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Staff at the Division of Landscape Architecture

Number of search results: 49

  • Åsa Ahrland

    Åsa Ahrland

    Senior Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Profession and practice

    Telephone: +4618672508, +46706842508
    E-mail: asa.ahrland@slu.se

  • Emma Butler

    Emma Butler

    Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Landscape management

    Telephone: +4618673381, +46735675263
    E-mail: emma.butler@slu.se

  • Andrew Butler

    Andrew Butler

    Senior Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Spatial planning

    Telephone: +4618672662
    E-mail: andrew.butler@slu.se

  • Carla Cruz

    Carla Cruz

    Doctoral Student at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Spatial planning

    Telephone: +4618672513, +46761180835
    E-mail: carla.michelle.cruz@slu.se

  • Bodil Dahlman

    Bodil Dahlman

    Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Profession and practice

    Telephone: +4618672538, +46703342478
    E-mail: bodil.dahlman@slu.se

  • Rosa Danenberg

    Rosa Danenberg

    Postdoctor at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Design theory

    Telephone: +4618672327, +46722442941
    E-mail: rosa.danenberg@slu.se

  • Roger Elg

    Roger Elg

    Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Landscape management

    Telephone: +4618672590, +46733144862
    E-mail: roger.elg@slu.se

  • Amalia Engström

    Amalia Engström

    Researcher at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Spatial planning

    Telephone: +4618673511
    E-mail: amalia.engstrom@slu.se

  • Tomas Eriksson

    Tomas Eriksson

    Senior Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Design theory

    Telephone: +4618672109
    E-mail: tomas.eriksson@slu.se

  • Malin Eriksson

    Malin Eriksson

    Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Design theory

    Telephone: +4618671956, +460733371320
    E-mail: malin.eriksson@slu.se

  • Hanna Erixon Aalto

    Hanna Erixon Aalto

    Associate Senior Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Design theory

    Telephone: 018673497, +46725669757
    E-mail: hanna.erixon.aalto@slu.se

  • Sofia Eskilsdotter

    Sofia Eskilsdotter

    Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Landscape management

    Telephone: +4618672615, +46704566446
    E-mail: sofia.eskilsdotter@slu.se

  • Helena Espmark

    Helena Espmark

    Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Profession and practice

    Telephone: +4618671867, +460735873261
    E-mail: helena.espmark@slu.se

  • Sued Ferreira Da Silva

    Sued Ferreira Da Silva

    Doctoral Student at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Division of Landscape Architecture

    E-mail: sued.ferreira@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Inst för stad och land, Box 7012

    75007 UPPSALA
    Visiting address: Ulls väg 27 , Uppsala
  • Marcus Hedblom

    Marcus Hedblom

    Professor at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Landscape management

    Telephone: +4618671041, +46725316924
    E-mail: marcus.hedblom@slu.se

  • Viveka Hoff

    Viveka Hoff

    Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Profession and practice

    Telephone: +4618671902, +46707315992
    E-mail: viveka.hoff@slu.se

  • Rolf Johansson

    Rolf Johansson

    Professor emeritus at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Division of Landscape Architecture

    Telephone: 073-8272661
    E-mail: rolf.johansson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Inst för stad och land, Box 7012

    75007 UPPSALA
    Visiting address: Ulls väg 27 , Uppsala
  • Lars Johansson

    Lars Johansson

    Senior Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Landscape management

    Telephone: +4618671914, +46705665135
    E-mail: lars.johansson@slu.se

  • Neva Leposa

    Neva Leposa

    Researcher at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Spatial planning

    Telephone: +4618672520
    E-mail: neva.leposa@slu.se

  • Kani Ava Lind

    Kani Ava Lind

    Doctoral Student at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Design theory

    Telephone: +4618671998
    E-mail: kani.a.lind@slu.se

  • Anna Lundvall

    Anna Lundvall

    Lecturer leave of absence at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Profession and practice

    Telephone: +4618673512, +46736958289
    E-mail: anna.lundvall@slu.se

  • Johanna Magnusson

    Johanna Magnusson

    Teaching Assistant at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Division of Landscape Architecture

    E-mail: johanna.magnusson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Inst för stad och land, Box 7012

    75007 UPPSALA
    Visiting address: Ulls väg 27 , Uppsala
  • Ulla Myhr

    Ulla Myhr

    Senior Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Profession and practice

    Telephone: +4618672587
    E-mail: ulla.myhr@slu.se

  • Anders Mårsén

    Anders Mårsén

    Senior Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Profession and practice

    E-mail: anders.marsen@slu.se

  • Hildegun Nilsson Varhelyi

    Hildegun Nilsson Varhelyi

    Adjunct Professor at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Profession and practice

    E-mail: hildegun.nilsson-varhelyi@slu.se

  • Helena Nordh

    Helena Nordh

    Professor at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Design theory

    Telephone: +4618671943, +46732429409
    E-mail: helena.nordh@slu.se

  • Josephine Norrbo

    Josephine Norrbo

    Doctoral Student at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Profession and practice

    E-mail: josephine.norrbo@slu.se

  • Jonathan Nyman

    Jonathan Nyman

    Non employee at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Division of Landscape Architecture

    E-mail: jonathan.nyman@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Inst för stad och land, Box 7012

    75007 UPPSALA
    Visiting address: Ulls väg 27 , Uppsala
  • Cristina Prytz

    Cristina Prytz

    Non employee at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Division of Landscape Architecture

    Telephone: +4618671790, +4670366697
    E-mail: cristina.prytz@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Inst för stad och land, Box 7012

    75007 UPPSALA
    Visiting address: Ulls väg 27 , Uppsala
  • Marina Queiroz

    Marina Queiroz

    Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Design theory

    Telephone: +4618672511
    E-mail: marina.queiroz@slu.se

  • Mattias Qviström

    Mattias Qviström

    Professor at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Spatial planning

    Telephone: +4618672528
    E-mail: mattias.qvistrom@slu.se

  • Anna Robling

    Anna Robling

    Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Profession and practice

    Telephone: +46707468442
    E-mail: anna.robling@slu.se

  • Johan Ronnesjö

    Johan Ronnesjö

    Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Landscape management

    Telephone: +4618671752, +46761353087
    E-mail: johan.ronnesjo@slu.se

  • Sofia Sandqvist

    Sofia Sandqvist

    Senior Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Profession and practice

    Telephone: +4618673456, +46730870215
    E-mail: sofia.sandqvist@slu.se

  • Bruno Santesson

    Bruno Santesson

    Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Profession and practice

    Telephone: +4618672519, +46702501165
    E-mail: bruno.santesson@slu.se

  • Örjan Stål

    Örjan Stål

    Adjunct Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Landscape management

    E-mail: orjan.stal@slu.se

  • Francesca Taufer

    Francesca Taufer

    Doctoral Student at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Landscape management

    Telephone: +4618672066, +46720830571
    E-mail: francesca.taufer@slu.se

  • Lara Tickle

    Lara Tickle

    Postdoctor at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Landscape management

    Telephone: +18672245, +46761346387
    E-mail: lara.tickle@slu.se

  • Ella Uppala

    Ella Uppala

    Doctoral Student at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Department of Urban and Rural Development, Landscape Architecture

    E-mail: ella.uppala@slu.se

  • Daniel Valentini

    Daniel Valentini

    Researcher at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Spatial planning

    Telephone: +4618672149
    E-mail: daniel.valentini@slu.se

  • Maria Walter

    Maria Walter

    Adjunct Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Landscape management

    Telephone: 0768016830
    E-mail: maria.walter@slu.se

  • Sara Westerdahl

    Sara Westerdahl

    Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Profession and practice

    Telephone: +4618672446, +46702776870
    E-mail: sara.westerdahl@slu.se

  • Vera Vicenzotti

    Vera Vicenzotti

    Senior Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Design theory

    Telephone: +4618671928
    E-mail: vera.vicenzotti@slu.se

  • Carola Wingren

    Carola Wingren

    Professor at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Profession and practice

    Telephone: +4618672675, +46707104111
    E-mail: carola.wingren@slu.se

  • Maria Wisselgren

    Maria Wisselgren

    Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Profession and practice

    Telephone: +4618671945, +46702622254
    E-mail: maria.wisselgren@slu.se

  • Burcu Yigit Turan

    Burcu Yigit Turan

    Senior Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Spatial planning

    Telephone: +4618672533
    E-mail: burcu.yigit.turan@slu.se

  • Mia Ågren

    Mia Ågren

    Doctoral Student at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Spatial planning

    Telephone: +4618672549, +460738011008
    E-mail: mia.agren@slu.se

  • Petter Åkerblom

    Petter Åkerblom

    Senior Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Landscape management

    Telephone: +4618671660, +46706031660
    E-mail: petter.akerblom@slu.se

  • Anna Åshage

    Anna Åshage

    Doctoral Student, Research Assistant, Research Assistant leave of absence at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Landscape management

    Telephone: +4618671950, +46738404108
    E-mail: anna.ashage@slu.se
