Iceland 2016

Last changed: 25 April 2024

Nordic Ruralities: Crisis and Resilience. 4th Nordic Conference for Rural Research. University of Akureyri, Iceland. May 22 – 24, 2016.

The Nordic ruralities conference is an interdisciplinary forum for rural research with a particular emphasis on the Nordic countries. Rural communities frequently experience rapid changes in e.g. population density, employment opportunities and provision of services on a scale that would be considered catastrophic if they would occur in larger cities or at the national level.

Crisis is therefore a regular feature of many rural communities and rural development. Short-term economic fluctuations that constitute a major crisis on the national level may thus appear to be relatively minor, compared to the long-term economic instability of many rural communities. While rural areas are vulnerable to processes of globalization, urbanization and technological change, many have demonstrated remarkable resilience and ability to adapt to rapid change.

The 4th Nordic Ruralities conference in Akureyri in Northern Iceland emphasizes the role of vulnerability and perpetual crisis in building rural resilience in the Nordic countries but scholars from other regions and contributions on other issues facing rural communities are also warmly welcomed.

Nordic Ruralities 2016 Call for Papers

The Nordic Ruralities Conference is an interdisciplinary forum for rural research with a particular emphasis on the Nordic countries. Rural communities frequently experience rapid changes in e.g. population density, employment opportunities and provision of services on a scale that would be considered catastrophic if they would occur in larger cities or at the national level. Crisis is therefore a regular feature of many rural communities and profoundly influences rural development. Short-term economic fluctuations that constitute a major crisis on the national level may thus appear to be relatively minor, compared to the long-term economic instability of many rural communities. While rural areas are vulnerable to processes of globalization, urbanization and technological change, many have demonstrated remarkable resilience and ability to adapt to rapid change.

The 4th Nordic Ruralities conference in Akureyri in Northern Iceland emphasizes the role of vulnerability and perpetual crisis in building rural resilience in the Nordic countries but scholars from other regions and contributions on other issues facing rural communities are warmly welcomed.

Book of abstracts

Book of abstracts (pdf)

Scientific committee

Thoroddur Bjarnason
University of Akureyri, Iceland

Camilla Eriksson
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden

Jeppe Engset Høst
University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Tuija Mononen
University of Eastern Finland, Finland

Mariann Villa
Centre for Rural Research, Norway

Local organizer

Thoroddur Bjarnason
University of Akureyri, Iceland

Practical information

The 4th Nordic Ruralities conference will be held at the University of Akureyri, May 22-24, 2016.

Akureyri is a town of approximately 18.000 inhabitants. It is the regional centre for Northern Iceland, offering a wide variety of services and activities.

A conference rate has been negotiated with three local hotels, but various other hotel and guesthouse accommodations are also available.

Extracurricular opportunities in Akureyri include 38 restaurants, cafés and bars, the northernmost 18-hole golf course and several outdoor spas with geothermal water.

There are also opportunities for hiking horseback riding, sea angling and whale watching in the fjord, and easy access to nearby Lake Mývatn, the majestic Dettifoss waterfall and other nature attractions.
