PhD education
Are you aiming for an academic career in forest science or do you want to increase your chances of getting a leading position in the forestry sector? Welcome to apply for our PhD education.

Dig deeper into forest science
As a PhD student you work in close collaboration with senior researchers and other PhD students, and are therefore an important part of our research environment. During your PhD studies at our department you will get the opportunity to dig deeper into one of our four research areas:
- Forest pathology
- Silviculture and forest production
- Conservation ecology and forest history
- Forest policy and planning
Do you want to know more?
Contact our Director of PhD studies, Annika Felton.

Doctoral studies at SLU
Doctoral studies at SLU train students to become skilled independent researchers.

Apply for SLU’s PhD courses
A doctoral education at SLU contains both subject courses and basic courses for transferable skills (e.g. courses in ethics, philosophy of science and pedagogics).