20 Mar

Room L in Undervisningshuset Ultuna, Uppsala

Spring docent lectures at the department

Welcomes to the spring Docent lectures at the Department of Urban and Rural Development: Dil Khatri, Emil Sandström, Marien González Hidalgos and Martin Westin are giving their lectures.

The lectures are in room L in Undervisningshuset, Almas allé 10. If you're not able to attend on-site, they will also be broadcasted via Zoom

Zoom link: https://slu-se.zoom.us/j/67132236628
Lösenord: 808465

All lectures are in English. 

09.00 Dil Khatri in the subject Rural development:
Scientific forestry and decentralized forest governance: A critical reflection of four decades of community forestry management in the Nepal Himalaya

10.30 Emil Sandström in the subject Rural development:
Back to the land is back: Uncovering contemporary rural transformations

13.00 Marien González Hidalgos in the subject Rural development:
The uneven emotional geographies of rural development

14.30 Martin Westin in the subject Environmental communication:
Collaborative governance and public participation: navigating the paradox of power in sustainability transformations


Time: 2025-03-20 09:00 - 16:00
City: Uppsala
Location: Room L in Undervisningshuset Ultuna
Organiser: NJ Faculty
