water to dissolve the electrolytes. After filtration, the electrical conductivity of the filtrate is measured.
Extractable plant nutrients - extraction with calcium chloride (CaCl2) - determination by ICP-OES or SFA
The soil sample is extracted with 0,01 M CaCl2 solution. After filtration, the concentration of P, K, Ca and Mg is determined by ICP-OES. Alternatively, orthophosphate is determined colorimetrically by segmented flow analysis, SFA (Autoanalyser).
Extractable plant nutrients - extraction with ammonium lactate-acetic acid solution (AL) - determination by ICP-OES
The soil sample is extracted with ammonium lactate/acetic acid solution. After filtration, the concentration of P, K, Ca, Mg and Na is determined by ICP-OES.
Extractable plant nutrients - extraction with hydrochloric acid (HCl) - determination by ICP-OES
The soil sample is extracted with 2 M HCl. After filtration, the concentration of P, K, Ca, Mg and Na is determined by ICP-OES.
Extractable plant nutrients - digestion with nitric acid (HNO3) - determination by ICP-OES
Soil or plant samples are digested with concentrated nitric acid. After filtration the concentration of P, K ,Ca ,Mg ,Na ,Cu ,Zn ,S ,Fe ,Al and B is determined by ICP-OES.
Elements in oxalic acid ammonium oxalate extracts (pH = 3,0) - determination by ICP-OES
The soil sample is extracted with 0,2 M ammonium oxalate/oxalic acid. After filtration, the concentration of P, Al and Fe is determined by ICP-OES.
Elements in extracts with 0,5 M NaHCO3 (Olsen method) - determination by ICP-OES
The soil sample is extracted with 0,5 M NaHCO3 at pH 8,5. After filtration, the concentration of P is determined by ICP-OES.
Phosphorus sorption index (PSI) - determination by ICP-OES or SFA
The soil sample is shaken with phosphorus-containing solution. After filtration, the phosphorus content of the supernatant is determined and the degree of sorption is calculated. The concentration of phosphorus is determined by ICP-OES, alternatively the concentration of orthophosphate is determined by segmented flow analysis, SFA (Autoanalyser).
Greenhouse gases, methane and nitrous oxide - determination by headspace gas chromatography, HS-GC
The sample is taken in a vial by the chamber method. The sample is separated as it flows through a permanent gas separation column. Methane is detected and quantified using a flame ionization detector. Nitrous oxide is detected using an electron capture detector.
Price list 2024
Soil preparation |
Drying, grinding, sieving (<2 mm) | 180 kr |
DNA-sample preparation (freeze grinding, freeze drying, grinding, weighing) | 510 kr |
Plant preparation |
Threshing | 165 kr |
Cleaning grain, seeds | 100 kr |
Milling plant material (<2 mm) | 165 kr |
Milling grain (<2 mm) | 115 kr |
Single soil analyses |
Total solids (105°C) | 110 kr |
Loss on ignition (550°C) | 200 kr |
pH (H2O) or pH (CaCl2) | 120 kr |
Electrical conductivity (EC) | 120 kr |
Single plant analyses |
Total solids on whole plant material (100°C, 60°C, 40°C) | 120 kr |
Total solids on prepared plant material (105°C) | 110 kr |
Near Infrared Transmittance (NIT) analysis of cleaned grain, seeds | 90 kr |
Thousand grain weight | 90 kr |
Elemental analysis of carbon and nitrogen |
Total carbon | 260 kr |
Organic carbon (Total carbon also reported) | 350 kr |
Total nitrogen |
260 kr |
Total carbon + total nitrogen | 300 kr |
Organic carbon + total carbon + total nitrogen | 400 kr |
Mineral nitrogen analysis (ammonium and nitrate nitrogen) |
Freeze grinding of soil | 190 kr |
KCl-extraction + DW (%) | 180 kr |
Ammonium nitrogen in extracts | 150 kr |
Nitrate nitrogen in extracts | 150 kr |
Extractable nutrients |
Determination of plant available elements (AL-method) | |
Extraction + analysis of one element | 275 kr |
Extra element, per element | 45 kr |
Extraction using hydrochloric acid (HCl) solution for determination of P, K, Ca, Mg, Na (storage nutrients) |
Extraction + analysis of one element | 275 kr |
Extra element, per element | 45 kr |
Digestion using concentrated nitric acid (HNO3) for determination of P, S, K, Mg, Ca, Na, Mn, Cu, Zn, Al |
Extraction + analysis of one element | 350 kr |
Extra element, per element | 45 kr |
Other special analyses |
Analysis of prepared extracts (AL, HCl, HNO3, NH4Ox, CaCl2, KCl) - no sample preparation by the lab | |
Analysis of one element | 160 kr |
Extra element, per element | 45 kr |
Determination of CEC and base saturation (Ammonium acetate pH 7) |
800 kr |
Determination of elements (e g P, Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn) after extraction using ammoniumoxalate/oxalic acid |
800 kr |
Determination of methane and nitrous oxide in air (… GHG emissions from soil) - headspace-gaschromatography |
125 kr |
Shipping |
Shipping costs are added for return of samples after completed analysis & sending sampling materials | Price depends on size and weight of package |