EJP SOIL: European collaboration for climate-smart and sustainable use of agricultural soil

Last changed: 20 June 2024
hay on a field in sunset

Soil is fundamental to our food and water supply, and also plays an important role in climate change. Therefore, prosperous and productive agricultural systems with minimal negative environmental impact are central to solving current societal challenges. The EJP SOIL research program highlights this by promoting European research collaborations focusing on climate-smart and sustainable agriculture.

The EJP (European Joint Programme) SOIL aims to develop knowledge, tools and a research network to promote climate-smart and sustainable agriculture that:

  • Enables sustainable food production
  • Maintains the biodiversity in the soil
  • Maintains soil functions that preserve soil ecosystem services.

The program provides knowledge and tools that can be applied in agriculture and policy development.

At SLU, the work is led by the Department of Soil and Environment, which has a special responsibility for capacity building through, among other things, postgraduate education. Our researchers are involved in 17 research projects. In total, 24 countries and 26 universities and research institutes participate in the program.

EJP SOIL will contribute to:

  • Increase knowledge and promote the uptake of agricultural practices that take into account sustainability, climate adaptation and mitigation.
  • Understand how soil carbon sequestration can contribute to climate change mitigation at different spatial levels, from regional to European level.
  • Support harmonized soil information at the European level
  • Strengthen capacity and cooperation in European soil research

Read more about EJP SOIL and our research projects at the Swedish version of this webpage.

EJP SOIL logotyp


Project name: Towards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils (EJP SOIL)
Budget: EUR 80 million
Funder: Co-funded under Horizon 2020 (EU)
Planned project period: 2020-2025
Webpage: https://ejpsoil.eu
Contact: ejpsoil-sweden@slu.se


Elin Wärm, Communications Officer
Department of Soil and Environment, Department overhead - common
elin.warm@slu.se, +4618672694, +46761492798