These are some of the former group members of the Soil Mechanics and Soil Management group at the Department of Soil and Environment at SLU.
- Gabriel Thor, MSc student
- Katharina Meurer, now in the Plant nutrition and soil fertiliy group at the Deptartment of soil and environment
- Susanne Alexandersson, MSc student, now at Länsstyrelsen Uppsala
- Åsa Myrbeck, Scientist, now at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
- Elisabeth Bölenius, PhD student, now at Jordbruksverket
- Mona Mossadeghi-Björklund, Lic Student, now at Tyréns AB
- Carl Johan Wallenqvist, Research Technician, now at the Department of crop production ecology, SLU
- Hanna Williams, MSc student, now at HIR Skåne
- Emma Hellstedt, MSc student, now at Hushållningssällskapet Västra
- Tino Colombi, now researcher at Nottingham University
- Carl Larsson, MSc student
- Mitsuaki Ota, Post doctor
- Maria Sandin, Post doctor
- Hanna Sjulgård, PhD-student
- Ellen Landström, Msc student