Denmark 2018

Last changed: 25 April 2024

The 5th Nordic Conference for Rural Research ‘Challenged ruralities: Nordic welfare states under pressure’ took place in Denmark, May 14-16th 2018. The conference venue was this time Vingsted Conference Centre close to the international airport of Billund.

Challenged ruralities: Nordic welfare states under pressure

In recent years, the Nordic welfare states have been under pressure due to globalization, neoliberalism, the financial crisis, climate change, migration, etc. Although the welfare states still form the backbone of the Nordic countries and still secure democracy, the former division of labor between the state, market and civil society is no longer functioning as it once did. In many ways, the welfare states seem to have withdrawn, been transformed or become centralized with the responsibility for performing many functions being given to the private sector or civic societies. This is true for rural areas, in particular, where a range of municipal and public reforms have had a significant and rapid impact on public services and enlarged distances to citizens.

The fifth Nordic Rural Research Conference will explore the extent to which the changes we are witnessing today will influence rural areas and rural research in the Nordic countries.

Conference book

Nordic Ruralities Conference Book 2018



Challenged ruralities: Nordic welfare states under pressure

In recent years, the Nordic welfare states have been under pressure due to globalization, neoliberalism, the financial crisis, climate change, migration, etc. Although the welfare states still form the backbone of the Nordic countries and still secure democracy, the former division of labor between the state, market and civil society is no longer functioning as it once did. In many ways, the welfare states seem to have withdrawn, been transformed or become centralized with the responsibility for performing many functions being given to the private sector or civic societies. This is true for rural areas, in particular, where a range of municipal and public reforms have had a significant and rapid impact on public services and enlarged distances to citizens.

The fifth Nordic Rural Research Conference will explore the extent to which the changes we are witnessing today will influence rural areas and rural research in the Nordic countries.

These changes can be experienced in many ways in rural areas and are unavoidable in rural research. The conference will focus on the following four themes:


1. Politics, governance, local capacities

How have the profound changes in the welfare states affected national rural policies? What characterizes recent rural policies and politics in each country? What characterizes rural civic societies’ responses and capabilities to (re)act in general?


2. Infrastructure and services

On the one hand, much basic infrastructure and public services are being closed down or reduced in rural areas, while on the other hand there is a demand and need for a similar level of provision as in the rest of the society, e.g. looking after children, the elderly, schools and access to ICT. What solutions can be found? How are local communities involved?


3. Demography and mobility

Demography is heavily influenced by in-migration from poor countries, but also by urbanization, while recently there has been a tendency towards counter-urbanization as a response to the major changes. Among others lifestyles based on closer link with nature, new food-systems and mental health are emerging. What are the demographic trends and what effect are they having on the resource base in rural areas in the Nordic countries? How are local communities (re)acting to migration? Can any new patterns of rural consumption be identified?


4. Agriculture, forestry and fisheries

What effect are the ongoing changes mentioned above having on traditional enterprises, such as agriculture, forestry and fisheries, but also the extractive industries? Has recent immigration opened up for new opportunities in these sectors? How are agriculture, forestry and fishery enterprises coping with the financial crisis? How are they affected by neoliberal trade agreements that open up for competition?


Call for abstracts: Deadline the 1st of January 2018.



The listing of working groups in the parallel working group sessions  are still tentative. Do note that changes have been made since the first version of tentative program for WG’s in parallel sessions.


09:00-09:30 Registration, coffee
09:30-09:45 Welcome to Vingsted, opening of the conference, practical information


By Hanne Tanvig, IGN on behalf of the organizers and Steffen Damsgaard, chairman of the Danish national rural council

09:45-10:30 Keynote session 1:


Mine establishment in the rural North: Politics of localization and uneven Development

Senior lecturer Karin Beland Lindahl, Political Science, Luleå University of Technology

10:35-12:05 Parallel working group session 1


WG’s: 1.1, 2.5, 3.1, 4.2, 3.3, 3.6, Film Nationens hjärta

12:05-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:30 Parallel working group session 2


WG’s: 1.2, 2.5, 3.1, 4.2, 3.3, 3.6, Film Nationens hjärta

14:30-15:00 Coffee, cake
15:00-16:30 Parallel working group session 3


WG’s: 1.2, 2.5, 3.1, 4.3, 3.3, Film Nationens hjärta

16:35-17:20 Keynote session 2:


School closures in rural areas: How necessary are they, and what are the consequences for the local population?

Professor Gunnar Lind Haase Svendsen, Danish Center for Rural Research, University of Southern Denmark

17:30-18:30 Free time – we suggest you go for a walk in the freshly leaved beech forest. Look for the map of local sites in your conference folder.
19:00-21.30 Reception with local foods. Deputy director Sigmund Lubanski, Danish Business Authority and research leader Henrik Vejre, Department of Geosciences and Natural Ressource Management, University of Copenhagen will say hello
09:00-10:30 Parallel working session 4


WG’s: 1.2, 2.1, 2.3, 3.2, 4.3, 3.6, Film Halmeniemi Village School fight

10:35-11:20 Keynote session 3:


Nordic welfare states and geographic pluralities: public sector reforms and future challenges for rural communities.

Senior researcher Svein Frisvoll, RURALIS – Institute for Rural and Regional Research, Dragvoll Campus, Trondheim

11:20-12:00 Status and the future of Nordic Ruralities network, decisions to be made. Thoroddur Bjarnason.
12:05-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:30 Parallel working group session 5


WG’s: 1.5, 2.1, 2.3, 3.5, 4.1, Film Halmeniemi Village School fight

14:30-15:00 Coffee, cake



Guided tour around the Vejle River valley and dinner at Hopballe Mølle (optional)
09:00-10:30 Parallel working group session 6


WG’s: 1.5, 2.4, 3.5, 1.6,  State of the Nordic region

10:35-12:05 Parallel working group session 7


WG’s: 1.5, 2.4, 3.5, 1.6, State of the Nordic region

12:05-12:15 Closing of conference 
12:15-13:00 Lunch

Keanote Speakers

Key note 1:

Mine establishment in the rural North: Politics of localization and uneven Development

Senior lecturer Karin Beland Lindahl

 Changing welfare states, demographics, mobilities and governance approaches affect existence and the conditions for development in the Rural North. But what effects do the ongoing changes have on traditional natural resource based enterprises such as mining? In the early 1990s, Swedish mining was deregulated and opened to international actors, not least as a strategy to attract foreign investments. Over the last decade, Northern Sweden witnessed an increase in sceptical attitudes towards mine establishment, even in areas that have traditionally harboured positive attitudes toward mining. In some places, intractable, even violent, conflicts have evolved. In other places, new mines are welcomed or even asked for. Drawing on comparative qualitative and quantitate research, Karin Beland Lindahl explores the connections between mineral policy, place related factors such as labor market, demography, natural resource management history, and local actors’ perceptions and acceptance of new mine establishments in Northern Sweden. Using a place based lens, she investigates negotiations and conflicts over mine establishment as expressions of alternative, or competing, pathways to sustainability. However, sustainable development means different things to different actors who perceive different pathways to sustainability. Everybody wants jobs and a sustainable future for their descendants but a major division exists between those who perceive a mine as a threat and those who see it is a precondition for sustainable development. Whereas expectations of more jobs and local growth seem to be the most important factors shaping pro-mining perceptions and position, misgivings about negative effects on the environment, Sámi reindeer husbandry, Sámi culture, and outdoor recreation shape the negative ones. These perceptions, in turn, are linked to socio-economic factors such as education, perceptions of the legitimacy of the formal permitting process and place related parameters such as local labour market, population development, social organisation and political culture. Consequently, the spatial distribution of these factors affects local interpretations of sustainable development and mobilisation in ways that may explain why resistance and conflict exist in some places but not in another. Hence, the future of extractive industries in the Rural North is shaped by a politics of localisation that may give rise to uneven development rather than sustainable development.

Karin Beland Lindahl (PhD) is a senior lecturer with the political science unit of Luleå University of Technology in Sweden. She has a PhD in rural development from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and did her Post-Doctoral studies at the Institute for Future Studies in Stockholm. She has consistently focused her research on politics of natural resource management in rural contexts and is particularly interested in the the relationship between people’s perceptions and political action. What perceptions or preferences are prioritized and whose are ignored in policy making, and how should institutions be (re)designed to avoid or handle natural resource conflicts in legitimate ways? These questions have guided much of her previous and current research which focuses on governance and public policy in a natural resource management context. Her publications include studies of local processes, global trends, national governance, and how different governance levels interact and shape the conditions for national and local politics. Theoretically, Karin’s research is best placed in the field of interpretive policy analysis. Her expertise is in qualitative methods but she collaborates closely with colleagues with expertise in quantitative analysis. She has an interdisciplinary background, an interest in participatory research approaches and has been part of several interdisciplinary research projects and programs. Her current research focuses on three interlinked themes: natural resource management policy, place and sustainability, and conflicts and deliberation. Empirically, she has moved from a focus on forests to projects exploring the forest-, energy-, and land- use- nexus as well as mineral exploitation. She is currently involved in a number of research projects that explore the intersection between forest and climate policy as well as conflicts, legitimacy and deliberation in relation to mineral exploitation in Sweden and beyond.

Contact details: Unit of Political Science, ETS, Luleå University of Technology, 971 87 Luleå, Sweden, Telephone: +46929493293



Key note 2:

Title: “School closures in rural areas: How necessary are they, and what are the consequences for the local population?”

Professor Gunnar Lind Haase Svendsen


The presentation conveys results from a combined interview study and population analysis, undertaken in spring 2015 in the Danish peripheral municipality of Tønder in the south-western part of Jutland, near the German border (Svendsen & Sørensen 2016). The topic is important, partly because there is a general lack of combined qualitative-demographic studies of the local socio-economic consequences of these closures, partly because local and regional debates on school closures are ongoing in Denmark and elsewhere. These ‘clashes’ between (emotional) local viewpoints and the (economic) viewpoints of municipalities and the state have in fact escalated during the last couple of decades. Thus, in Denmark, a firm belief among decision-takers that ‘big is an effective kick’ (stort er velgjort) rather than ‘small is beautiful’ (småt er godt) has prevailed and e.g. resulted in a municipal reform in 2007 with a merger of 271 municipalities into 98. In this context, the overall purpose of our research project was to account for the positive and negative consequences of the closure of 8 out of 19 schools in Tønder Municipality in 2011. More specifically, we wanted to know 1) whether the population development in the 8 local communities (parishes) was anormal compared to the parishes where closures had not taken place, 2) how the interviewed municipality politicians and employees had experienced the school closure process they themselves had decided upon and carried through, and 3) how the interviewed local rural dwellers in the afflicted local communities had experienced the consequences for their respective communities. The presentation will focus on the latter part and, besides, briefly review the international literature, compare with another Danish peripheral municipality (Jammerbugt), which has chosen not to close small schools and – on this background – suggests some policy recommendations.


Gunnar Lind Haase Svendsen is an anthropologist and holds a PhD degree in cultural history. He is professor at the Danish Center for Rural Research, University of Southern Denmark, Department of Sociology, Environmental and Business Economics. His research interests include social capital theory, discourse analysis, historical institutionalism, the socioeconomic importance of trust and civic movements in rural areas, mostly Denmark. He has published papers in international journals within sociology, history and economics, as well as books, including The Creation and Destruction of Social Capital: Entrepreneurship, Co-operative Movements and Institutions (Edward Elgar, London, 2004), and Trust, Social Capital and the Scandinavian Welfare State: Explaining the Flight of the Bumblebee (Edward Elgar, London, 2016), both together with Gert T. Svendsen. His topics within rural studies include voluntary associations, public services, life satisfaction, social networks, church life, socio-spatial planning and small businesses.

Contact details:  Danish Center for Rural Research, University of Southern Denmark, Department of Sociology, Environmental and Business Economics, Niels Bohrs Vej 9, 6700 Esbjerg, Denmark, Email:

Telephpne: +45 65504227 Mobile: +45 22823707



Key note 3:

Nordic welfare states and geographic pluralities: public sector reforms and future challenges for rural communities.

Senior researcher Svein Frisvoll

Changing demography and uncertainties around future public funding put the expanding and evermore advanced Nordic welfare states, and especially their rural areas, under pressure. The combined consequences of these structural forces hit unevenly. The demographic consequences and their societal issues are well known. Urban and peri-urban areas experience rapid population growth, and although these areas also have an ageing population, their demographic weight is still within younger adults (20-40 years). Many rural areas, however, undergo a steady population decline, especially in the peripheries. Their demographic weight is steadily creeping towards the older age cohorts. However, the mutual interlinkages between this changing demography and the Nordic states’ welfare systems are understudied, especially in light of bleaker fiscal outlooks (ageing population) – and for Norway’s part: reduced petroleum revenues. These uneven developments represent a multitude of different contexts in which uniform welfare services are to be produced and managed. Simultaneously, the welfare state’s tasks and responsibilities seems to expand steadily as new services are implemented and regulatory frames are changed. Producing such services also seem to become more complex, as our time seem to be the age of “high possibilities”, “high expectations”, “high demand” and “high ability to make one’s expectations heard” (cf. social media). The sum of this is tougher requirements for highly specialised competence, and a need to manage and coordinate between a multitude of public/private bodies and services at different geographical divisions. On top of this, the national regulatory regime becomes intertwined with international regulation. Onto this churning context of deep change, the Nordic welfare states introduces public sector reforms, partly as a response to structural changes, but perhaps also because the changes represent a window of opportunity to impose ideologically driven changes.

The modern welfare state has so far ensured that the rural areas with declining population have not been turned into depleted societies. The question is, however, if we can continue to expect the welfare state to continue safeguarding communities with declining population against economic, cultural and social depletion? Frisvoll’s keynote presentation will address the combined pressures on rural communities and rural municipalities from demographic trajectories, welfare state reforms and national reforms in local government (the municipality reform), and analyse what future challenges lay ahead for rural communities in the Nordic countries.


Svein Frisvoll is senior researcher and research manager at Centre for Rural Research, where he has managerial responsibilities for two of the centre’s four key research areas: “Local Communities” and “Municipalities, Regions and Rural-Urban Interface”. Frisvoll has a PhD in Geography from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), and focuses on issues within rural spaceregional geography and local government in rural areas. His works on rural space include research on rural change with a particular focus on power and the entanglement of landscape, actors/agency and institutions. His works in regional geography and local government in rural areas include studies of regional development, amalgamation of municipalities, identity and the institutionalisation of new regional forms. Frisvoll has also studied how rural municipalities, some of which face bleak demographic trajectories, meet challenging national welfare reforms and structural reforms, and particularly their strategies for producing welfare services through inter-municipal cooperation. Frisvoll is part of the team of researchers studying work immigration to rural areas in the ongoing project “Global Labour in Rural Societies” (GLARUS).


Contact details: RURALIS – Institute for Rural and Regional Research, Dragvoll Campus, 7491 Trondheim, Telephone: +4740212862



Scientific committee

The scientific committee consists of one member from each Nordic country:

  • Marit S. Haugen, Center for Rural Research, Trondheim, Norway.
  • Þóroddur Bjarnason, University of Akureyri, Iceland.
  • Camilla Eriksson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden.
  • Tuija Mononen, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland.
  • Hanne W. Tanvig, Landscape Architecture and Planning at University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Local committee

The conference is organised by Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management (IGN) at the University of Copenhagen and Danish Centre for Rural Research (CLF) at University of Southern Denmark.

The organization team consists of:

  • Senior researcher Hanne Tanvig
  • Associate professor Lone Søderkvist Kristensen
  • Associate professor Lise Herslund
  • Associate professor Annette Aagaard Thuesen


Landdistrikstpuljen; Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs

Landbrugets Kulturfond; Danish Agriculture and Food Council

The Danish Rural Council

Practical information

The 5th Nordic Conference for Rural Research “Challenged ruralities: Nordic welfare states under pressure” will take place in Denmark, May 14th to 16th 2018. The Nordic ruralities conference is an interdisciplinary forum for rural research with a particular emphasis on the Nordic countries.

If you register before March 1st the price is 350 Euro. After March 1st the price is 370 Euro. If you are a student the price is 300 Euro.

Deadline for registration is April 25th 2018.

May 14th-16th 2018: Conference dates

Optional tour and dinner

Guided tour in the historic and beautiful Vejle River Valley. Dinner in the ancient Hopballe Mølle (mill).

Time: 15 – 22 o’clock May 15th.

Trip: We’ll learn about

  • The land of Vikings and the birth of Denmark
  • Land restoration and climate change protection
  • Viable villages
  • Scenic nature

Dinner: Cold and warm dishes

  • Varities of fish
  • The famous Hopballe chicken
  • New potatoes, salads
  • Cheese and desserts
  • Fruits, berries

We’ll meet the family that also lives from production of organic chicken and a shop/webshop
