Tile-drained field

Last changed: 20 June 2024
Five people at a tractor on a field, one of the people standing in a hole in the ground, photo.

The tile-drained field experiments consist of separately-drained plots, each with continuous measurement of discharge and flow-proportional sampling.

The sites are managed by field staff, who also document all field operations and crop and soil sampling. In addition to international journal articles, the experimental results are also published in the Swedish-language report series Ekohydrologi.

Field site

Soil type

No. plots

Type of study

Contact person


Marine clay


P losses with differing fertilization, soil tillage and liming practices  

Barbro Ulén


Fine sand


Influence of catch crops and the timing of soil tillage operations on nutrient losses

Helena Aronsson


Heavy clay


Long-term experiments on conventional and ecological farming systems; special studies on green fallow, soil tillage,  use of glyphosate etc.

Gunnar Torstensson, Barbro Ulén, Helena Aronsson


Fine sand


Long-term experiments on conventional and ecological farming systems; use of manure, soil tillage, catch crops etc.

Gunnar Torstensson, Helena Aronsson

Lilla Böslid

Fine sand


Short-term experiments on potato cultivation, catch crops, weed control etc.

Gunnar Torstensson, Helena Aronsson

Lilla Böslid

Light loam


Short-term experiments; cultivation systems and strategy for optimising manure application

Gunnar Torstensson, Helena Aronsson


Loamy moraine


Long-term experiments on crop rotations in Scania with sugar beet, cereals and oilseeds, as well as bio-energy crop rotations with the use of residues from anaerobic digestion.

Helena Aronsson




Helena Aronsson, Senior Lecturer and External Collaboration Specialist
Department of Soil and Environment, SLU
helena.aronsson@slu.se, +46 18-67 24 66