About Catalogue of measures

In Waterdrive we have collected information on a number of agri-environmental measures used around the Baltic Sea. The measures altogether covers the scale from the field, field-to stream and the stream and also the whole catchment.
Included is information on their functionality and effectiveness primarily for water and nutrient retention but also aspects as biodiversity, production and climate are related to.
Waterdrive partners created the catalogue
The Catalogue was produced as the activity 'Information on agri-environmental measures' (Activity 3.1) within the workpackage 'Advancing new technologies and methods (WP3).
How we worked
Templates for describing measures were designed and agreed on. Partners then described measures according to the templates. Two templates were used, one for a short description (1 page) and another for a more extended description (4 pages).
The measures were described according to:
- Purpose and main principles of functionality
- Localisation and implementation
- Effects, duration and maintenance
- Cost and policy instruments (briefly for some of the measures)
Responsiblity for the content in the descriptions have the partner describing the specific measure, although we had an internal review process.
The partners
- Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) (Sweden)
- Coordination and lead task 3.1 - Latvia University of Life Science and Technologies (LLU) (Latvia)
- WP3 leader - European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology – UNESCO (Poland)
- Federal Scientific Agriengineering Centre VIM, St Petersburg (Russia)
- Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) (Finland)
- Finnish Field Drainage Association (Finland)
- Gurievsk city district, Kaliningrad region (Russia)
- Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE) (Finland)
- Northwest Research Institute of Agricultural Economics and Organisation – NWRIAEO (Russia)
- Swedish Authorities for Water Basin Management (Sweden)
More about how we worked
The group of activities in 3.1 has produced a web-based ‘Catalogue of measures’ that collects information on a selection of agri-environmental measures used in countries around the Baltic Sea. The measures are described both shortly to attract a wide public and more detailed for those more interested. To enhance uniform structure in the description of the measures, templates for the two levels of information were produced. The partners working in 3.1 selected measures they wanted to bring to the catalogue and described them according to the templates. This mean that the authors have the ownership of their descriptions. In total 12 measures located from field to stream were included. Measures at the field were: gypsum liming (FI), structural liming (SE), subsurface application of manure (RU) and nutrient application planning (RU). Measures in the drainage systems were: renovation of drainage systems (LV), controlled drainage (FI) and subsurface constructed wetlands (LV). In the stream the measures were: constructed wetlands (FI), grassed buffer zones (FI) and two-stage ditches (FI). Finally, measures related to landuse were: areas allowed for flooding (FI) and rehabilitation of land reclamation facilities (RU). The short descriptions were also used in the multi-media educational package produced in 5.2. The materials produced by the group of activities 3.1 is also available on the WATERDRIVE project website under the section "Results and Outputs" (https://water-drive.eu/toolbox-2/).