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Collaborate with us

We collaborate with authorities, organisations and companies to develop knowledge about sustainable forests and forestry. Get in touch with your ideas for collaboration!

Many happy people sitting in a forest. Photo.

Collaborate with our researchers

Do you have questions related to our research areas?
Contact our researchers.

A woman by a tree. Photo.

Collaborate with our students

Our students can work with your challenges in a degree project. Read more about how it works.

Some people in a growth chamber. Photo.

SLU Partnership Alnarp

An organisation for cooperation between SLU in Alnarp, the business community, public authorities and industry organisations in southern Sweden.


Future silviculture in southern Sweden – a collaboration between SLU, Linnaeus University, Skogforsk and the forest sector in southern Sweden.

A hand holds a cone against a forest. Photo.


In the landscape laboratory in Snogeholm, research is being conducted in a larger plantation. Welcome to visit! The page is in Swedish.

An aerial photo of fields and forest. Photo.

Tema Lövskog

Develops knowledge about broadleaf trees in northern Europe and competence for sustainable management of broadleaf forests (in Swedish).

Birch leaves. Photo.

Trees For Me

Centre of excellence focused on fast-growing broadleaf trees for sustainable forestry, materials and energy in Sweden.

A birch forest. Photo.
A happy man holds a wooden board. Photo.

Do you have questions about future forms of collaboration?

Please keep in touch! Henrik Böhlenius is a lecturer at the department with a special collaborative assignment.

Published: 20 November 2023 - Page editor: stina.johannesson@slu.se

Contacts at the Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre

Head of Department
: Magnus Löf, Magnus.Lof@slu.se, +46 40 415119
Deputy head of Department: Elias Andersson, elias.andersson@slu.se, +46 40 415194
Postal address: Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre, SLU
P.O. Box 190, SE-234 22 Lomma, Sweden
Visiting address: Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre, SLU
Sundsvägen 3, SE-234 56 Alnarp, Sweden
