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Search employee

Number of search results: 22

  • Daniel Basalirwa

    Daniel Basalirwa

    Postdoctor at the Department of Soil and Environment; Biogeochemistry of Forest Soils

    E-mail: daniel.basalirwa@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 7014

    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9 , Uppsala
  • Francesco Bergese

    Francesco Bergese

    Non employee at the Department of Soil and Environment; Biogeochemistry of Forest Soils

    E-mail: francesco.bergese@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 7014

    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9 , Uppsala
  • Yaana Bruneel

    Yaana Bruneel

    Postdoctor at the Department of Soil and Environment; Biogeochemistry of Forest Soils

    E-mail: yaana.bruneel@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 7014

    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9 , Uppsala
  • Christofer Engberg Hydén

    Christofer Engberg Hydén

    Environmental Assessment Assistant at the Department of Soil and Environment; Biogeochemistry of Forest Soils

    Telephone: +4618672234, +46722246624
    E-mail: christofer.engberg.hyden@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 7014

    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9 , Uppsala
  • Getachew Gemtesa Tiruneh

    Getachew Gemtesa Tiruneh

    Doctoral Student at the Department of Soil and Environment; Biogeochemistry of Forest Soils

    E-mail: getachew.tiruneh@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 7014

    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9 , Uppsala
  • Eric Gustafsson

    Eric Gustafsson

    Research Assistant at the Department of Soil and Environment; Biogeochemistry of Forest Soils

    E-mail: eric.o.gustafsson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 7014

    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9 , Uppsala
  • Sabine Jordan

    Sabine Jordan

    Researcher at the Department of Soil and Environment; Biogeochemistry of Forest Soils

    Telephone: +4618671946
    E-mail: sabine.jordan@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 7014

    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9 , Uppsala
  • Carina Josefsson Ortiz

    Carina Josefsson Ortiz

    Environmental Assessment Specialist at the Department of Soil and Environment; Biogeochemistry of Forest Soils

    Telephone: +4618673547, +46761159945
    E-mail: carina.josefsson.ortiz@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 7014

    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9 , Uppsala
  • Erik Karltun

    Erik Karltun

    Researcher at the Department of Soil and Environment; Biogeochemistry of Forest Soils

    Telephone: +4618671277, +46706901277
    E-mail: erik.karltun@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 7014

    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9 , Uppsala
  • Haichao Li

    Haichao Li

    Postdoctor at the Department of Soil and Environment; Biogeochemistry of Forest Soils

    Telephone: +4618673454, +46761441664
    E-mail: haichao.li@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 7014

    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9 , Uppsala
  • Mattias Lundblad

    Mattias Lundblad

    Researcher at the Department of Soil and Environment; Biogeochemistry of Forest Soils

    Telephone: +4618672226, +46709281287
    E-mail: mattias.lundblad@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 7014

    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9 , Uppsala
  • Layla Márquez San Emeterio

    Layla Márquez San Emeterio

    Postdoctor at the Department of Soil and Environment; Biogeochemistry of Forest Soils

    Telephone: +4618671586, +46732217103
    E-mail: layla.marquez.san.emeterio@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 7014

    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9 , Uppsala
  • Torbjörn Nilsson

    Torbjörn Nilsson

    Non employee at the Department of Soil and Environment; Biogeochemistry of Forest Soils

    Telephone: +4618673459
    E-mail: torbjorn.nilsson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 7014

    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9 , Uppsala
  • Vijayananda Sarangi

    Vijayananda Sarangi

    Postdoctor at the Department of Soil and Environment; Biogeochemistry of Forest Soils

    E-mail: vijayananda.sarangi@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 7014

    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9 , Uppsala
  • Ulrike Schwerdtner

    Ulrike Schwerdtner

    Non employee at the Department of Soil and Environment; Biogeochemistry of Forest Soils

    E-mail: ulrike.schwerdtner@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 7014

    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9 , Uppsala
  • Marie Spohn

    Marie Spohn

    Professor at the Department of Soil and Environment; Biogeochemistry of Forest Soils

    Telephone: +46730321569
    E-mail: marie.spohn@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 7014

    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9 , Uppsala
  • Johan Stendahl

    Johan Stendahl

    Head of department, Researcher at the Department of Soil and Environment; Biogeochemistry of Forest Soils

    Telephone: +4618673801, +46731513053
    E-mail: johan.stendahl@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 7014

    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9 , Uppsala
  • Monika Strömgren

    Monika Strömgren

    Researcher leave of absence at the Department of Soil and Environment; Biogeochemistry of Forest Soils

    Telephone: +46702261137
    E-mail: monika.stromgren@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 7014

    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9 , Uppsala
  • Ye Tian

    Ye Tian

    Postdoctor at the Department of Soil and Environment; Biogeochemistry of Forest Soils

    E-mail: ye.tian@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 7014

    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9 , Uppsala
  • Eduardo Vazquez Garcia

    Eduardo Vazquez Garcia

    Non employee at the Department of Soil and Environment; Biogeochemistry of Forest Soils

    E-mail: eduardo.vazquez.garcia@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 7014

    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9 , Uppsala
  • Wenyi Xu

    Wenyi Xu

    Postdoctor at the Department of Soil and Environment; Biogeochemistry of Forest Soils

    E-mail: wenyi.xu@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 7014

    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9 , Uppsala
  • Yanzi Yan

    Yanzi Yan

    Postdoctor at the Department of Soil and Environment; Biogeochemistry of Forest Soils

    Telephone: +46761382260
    E-mail: yanzi.yan@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 7014

    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9 , Uppsala