Publications from the Division of Environmental Communication

Peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters from the Division of Environmental Communication from 2011 onwards.
Publications 2023
Bäckman, M. (2023). What comes to count as sustainable in Rosendal? a study of how sustainability is being reproduced in an urban sociomaterial assemblage. Diss. Acta universitatis agriculturae sueciae, 2023:72. Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Fischer, A., Joosse, S., Strandell, J., Söderberg, N., Johansson, K. & Boonstra, W. J. (2023). How justice shapes transition governance - A discourse analysis of Swedish policy debates. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 67(9). pp. 1998–2016.
Martin, A., Fischer, A. & McMorran, R. (2023). Who decides? The governance of rewilding in Scotland ›between the cracks‹: Community participation, public engagement, and partnerships. Journal of Rural Studies, 98, pp. 80–91.
Sandström, C. et al. (Fischer, A.) (2023). Mainstreaming biodiversity and nature's contributions to people in Europe and Central Asia: Insights from IPBES to inform the CBD post-2020 agenda. Ecosystems and People, 19(1): 2138553.
Fischer, K., Mnukwa, N. & Bengtsson, A. (2023). The Covid pandemic, cultivation and livelihoods in South Africa’s Eastern Cape, Agrekon, 62(3-4), pp. 279-291, DOI: 10.1080/03031853.2023.2288709
Fischer, K. & Rock, J. S. (2023). The scientific narrative around new food technologies needs to change. Nature Reviews Bioengineering.
Rock, J. S., Schnurr, M. A., Kingiri, A.,Ely, A., Glover, D., Stone, Glenn D. & Fischer, K. (2023). The knowledge politics of genome editing in Africa. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 11(1).
Crossland-Marr, L., Giurca, A., Tsingos, M., Schnurr, M. A., Ely, A., Glover, D., Stone, G. D. & Fischer, K. (2023). Siloed discourses: a year-long study of twitter engagement on the use of CRISPR in food and agriculture. New Genetics and Society 42(1): e2248363.
Chenais, E., Fischer, K., Aliro, T., Ståhl, K. & Lewerin, S. S. (2023). Co-created community contracts support biosecurity changes in a region where African swine fever is endemic – Part II: Implementation of biosecurity measures. Preventive veterinary medicine, 214: 105902.
Chenais, E., Sternberg Lewerin, S., Aliro, T., Ståhl, K. & Fischer, K. (2023). Co-created community contracts support biosecurity changes in a region where African swine fever is endemic – Part I: The methodology. Preventive veterinary medicine, 212: 105840.
Arvidsson, A., Fischer, K., Chenais, E., Kiguli, J., Sternberg-Lewerin, S. & Ståhl, K. (2023). Limitations and opportunities of smallholders’ practical knowledge when dealing with pig health issues in northern Uganda. PloS one, 18(6): e0287041.
Kuns, B., Börjeson, L., Fischer, K., Hedberg, C., Olofsson, U., Refslund, B. et al. (2023). From panic to business as usual: What coronavirus has revealed about migrant labour, agri-food systems and industrial relations in the Nordic countries. Sociologia Ruralis, 00, pp. 1–21.
Rock, J. S., Schnurr, M. A., Kingiri, A., Glover, D., Stone, G. D., Ely, A. & Fischer, K. (2023). Beyond the Genome: Genetically Modified Crops in Africa and the Implications for Genome Editing. Development and Change, 54(1), pp. 117–142.
Christiansen, K. L., Hajdu, F., Planting Mollaoglu, E., Andrews, A., Carton, W. & Fischer, K. (2023). “Our burgers eat carbon”: Investigating the discourses of corporate net-zero commitments. Environmental Science & Policy, 142, pp. 79–88.
Vlasenko, L. & Grubbström, A. (2023). In-store apparel shopping and sustainability communication: The interplay between attitudes and context. International journal of sustainable fashion & textiles, 2(1), pp. 83–100.
Hallgren, L., Bergeå, H. & Montgomerie, E. et al. (2023). »I don’t know if we should have that discussion now« Negotiating procedural frames in collaborative governance of natural resources. Language and dialogue, 13(2), pp. 200–228.
Valentini, D., Holmgren, S. & Wangel, J. (2023). Representations of urban cycling in sustainability transitions research: a review. European Transport Research Review, 15: 28.
Joosse, S., Westin, M., Möckel, F. et al. (2023). Storytelling to save the planet: who gets to say what is sustainable, who tells the stories, and who should listen and change? Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 67(9), pp. 1909–1927.
Kanarp, G. C. S. & Westberg, L. (2023). Adapting climate change — how government authorities in Sweden make sense of adaptation through a network practice. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 67(9), pp. 1977–1997.
Powell, S. & Grubbström, A. (2023). Leading gender equality change in higher education – the case of forestry. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 29(2), pp. 199–216.
Klocker Larsen, R. & Raitio, K. (2023). Protected areas and indigenous rights in Sapmi: an agonistic reading of conflict and collaboration in land use planning. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 25(3), pp. 342–354.
Haider, J. & Rödl, M. (2023). Google Search and the creation of ignorance: The case of the climate crisis. Big Data & Society, 10(1).
Rödl, M., Haider, J. & Joosse, S. (2023). The quest for ›nature‹ in selfies: how platforms shape nature/society relationships. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 67(9), pp. 1928-1951.
Oncini, F., Rödl, M., Triventi, M. et al. (2023). Cultural Intolerance, in Practice: Social Variation in Food and Drink Avoidances in Italy, 2003–2016. Social Indicators Research, 170(3), pp. 1075–1096.
Böhm, S., Ho, C.-H., Holmes, H. Manolchev, C., Rödl, M. & Spekkink, W. (2023). Circular society activism: prefigurative communities in everyday Circular Economy action. In: Allen ,A., Pascucci, S. & Charnley, F. (Eds) Handbook of the Circular Economy: Transitions and Transformation. De Gruyter, pp. 241–260.
Haider, J., Ekström, B., Tattersall Wallin, E., Gunnarsson Lorentzen, D., Rödl, M. & Söderberg, N. (2023). Tracing online information about wind power in Sweden: An exploratory quantitative study of broader trends. Högskolan Borås.
Haider, J. & Rödl, M. (2023). Algorithmically Embodied Emissions. FSMK-/MKV-dagarna, 2023, 9–10 May, Stockholm, Sweden.
Haider, J. & Rödl, M. (2023). How to not know about the climate crisis? Ignorance logics and search engines. 6th Nordic STS Conference, 2023, 7–9 June, Oslo, Norway.
Rödl, M., Haider, J. & Wormbs, N. (2023). Environmental crises in digital culture: investigating networked silences. 6th Nordic STS Conference, 2023, 7–9 June, Oslo, Norway.
Tickle, L. (2023). Past echoes and modern pressures: on the changing ethics of modern hunting in Sweden. Diss. Acta universitatis agriculturae sueciae, 2023:16. Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Westin, M. & Hellquist, A. (2023). Att leda samverkan: en handbok för dig som vill hantera komplexa samhällsutmaningar. Uppsala: Department of Urban and Rural Development, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Maentysalo, R., Westin, M. & Mattila, H. (2023). Public Planner — A Deliberative Authority. Planning Theory and Practice, 24(1), pp. 11–29.
Westin, M., Hallgren, L. & Montgomerie, E. (2023). Between authority and argumentation: facilitators’ use of power in collaborative governance. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 67(9), pp. 2055-2074.
Åhlvik, T., Bergeå, H., Rödl, M. & Hallgren, L. (2023). When hope messages become the discursive norm: how repertoires of hope shape communicative capacity in conversations on the circular economy. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 67(9), pp. 2017-2034.
Åhlvik, T. (2023). The ambiguous nature of hope: How a discourse of hope shapes the communicative conditions for exploring challenges in the circular economy transition. Diss. Acta universitatis agriculturae sueciae, 2023:93. Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Publications 2022
Calderon, C., Mutter, A., Westin, M. et al. (2022). Navigating swift and slow planning: planners’ balancing act in the design of participatory processes. European Planning Studies, online.
Eastwood, A., Fischer, A., Hague, A. et al. (2022). A cup of tea? – The role of social relationships, networks and learning in land managers’ adaptations to policy change. Land Use Policy, 113: 105926.
Hodgson, I., Fischer, A., Redpath, S. M. et al. (2022). Fight or Flight? Understanding Different Stakeholder Responses to Conservation Conflicts. Society and Natural Resources, 35(6), pp. 628–645.
Arts, I., Duckett, D., Fischer, A. et al. (2022). Communicating nature during lockdown – How conservation and outdoor organisations use social media to facilitate local nature experiences. People and Nature, 4(5), pp. 1292–1304.
Hague, A., Fischer, A., Byg, A. et al. (2022). Conservation in conversation: People’s perspectives on a woodland with high conservation value–A qualitative study. People and Nature, 4(5), pp. 1190–1200.
Arvidsson, A., Fischer, K., Hansen, K. & Kiguli, J. (2022). Pigs as a shortcut to money? Social traps in smallholder pig production in northern Uganda. Journal of Rural Studies, 94, pp. 319–325.
Arvidsson, A., Fischer, K., Hansen, K., Sternberg-Lewerin, S. & Chenais, E. (2022). Diverging Discourses: Animal Health Challenges and Veterinary Care in Northern Uganda. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9.
Fischer, K., Jakobsen, J. & Westengen, O. T. (2022). The political ecology of crops: From seed to state and capital. Geoforum, 130, pp. 92–95.
Chenais, E., Depner, K., Ebata, A., Penrith, M.-L., Pfeiffer, D. U., Price, C., Ståhl, K. & Fischer, K. (2022). Exploring the hurdles that remain for control of African swine fever in smallholder farming settings. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 69(5): e3370–e3378.
Fischer, K. (2022). Why Africa’s New Green Revolution is failing – Maize as a commodity and anti-commodity in South Africa. Geoforum, 130, pp. 96–104.
Ely, A., Friedrich, B., Glover, D., Fischer, K., Stone, G. D., Kingiri, A. & Schnurr, M. A. (2022). Governing Agricultural Biotechnologies in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany: A Trans-decadal Study of Regulatory Cultures. Science, Technology, & Human Values.
Holmgren, S., Giurca, A., Johansson, J., Kanarp, C. S., Stenius, T. & Fischer, K. (2022). Whose transformation is this? Unpacking the ‘apparatus of capture’ in Sweden’s bioeconomy. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 42, pp. 44–57.
Lysholm, S., Fischer, K., Lindahl, J. F., Munyeme, M., & Wensman, J. J. (2022). Seropositivity rates of zoonotic pathogens in small ruminants and associated public health risks at informal urban markets in Zambia. Acta Tropica, 225: 106217.
Berggren, Å. et al. (Grubbström, A.) (2022). “Screwed from the start”: How women perceive opportunities and barriers for building a successful research career. Frontiers in Education, 7: 809661.
Grubbström, A. & Powell, S. (2022). Från hashtag till handling – skogsutbildningens #metoo-rörelse i spåren av #slutavverkat. In: Ganetz, H., Hansson, K. & Sveningsson, M. (Eds.) Maktordningar och motstånd: forskarperspektiv på #metoo i Sverige. Nordic Academic Press, pp. 279–302.
Malkamäki, A. et al. (Holmgren, S.) (2022). Public perceptions of using forests to fuel the European bioeconomy: findings from eight university cities. Forest Policy and Economics, 140: 102749.
Holmgren, S., Giurca, A., Johansson, J. et al. (2022). Whose transformation is this? Unpacking the “apparatus of capture” in Sweden’s bioeconomy. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 42, pp. 44–57.
Whitman, M. & Holmgren, S. (2022). Representations of wildfires in academia. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, online.
Boonstra, W. et al. (Joosse, S.) (2022). Urban fishing reveals underrepresented diversity. Nature Food, 3(5): 295.
Carlson, A. K., Boonstra, W. J., Joosse, S. et al. (2022). More than ponds amid skyscrapers: Urban fisheries as multiscalar human-natural systems. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management, 25(1), pp. 49–58.
Sarkki, S., Ivsett Johnsen, K., Löf, A. et al. (2022). Governing maximum reindeer numbers in Fennoscandia. In: Horstkotte, T., Holand, Ø., Kumpula, J. & Moen, J. (Eds.) Reindeer Husbandry and Global Environmental Change: Pastoralism in Fennoscandia. Routledge, pp. 173–87.
Löf, A., Söderlund Kanarp, C. & Westberg, L. (2022). Perspektiv på klimatanpassning: vad görs, vad görs inte och varför? Insikter från en workshop med myndighetsnätverket för klimatanpassning. Urban and Rural reports, 2022:1. Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Urban and Rural Development.
Powell, S. & Arora-Jonsson, S. (2022). The conundrums of formal and informal meritocracy: dealing with gender segregation in the academy. Higher Education, 83(5), pp. 969–985.
Klocker Larsen, R. & Raitio, K. (2022). Protected areas and indigenous rights in Sapmi: an agonistic reading of conflict and collaboration in land use planning. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, online.
Haider, J., Rödl, M. & Joosse, S. (2022). Algorithmically embodied emissions: the environmental harm of everyday life information in digital culture. Information Research, 27 (Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science, Oslo Metropolitan University, May 29–June 1, 2022).
Rödl, M., Boons, F. & Spekkink, W. (2022). From responsible to responsive innovation: a systemic and historically sensitive approach to innovation processes. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 174: 121231.
Rödl, M., Åhlvik, T., Bergeå, H. et al. (2022). Performing the Circular economy: how an ambiguous discourse is managed and maintained through meetings. Journal of Cleaner Production, 360: 132144.
Rödl, M., Haider, J. & Joosse, S. (2022). “Googla Gärna”: Suggestions to Search as a Discursive Practice in Swedish Climate Change Denialism. STS CONFERENCE 2022, 4 Maj 2022, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Rödl, M., Bergeå, H., Hallgren, L. et. al (2022). Abstract and Practical Knowledge in the Co-Construction of the Circular Economy: An Analysis of Inspiration Meetings. STS CONFERENCE 2022, 4 Maj 2022, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Rödl, M. (2022). Machine Habitus: Toward a Sociology of Algorithms by Airoldi Massimo. Recension i: Science & technology studies, 35(4), pp. 78–80.
Rödl, M. & Haider, J. (2022). Internet search results could be increasing your carbon emissions. The Conversation.
Tickle, L., von Essen, E. & Fischer, A. (2022). Expanding arenas for learning hunting ethics, their grammars and dilemmas: An examination of young hunters’ enculturation into modern hunting. Sociologia Ruralis, 62(3), pp. 632–650.
Westin, M. & Joosse, S. (2022). Whose Knowledge Counts in the Planning of Urban Sustainability? – Investigating Handbooks for Nudging and Participation. Planning Theory and Practice, 23(3), pp. 388–405.
Westin, M. (2022). The framing of power in communicative planning theory: Analysing the work of John Forester, Patsy Healey and Judith Innes. Planning Theory, 21(2): 14730952211043219.
Publications 2021
Calderon, C. & Westin, M. (2021). Understanding context and its influence on collaborative planning processes: a contribution to communicative planning theory. International Planning Studies, 26 (1), pp. 14–27.
Barnaud, C. et al. (Fischer, A.) (2021). Is forest regeneration good for biodiversity? Exploring the social dimensions of an apparently ecological debate. Environmental Science and Policy, 120, pp. 63-72.
Wardle, J. et al. (Fischer, A.) (2021). Seasonal variability of resources: The unexplored adversary of biogas use in rural Ethiopia. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, 3: 100072.
Fischer, A. et al. (2021). Exploring the Potential of Citizen Social Science for Environmental and Sustainability Research: Experiences of and with Community-Based Researchers. Citizen science, 6 (1): p. 17.
Arts, I. et al. (Fischer, A.) (2021). The Instagrammable outdoors—Investigating the sharing of nature experiences through visual social media. People and Nature, 3 (6), pp. 1244–1256.
Arts, I. et al. (Fischer, A.) (2021). Information technology and the optimisation of experience—The role of mobile devices and social media in humannature interactions. Geoforum, 122, pp. 55–62.
Martin, A. et al. (Fischer, A.) (2021). Taming rewilding—from the ecological to the social: How rewilding discourse in Scotland has come to include people. Land Use Policy, 111: 105677.
Grubbström, A. & Joosse, S. (2021). New Entrants in Agriculture—The case of young immigrant farmers in Sweden. European Countryside, 13 (1), pp. 22–37.
Joosse, S. et al. (2021). Why are geographical indications unevenly distributed over Europe? British Food Journal, 123 (13), pp. 490–510.
Joosse, S., Hensle, L., Boonstra, W. J., Ponzelar, C. & Olsson, J. (2021). Fishing in the city for food—A paradigmatic case of sustainability in urban blue space. npj Urban Sustainability, 1: 41.
Holand, Ø. et al. (Löf, A.) (2021). Project ReiGN: Reindeer Husbandry in a Globalizing North – Resilience, Adaptations and Pathways for Actions. In: Nord, D. C. (Ed.) Nordic Perspectives on the Responsible Development of the Arctic: Pathways to Action. Springer, pp. 227-248.
Clasen, J. et al. (Nordström Källström, H.) (2021). Dairy cattle farmers’ preferences for different breeding tools. Animal, 15 (12): 100409.
Powell, S. & Arora Jonsson, S. (2021). The conundrums of formal and informal meritocracy: Dealing with gender segregation in the academy. Higher Education (Early Access).
Powell, S. & Grubbström, A. (2021). Leading gender equality change in higher education—The case of forestry. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension (Early Access).
Pölönen, I. et al. (Raitio, K.) (2021). Finnish and Swedish law on mining in light of collaborative governance. Nordisk Miljörättslig Tidskrift, (2), pp. 99-134.
Berg, C. et al. (von Essen, E.) (2021). Jakt med pil och båge. SLU:s vetenskapliga råd för djurskydd, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. Rapporter från SLU:s vetenskapliga råd för djurskydd, (2).
Peterson, M. et al. (von Essen, E.) (2021). Evaluating how Swedish hunters value content in hunter education classes. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 26 (5), pp. 492–500.
Westin, M. (2021). The framing of power in communicative planning theory: Analysing the work of John Forester, Patsy Healey and Judith Innes. Planning Theory (Early Access).
Westin, M., Mutter, A., Calderon, C. & Hellquist, A. (2021). »Let us be led by the residents«: Swedish dialogue experts’ stories about power, justification and ambivalence. Nordic Journal of Urban Studies, 1 (2), pp. 113–130.
Publications 2020
Calderon, C. (2020). Unearthing the political: differences, conflicts and power in participatory urban design. Journal of Urban Design, 25 (1), pp. 50-64.
Calderon, C. & Butler, A. (2020). Politicising the landscape: A theoretical contribution towards the development of participation in landscape planning. Landscape Research, 45 (2), pp. 152-163.
Jarić, I. et al. (Fischer, A.) (2020). The role of species charisma in biological invasions. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 18 (6), pp. 345-352.
Grubbström, A. & Powell, S. (2020). Persistent norms and the #MeToo effect in Swedish forestry education. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 35 (5-6), pp. 308-318.
Hallgren, L., Ljunggren Bergeå, H. & Nordström Källström, H. (2020). Conservation hero and climate villain binary identities of Swedish farmers. In: Milstein, T. & Castro-Sotomayor, J. (Eds.) Routledge handbook of ecocultural identity. Routledge. pp. 260-275.
Holmgren, S. et al. (2020). Bioeconomy imaginaries: A review of forest-related social science literature. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, 49 (12), pp. 1860-1877.
Masiero, M. et al. (Holmgren, S.) (2020). Bioeconomy perception by future stakeholders: Hearing from European forestry students. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, 49 (12), pp. 1925-1942.
Joosse, S. & Marshall, M. (2020). Fridge stories and other tales from the kitchen: a methodological toolbox for getting closer to everyday food practices. Food, Culture & Society, 23 (5), pp. 608-626.
Joosse, S., Powell, S., Bergeå, H., Boehm, S., Calderón, C., Caselunghe, E., Fischer, A., Grubbström, A., Hallgren, L., Holmgren, S., Löf, A., Nordström Källström, H., Raitio, K., Senecah, S., Söderlund Kanarp, C., von Essen, E., Westberg, L. & Westin, M. (2020). Critical, Engaged and Change-oriented Scholarship in Environmental Communication. Six Methodological Dilemmas to Think with. Environmental Communication, 14 (6), pp. 758-771.
Horstkotte, T. et al. (Löf, A.) (2020). Supplementary feeding in reindeer husbandry: results from a workshop with reindeer herders and researchers from Norway, Sweden and Finland. Umeå University.
Horstkotte, T. et al. (Löf, A.) (2020). Stödutfodring i renskötseln: resultat från en workshop med renskötare och forskare från Norge, Sverige och Finland. Umeå universitet.
Grönvall, A. & Löf, A. (2020). Den gränslösa renen, det gränsdragna Sápmi: Om gränsöverskridande renskötsel, statliga regleringar och konsekvenser för Sárevuopmi. Várdduo skriftserie, 26. Centrum för samisk forskning, Umeå universitet.
Sarkki, S. et al. (Löf, A.) (2020). Reindeer Herders as Stakeholders or Rights-Holders? Introducing a Social Equity-Based Conceptualization Relevant for Indigenous and Local Communities. In: Nord, D. C. (Ed.) Nordic Perspectives on the Responsible Development of the Arctic: Pathways to Action. Springer. pp. 271-292.
Adenskog, M. et al. (Nordström Källström, H.) (2020). Vägledning för att dokumentera och beskriva samverkansmeriter. Högskolan i Borås.
Kløcker-Larsen, R. et al. (Raitio, K.) (2020). Omtvistade landskap: navigering mellan konkurrerande markanvändning och kumulativa effekter. Rapport / Naturvårdsverket, 6908.
Raitio, K. & Löf, A. (2020). Statens roll efter Girjasdomen. Dagens arena [2020-03-01].
Österlin, C. & Raitio, K. (2020). Fragmented Landscapes and Planscapes-The Double Pressure of Increasing Natural Resource Exploitation on Indigenous Sami Lands in Northern Sweden. Resources, 9 (9).
Raitio, K. et al. (2020). Mineral extraction in Swedish Sapmi: The regulatory gap between Sami rights and Sweden's mining permitting practices. Land Use Policy, 99.
Tickle, L. & von Essen, E. (2020). The seven sins of hunting tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 84.
von Essen, E. et al. (2020). INSTAGRANIMAL– Animal Welfare and Ethical Challenges of Animal-Based Tourism. Uppsala: Swedish Centre for Animal Welfare (SCAW).
von Essen, E. & Tickle, L. (2020). Leisure or Labour: An Identity Crisis for Modern Hunting? Sociologia Ruralis, 60 (1), pp. 174-197.
von Essen, E. (2020). How Wild Boar Hunting is Becoming a Battleground. Leisure Sciences, 42 (5-6), pp. 552-569.
Westin, M. et al. (2020). Att utveckla samverkanskompetens genom utbildning: praktisk klokhet och reflekterande praktik. Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, 94 (4), pp. 663-674.
Publications 2019
Calderon, C. (2019). Unearthing the political: Differences, conflicts and power in participatory urban design. Journal of Urban Design, online Oct 16, 2019.
Calderon, C. & Westin, M. (2019). Understanding context and its influence on collaborative planning processes: A contribution to communicative planning theory. International Planning Studies, online Oct 09, 2019.
Calderon, C. & Butler, C. (2019). Politicising the landscape: A theoretical contribution towards the development of participation in landscape planning. Landscape Research, On-line.
Calderon, C. & Hernandez-Garcia, J. (2019). Bottom-up public space design and social cohesion: The case of a self-developed park in an informal settlement of Bogotá. In: Aelbrecht, P. & Stevens, Q. (Eds.) Public Space Design and Social Cohesion: An International Comparison. Chapter 6, 18 pp. Routledge.
Caselunghe, E., Nordström Källström, H. & Gunnarsdotter, Y. (2019). Indikatorer för socialt hållbar utveckling på landsbygden. Urban and Rural reports 2019:1. Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Urban and Rural Development.
Caselunghe, E., Bergeå, H. & von Essen, E. (2019). Public Spheres for Deliberation on Nature? Democratic Qualities of Visitor Centres in Sweden. Journal of Public Deliberation, 15 (1): 5.
Wallin, E. & Nordström Källström, H. (2019). Mjölkproducenters uppfattning om nya avelsverktyg. Urban and Rural reports 2019:2. Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Urban and Rural Development.
von Essen, E. & Tickle, L. (2019). Leisure or Labour: An Identity Crisis for Modern Hunting? Sociologia Ruralis, online, Sep 12, 2019.
Rouet-Leduc, J. & von Essen, E. (2019). The Compromises of Rewilding in Swedish Laponia: Implications for Nature Reconciliation. Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies, 17 (1), pp. 38-54.
von Essen, E. & Allen, M. (2019). Political Deliberation and Compromise: Why People-Nature Reconciliation Must Be about People-People Reconciliation. Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies, 17 (1), pp. 55-66.
von Essen, E. & Hansen, H. P. (2019). Reconciliation, Welcoming of the Wild, and the Desire to Turn Back Time. Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies, 17 (1), pp. 1-4.
von Essen, E. (2019). How Wild Boar Hunting Is Becoming a Battleground.. Leisure Sciences, online Jan 19, 2019.
von Essen, E., van Heijgen, E. & Gieser, T. (2019). Hunting communities of practice: Factors behind the social differentiation of hunters in modernity. Journal of Rural Studies, 68, pp. 13-21.
Peterson, M., von Essen, E., Hansen, H. P. & Peterson, T. R. (2019). Shoot shovel and sanction yourself: Self-policing as a response to wolf poaching among Swedish hunters. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, 48 (3), pp. 230-239.
Publications 2018
Bergeå, H., Kågström, M., Löf, A. & Westin, M. (2018). Kännedom om dilemman kan leda till bättre samverkan. Universitetsläraren, November 19.
Caselunghe, E. (2018). Deliberations on Nature. Diss. No. 2018:68. Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Grubbström, A. & Eriksson, C. (2018). Retired Farmers and New Land Users: How relations to land and people influence farmers’ land transfer decisions. Sociologia Ruralis, 58 (4), pp. 707–725.
Hallgren, L., Bergeå, H. & Westberg, L. (2018). Communication Problems when Participants Disagree (or Avoid Disagreeing) in Dialogues in Swedish Natural Resource Management: Challenges to agonism in practice. Frontiers in Communication, 3 (56), pp. 1–11.
Baycheva-Merger, T., Sotirov, M., Holmgren, S. & Selter, A. (2018). Institutional and Actor-Oriented Factors Constraining Expert-Based Forest Information Exchange in Europe: A policy analysis from an actor-centred institutionalist approach. Forests, 9 (3): 129.
Joosse, S. & Brydges, T. (2018). Blogging for Sustainability: The intermediary role of personal green blogs in promoting sustainability. Environmental Communication, 12 (5), pp. 686–700.
Berlin, A., Nordström Källström, H. & Olson, Å. (2018). Scientific Evidence for Sustainable Plant Disease Protection Strategies for the Main Arable Crops in Sweden: A systematic map protocol. Environmental Evidence, 7:31.
Powell, S. (2018) Gender Equality in Academia: Intentions and consequences. International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Annual Review, 1 (18), pp. 19–35.
Powell, S., Ah-King, M. & Hussenius, A. (2018). Are we to become a gender university? Facets of resistance to a gender equality project. Gender, Work and Organization, 25 (2), pp. 127–143.
von Essen, E. (2018). The Impact of Modernization on Hunting Ethics: Emerging taboos among contemporary Swedish hunters. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 23 (1), pp. 21–38.
von Essen, E. (2018). “We Need to Talk…”: Evolving Conversations about Ethics in Hunting Press 1960s–today”. Humanimalia, 10 (1).
von Essen, E. & Hansen, H.P. (2018). Policing Peers between Law and Morality: A socio-legal perspective on managing misconduct in hunting. International Journal of Rural Criminology, 4(1) pp. 1–26.
Peterson, M. N., von Essen, E., Hansen, H. P. & Peterson, T. R. (2018). Shoot, Shovel and Sanction Yourself: Self-policing as a response to wolf poaching among Swedish hunters. Ambio. doi:10.1007/s13280-018-1072-5.
Allen, M.P. & von Essen, E. (2018). Religion, Critical Animal Studies, and the Political Turn: Nonhuman Animal Belonging and Participation from Secular and Religious Perspectives. Journal of Critical Animal Studies, 15 (4), pp. 4–29.
von Essen, E. & Allen, M. (2018). Taking Prejudice Seriously: Burkean reflections on the rural past and present. Sociologia Ruralis, 58 (3), pp. 543–561.
von Essen, E. (2018). Samma språk – olika natursyner. Biodiverse, 2/2018, pp. 12–13.
Knez, I., Butler, A., Ode Sang, Å., Ångman, E., Sarlöv-Herlin, I. & Åkerskog A. (2018). Before and After a Natural Disaster: Disruption in emotion component of place-identity and wellbeing. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 55, pp. 11–17.
Sarlöv-Herlin, I., Knez, I., Butler, A., Sang, Å., Ångman, E. & Åkerskog, A. (2018). Landskapet som gick upp i rök. Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Gävle: University of Gävle.
Butler, A., Sarlöv-Herlin, I., Ångman, E., Ode Sang, Å. & Åkerskog, A. (2018). Landscape Identity, Before and After a Forest Fire. Landscape Research, 43 (6), pp. 878–889.
Publications 2017
Butler, A., Sarlöv-Herlin, I., Knez, I., Ångman, E., Ode Sang, Å. & Åkerskog, A. (2017). Landscape identity, before and after a forest fire. Landscape Research, 43 (6), pp. 878-889.
Calderon, C. & Butler, A. (2016). ‘Towards the development of landscape democracy: a theoretical contribution’. Landscape values place and praxis (Galway, Ireland 29th June–2nd July, 2016).
Givá, N. & Raitio, K. (2017). ‘Parks with People’ in Mozambique: Community dynamic responses to Human Elephant Conflict at Limpopo National Park. Journal of Southern African Studies, 43 (6), pp. 1199-1214.
Hallgren, L. (2017). The role of social constructionism as a reflexive tool in environmental communication education. In: Milstein, T., Pileggi, M. & Morgan, E. (Eds.) Environmental Communication Pedagogy and Practice. London, UK: Routledge.
Joosse, S. & Grubbström, A. (2017). Continuity in farming-Not just family business. Journal of Rural Studies, 50, pp. 198-208.
Kröger & Raitio, K. (2017). Finnish forest policy in the era of bioeconomy: A pathway to sustainability? Forest Policy and Economics, 77, pp. 6-15.
Larsen, R., Raitio, K., Stinnerbom, M. & Wik-Karlsson, J. (2017). Sami-state collaboration in the governance of cumulative effects assessment: A critical action research approach. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 64, pp. 67–76.
Siachiyako, C., von Essen, E. & Ångman, E. (2017). An exit from the garbage city: Resistance and “chikonko” in zambian waste management. Journal of Resistance Studies, 1 (3), pp. 62-98.
Senecah, S. (in press). Epilogue. In: Depoe, S.; Walker, G. & Hunt, K, (Eds.) Breaking Boundaries: Innovative Practices in Environmental Communication and Public Participation. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
Valenzuela, F. & Böhm, S. (2017). Against wasted politics: A critique of the circular economy. Ephemera, 17 (1): 23.
von Essen, E. & Allen, M. (2017). Interspecies violence and crimes of dissent: Communication ethics and legitimacy in message crimes involving wildlife. Critical Criminology, 25 (2), pp. 261–274.
von Essen, E. & Allen, M. P. (2017). From Obstructionism to Communication: Local, National and Transnational Dimensions of Contestations on the Swedish Wolf Cull Controversy. Environmental Communication, 11 (5), pp. 654-666.
von Essen, E. & Allen, M. P. (2017). Solidarity Between Human and Non-Human Animals: Representing Animal Voices in Policy Deliberations. Environmental Communication, 11 (5), pp. 641-653.
von Essen, E. & Allen, A. (2017). A Reluctant Right-Wing Social Movement: On the ‘Good Sense’ of Swedish Hunters? Journal of Rural Studies, 50, pp. 139-147.
von Essen, E. & Allen, M. (2017). The implications of victimhood identity: The case of ‘persecution’ of swedish hunters. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 6 (2), pp. 78-94.
von Essen, E. & Allen, M.P. (2017). Taking prejudice seriously: Burkean reflections on the rural past and present. Sociologia Ruralis, 50, pp. 139-147.
von Essen, E., Allen, M. & Hansen, H.P. (2017). Hunters, crown, nobles, and conservation elites: Class antagonism over the ownership of common fauna. International Journal of Cultural Property, 24(2), pp. 161-186.
Publications 2016
Alarcón, C. (2016). Action Research for Emancipation: Social-Ecological Relations and Basic Conceptual Questions. In: Hansen, H. P., Nielsen, B. S., Sriskandarajah, N. & Gunnarsson, E. (Eds.) Commons, Sustainability, Democratisation: Action Research and the Basic Renewal of Society. Routledge, pp. 53-73.
Bergeå, H., Roth, A., Emanuelson, U. & Agenäs, S. (2016). Farmer awareness of cow longevity and implications for decision making at farm level. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A - Animal Sciences, 66 (1), pp. 25-34.
Westin, M., Calderon, C. & Hellquist, A. (2016). Att leda samverkan: En handbok för dig som vill hantera komplexa samhällsutmaningar. Visby: SWEDESD - Swedish International Centre of Education for Sustainable Development.
Hallgren, L. (2016). Reframing conflict in natural resource management: Mutuality, reciprocity and pluralistic agonism as dynamics of community constructivity and destructivity. In: Petersen, T. R., Bergeå, H., Feltpausch-Parker, A. M. & Raitio, K. (Eds.) Environmental communication and community. Constructive and destructive dynamics of social transformation. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 16-30
Nielsen, N., Hansen, H. P. & Sriskandarajah, N. (2016). Recovering Multiple Rationalities for Public Deliberation within the EU Water Framework Directive. In: Hansen, H. P., Nielsen, B. S., Sriskandarajah, N. & . Gunnarsson, E. (Eds.) Commons, Sustainability, Democratization: Action research and the Basic Renewal of Society. Routledge, pp. 190-214.
Rodriguez, S. L., Chitwood, M. C., Peterson, M. N., Jensen, C., Gardner, B. & Hansen, H. P. (2016). Gender differences in hunter recruitment and dedication in Denmark, Wildlife Biology in Practice, Vol. 12, No. 2.
Kovács, E., Fabók, V., Kalóczkai, Á. & Hansen, H. P. (2016). Towards understanding and resolving the conflict related to the Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) conservation with participatory management planning. Land Use Policy, 54, pp. 158–168.
Hansen, H. P., Nielsen, B. S. Skriskandarajah, N. & Gunnarsson, E. (Eds.) (2016). Commons, Sustainability, Democratization: Action research and the Basic Renewal of Society, Routledge.
Hansen, H. P. (2016). Bridging Divides through Spaces of Change: Action Research for Cultivating the Commons in Human-inhabited Protected Areas in Human-Inhabited Protected Areas in Nicaragua and Mozambique. In: Hansen,H. P., Steen Nielsen, B., Sriskandarajah, N. & Gunnarsson, E. (Eds.) Commons, Sustainability, Democratization - Action Research and the Basic Renewal of Society. Routledge, pp. 111-138.
Wallin, I., Carlsson, J. & Hansen, H. P. (2016). Envisioning future forested landscapes in Sweden – Revealing local-national discrepancies through participatory action research. Forest Policy and Economics, Volume 73, December 2016, pp. 25–40.
Hansen, H. P. (2016). Citizens, Values and Experts: Stakeholders and The Inveigling Factor of Participatory Democracy. In: Hansen, H. P., Nielsen, B. S., Sriskandarajah, N. & Gunnarsson, E. (Eds.) Commons, Sustainability, Democratization: Action Research for Democracy. Routledge, pp. 125-150.
Peterson, T. R., Ljunggren Bergeå, H., Feldpausch-Parker, A. M. & Raitio, K. (2016). Social transformation and sustainability: Communication and community construction/destruction. In: Peterson, T. R., Ljunggren Bergeå, H., Feldpausch-Parker, A. M. & Raitio, K. (Eds.) Environmental Communication and Community. Constructive and destructive dynamics of social transformation. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 269-275.
Lindblom, J., Lundström, C. & Ljung, M. (2016). Next-generation decision support systems for farmers: Sustainable agriculture through sustainable IT. In: Aenis, T., Knierim, A., Riecher, M.-C., Ridder, R., Schobert, H. & Fischer, H. (Eds.) Farming Systems Facing Global Challenges: Capacities and Strategies: Proceedings of the 11th European IFSA Symposium, 1-4 April, 2014, in Berlin, Germany, pp. 49-57.
Lundström, C. (2016). Cognition and decision-making in adoption of agricultural decision support systems: The case of precision agriculture. Licentiate thesis. Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Lindblom, J., Lundström, C., Ljung, M. & Jonsson, A. (2016). Promoting Sustainable Intensification in Precision Agriculture: Review of Decision Support Systems Development and Strategies. Precision Agriculture, 18 (3), pp. 309-331.
Powell, S. (2016). Gender equality and meritocracy: Contradictory discourses in the academy. Diss. No. 2016:17. Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Lawrence, R. & Raitio, K. (2016). Academia and activism in Saami research: Negotiating the blurred spaces between. In: Drugge, A.-L. (Ed.) Ethics in Indigenous Research: Past Experiences - Future Challenges. Umeå University, Vaartoe Centre for Sami Research, pp. 117-136.
Raitio, K. (2016). Seized and missed opportunities in responding to conflicts: Constructivity and destructivity in forest conflicts management in Finland and British Columbia, Canada. In: Peterson, T.R., Ljunggren Bergeå, H., Feldpausch-Parker, A. M. & Raitio, K. (Eds.) Environmental Communication and Community. Constructive and destructive dynamics of social transformation. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 229-249.
von Essen, E. & Nurse, A. (2016). Illegal Hunting Special Issue: Editors' Introduction. Crime, Law and Social Change, 67 (4), pp. 377-382.
Peterson, N., von Essen, E., Hansen, H. P., Peterson, T. R. (2016). Illegal fishing and hunting as resistance to neo-liberal colonialism. Crime, Law and Social Change, 67 (4), pp. 401-413.
Allen, M. & von Essen, E. (2016). Neo-Republicanism as a Route to Animal Non-Domination. Politics and Animals, pp. 15-24.
von Essen, E. (2016). In the Gap between Legality and Legitimacy: Illegal Hunting in Sweden as a Crime of Dissent. Diss. No. 2016:81. Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
von Essen, E. Allen, M. (2016). Wild-But-Not-Too-Wild Animals: Challenging Goldilocks Standards in Rewilding. Between the Species, 19 (1), pp. 80-108.
von Essen, E. & Allen, M. P. (2016). The Republican Zoopolis: Towards a New Legitimation Framework for Relational Animal Ethics. Ethics and the Environment, 21 (1), pp. 61-88.
von Essen, E. & Allen, M. P. (2016). A Rabble in the Zoopolis? Considering Responsibilities for Wildlife Hybrids. Journal of Social Philosophy, 42 (2), pp. 171-187.
Theodorakea, I. & von Essen, E. (2016). Who Let the Wolves Out? Narratives, rumors and social representations of the wolf in Greece. Journal of Environmental Sociology, 2 (1), pp. 29-40.
von Essen, E. (2016). Environmental Disobedience and the Dialogic Dimensions of Dissent. Democratization, 24 (2), pp. 305-324.
von Essen, E., Hansen, H. P., Nordström Källström, H., Peterson, M. N. & Peterson, T. R. (2016). Illegal Hunting: Between Social and Criminal Justice. In: Donnermeyer, J. (Ed.) International Handbook of Rural Criminology. Routledge, pp. 319-329.
Westberg, L., & Waldenström, C. (2016). How can we ever create participation when we are the ones who decide? On natural resource management practice and its readiness for change. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 19 (6), pp. 654-667.
Blackmore, C., van Bommel, S., de Bruin, A., de Vries, J., Westberg, L., Powell, N., Foster, N., Collins, K., Rogerro, P. & Seddaiu, G. (2016). Design for learning for transformation of water governance in the context of climate change adaptation. Water 2016, 8 (11): 510.
Westberg, L. & Polk, M. (2016). The role of learning in transdisciplinary research: Moving from a normative concept to an analytical tool through a practice based approach. Sustainability Science, 11 (3), pp. 385–397.
Ångman, E., Buijs, A. E., Arts, I., Bergeå, H. L. & Verschoor, G. (2016). Communicating emotions in conflicts over natural resource management in the Netherlands and Sweden. In: Peterson, T.R., Ljunggren Bergeå, H., Feldpausch-Parker, A. M. & Raitio, K. (Eds.) Environmental Communication and Community. Constructive and destructive dynamics of social transformation. Routledge, pp. 184-203.
Publications 2015
Westin, M. (2015). På väg mot demokratiska kunskapsprocesser?: Utvärdering bortom New Public Management. In: Härnsten, G. & Härnsten, L. (Eds.) Ett dussin russin! Tolv texter om deltagarbaserade verksamheter i utbildning och forskning av författarkollektivet Smilla Parc. Stockholm: LOs tryckeri, pp. 93-107.
von Essen, E. (2015). Whose discourse is it anyway? Understanding resistance through the rise of ‘barstool biology’ in nature conservation. Journal of Environmental Communication, 11 (4), pp. 470-489.
von Essen, E. & Hansen, H. P. (2015). How stakeholder co-management reproduces conservation conflicts: Revealing rationality problems in Swedish wolf conservation. Conservation & Society, 13 (4), pp. 332-344.
von Essen, E. & Allen, M. P. (2015). Reconsidering Illegal Hunting as a Crime of Dissent: Implication for Justice and Deliberative Uptake. Criminal Law & Philosophy, 11 (2), pp. 213-228.
Joosse, S. & Hracs, B. (2015). Curating the quest for ‘good food’: The practices, spatial dynamics and influence of food-related curation in Sweden. Geoforum, 64, pp. 205-216.
Joosse, S. (2015). The Making and Re‐making of a Regional Product: The Case of Zeeland Madder. Sociologia Ruralis, 56 (2).
Berglund, B., Aradóttir, Á. & Hallgren, L. (2015). Stakeholder Interaction in Participatory Land Restoration in Iceland: Environmental Officers' Challenges and Strategies. Environmental Management 56 (2), pp. 519-531.
Alarcón, C. (2015). Forests at the limits. Forestry, land use and climate change from political ecology and environmental communication perspectives: The case of Chile & Sweden. Diss No: 2015:5, Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Gunnarsson, E., Hansen, H. P., Nielsen, B. & Skriskandarajah, N. (Eds.) (2015). Action Research for Democracy: New Ideas and Perspectives from Scandinavia. Routledge, 252 pp.
Westberg, L. & Powell, S. (2015). Participate for Women’s Sake? A Gender analysis of a Swedish Collaborative Environmental Management Project. Society and Natural Resources, 28, pp. 1233-1248.
Lundström, C., Lindblom, J., Ljung, M. & Jonsson, A. (2015). Some considerations about the development and implementation process of a new agricultural decision support system for site-specific fertilisation. Precision Agriculture, 15, pp. 437-444.
Terres, J.-M., Scacchiafichi, L. N., Wania, A., Ambar, M., Anguiano, E., Buckwell, A., Coppola, A., Gocht, A., Nordström Källström, H., Pointereau, P., Strijker, D., Visek, L., Vranken, L. & Zobena, A. (2015). Farmland abandonment in Europe: Identification of drivers and indicators, and development of a risk composite indicator. Land Use Policy, 49, pp. 20-34.
Hallgren, L. & Westberg, L. (2015). Adaptive management? – Observations of knowledge coordination in communication practice of Swedish game management. Wildlife biology, 21: 3.
Powell, S. & Arora-Jonsson, S. (2015). The Ethics of Political Correctness. In: Nakray, K., Alston, M. & Whittenbury, K. (Eds.) Understanding Social Science Research Ethics: Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Perspectives for a Globalising World. Routledge.
Publications 2014
Grubbström, A., Stenbacka, S. & Joosse, S. (2014). Balancing family traditions and business: Gendered strategies for achieving future resilience among agricultural students. Journal of Rural Studies, 35, pp. 152-161.
Bohman, A. & Raitio, K. (2014). How frames matter: Common sense and institutional choice in Ghana's water sector. Journal of Environment & Development, 23 (2), pp. 247-270.
Raitio, K. & Harkki, S. (2014). The disappearing chain of responsibility: Legitimacy challenges in the political governance of Finnish Forest and Park Service. Land Use Policy, 39, pp. 281-291.
Hamunen, K., Appelstrand, M., Hujala, T., Kurttila, M., Sriskandarajah, N. & Westberg, L. (2014). Defining Peer-to-peer Learning: From an Old ‘Art of Practice’ to a New Mode of Forest Owner Extension? Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 1-15, pp. 293-307.
von Essen, E., Hansen, H. P., Nordström Källström, H., Peterson, M. N. & Peterson, T. R. (2014). The radicalisation of rural resistance: How hunting counterpublics in the Nordic countries contribute to illegal hunting. Journal of Rural Studies, 39, pp. 199-209.
von Essen, E., Hansen, H. P., Nordström Källström, H., Peterson, M. N. & Peterson, T. R. (2014). Deconstructing the Poaching Phenomenon: A Review of Typologies for Understanding Illegal Hunting. British Journal of Criminology, 54 (4), pp. 632-651.
Westin, M., Calderon, C. & Hellquist, A. (2014). The Inquiry Based Approach IBA: A facilitator’s handbook. Visby, SWEDESD - Swedish International Centre of Education for Sustainable Development.
Publications 2013
Alarcón, C. & Navarro, C. (2013). Worker Solidarity Confronting the Crises of Capitalism: Bottom-up Solidarity Economy and Political Ecology in South America, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), Think Piece on Social and Solidarity Economy.
Calderon, C. & Chelleri, L. (2013). Social processes in the production of public spaces: Structuring forces and actors in the renewal of a deprived neighbourhood in Barcelona, Journal of Urban Design, 18, pp. 409-428.
Calderon, C. (2013). Politicising Participation: Towards a new theoretical approach to participation in the planning and design of public space. Diss. No. 2013:37. Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Berglund, B., Hallgren, L. & Aradóttir, Á. (2013). Cultivating Communication: Participatory Approaches in Land Restoration in Iceland. Ecology and Society, 18 (2): 35.
Boonstra, W. J. & Joosse, S. (2013). The Social Dynamics of Degrowth. Environmental Values, 22 (2), pp. 171-189.
Powell, S. & Ah-King, M. (2013). A case study of integrating gender perspectives in teaching and in subject content at a natural science university in Sweden, International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 5 (1).
Sandström, C., Eckerberg, K. & Raitio, K. (2013). Studying conflicts, proposing solutions - Towards multi-level approaches to the analyses of conflicts. Guest editorial to the Special Issue: Forest land use and conflict management: global issues and lessons learned. Forest Policy and Economics, 33, pp. 123-127.
Saarikoski, H. & Raitio, K. (2013). Science and politics in old-growth forest conflict in Upper Lapland. Nature and Culture, 8 (1), pp. 53-73.
Saarikoski, H., Raitio, K. & Barry, J. (2013). Understanding ‘successful’ conflict resolution – Policy regime changes and new interactive arenas in the Great Bear Rainforest. Land Use Policy, 32, pp. 271-280.
Raitio, K. (2013). Discursive institutionalist approach to conflict management analysis – The case of old-growth forest conflicts on Finnish state-owned land. Forest Policy and Economics, 33, pp. 97-103.
Ångman, E. (2013). Was this just for show? Discursive Closure and Opening in a Public Participatory Process. Environmental Communication, 7 (3), pp. 409-426.
Publications 2012
Alarcón, C. (2012). Forest: Capital accumulation, climate change and crises in Chile and Sweden. In: Hornborg, A., Clark, B. & Hermele, K. (Eds.) Ecology and Power- Struggles over Land and Material Resources in the Past, Present and Future. London: Routledge.
Alarcón, C. & Hansen, H. P. (2012). Forest research from a critical perspective: How can it contribute to new knowledge? Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 27 (2), pp. 108-119.
Kleinschmit, D., Alarcón, C., & Hansen, H. P. (2012). The social relevance of forest policy research: Views from the Nordic countries, editors’ preface to special issue on forest policy research. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 27 (2), pp. 105-107.
Widenfalk, O., Solbreck, C. & Bergeå, H. L. (2012). Small-scale resource tracking in a population of a long-lived insect. Ecology and Evolution, 2 (11), pp. 2659-2668.
Calderon, C. (2012). Social Urbanism: Participatory urban upgrading in Medellin, Colombia. In: Lawrence, Yildiz & Kellett (Eds.) Requalifying the built environment: Challenges and responses. Göttingen: Hogrefe Publishing.
Raitio, K. (2012). New Institutional Approach to Collaborative Forest Planning: Methods for Analysis and Lessons for Policy. Land Use Policy, 29 (2), pp. 309-316.
Raitio, K. & Saarikoski, H. (2012). Governing old-growth forests: The interdependence of actors in Great Bear Rainforest in British Columbia. Society and Natural Resources, 25 (9), pp. 900-914.
Ångman, E. (2012). Feelings and Fellings. Exploring the Process of Communication in Forest Management Conflicts. Diss. No. 2012:12. Uppsala: Swedish university of Agricultural Sciences.
Publications 2011
Alarcón, C. (2011). Can politics of ciudadanía move social movements forward? In: Moksnes, H. & Melin, M. (Eds.) Power to the People?(Con-)Tested Civil Society in Search of Democracy. Uppsala Center for Sustainable development, Uppsala University, Sweden.
Ångman, E., Hallgren, L. & Nordström E.-M. (2011). Managing Impressions and Forests: The Importance of Social Interaction in the Co-creation of a Natural Resource Conflict. Society and Natural Resources, 24 (12), pp. 1335-1344.