
Last changed: 04 April 2023

Licentiate and doctoral theses produced at the Department.

From 2003 all theses have been published digitally and can therefore be downloaded as PDFs. Theses produced before 2003 are available at SLU Library.

Doctoral theses in agrarian history

The Division of Agrarian History was during the years 1994-2004 part of the Department of Landscape Planning Ultuna & during 2004-2014 part of the Department of Economics.


Skoglund, Martin. 2023. Climate and Agriculture in the Little Ice Age : The case of Sweden in a wider European perspective, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2023:56,  Language: English, ISSN: 1652-6880, eISBN: 978-91-8046-165-8, ISBN: 978-91-8046-164-1.

Thesis 2023:56: abstract och full text PDF

Starlander, Jakob. 2023. Tar and timber: Governing forest commons in seventeenth century Northern Finland, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2023:14,  Language: English, ISSN: 1652-6880, eISBN: 978-91-8046-081-1, ISBN: 978-91-8046-080-4.

Thesis 2023:14: abstract och full text PDF

Jupiter, Kristofer. 2020. The function of open fields: agriculture in early modern Sweden, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2020:45,  Language: English, ISSN: 1652-6880, eISBN: 978-91-7760-608-6, ISBN: 978-91-7760-609-3.

Thesis 2020:45 Abstract and full text PDF

Hallgren, Karin. 2016. En kåhltäppa eij at räkna: Köksväxtodlingen i 1700-talets jordbrukssystem, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2016:97. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1652-6880, eISBN 978-91-576-8697-8, ISBN 978-91-576-8696-1

Thesis 2016:97 Abstract & full text PDF

Karsvall, Olof. 2016.  Utjordar och ödegårdar: En studie i retrogressiv metod. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2016:92. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-576-8686-2, eISBN 978-91-576-8687-9

Thesis 2016:92 Abstract & full text PDF

Bruno, Karl. 2016. Exporting agrarian expertise: Development aid at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and its predecessors, 1950–2009, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2016:59. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, eISBN 978-91-576-8621-3, ISBN 978-91-576-8620-6

Thesis 2016:59 Abstract & full text PDF

Karlsson, Catarina. 2015. Förlorat järn: Det medeltida jordbrukets behov och förbrukning av järn och stål, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2015:38. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1652-6880, eISBN 978-91-576-8275-8, ISBN 978-91-576-8274-1, Halmstad: Jernkontoret 

Thesis 2015:38 Abstract & full text PDF

Olausson, Inger. 2014. En blomstrande marknad: Handelsträdgårdar i Sverige 1900-1950 med fyra fallstudier i Stockholms län, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2014:27. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1652-6880, eISBN 978-91-576-8003-7,  ISBN 978-91-733-1645-3. Stockholm: Carlsson 

Thesis 2014:27 Abstract & full text PDF

Ericsson, Alf. 2012. Terra mediaevalis: Jordvärderingssystem i medeltidens Sverige, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2012:81. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-576-7728-0 

Thesis 2012:81 Abstract & full text PDF

Nilsson, Pia. 2010. Bortom åker och äng: Förekomst och betydelse av kvarnar, fiske, humle- och fruktodlingar enligt de äldre geometriska kartorna (ca 1630-1650), Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2010:46. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-576-7459-3 

Thesis 2010:46 Abstract & full text PDF

Larsson, Jesper. 2009. Fäbodväsendet 1550-1920: Ett centralt element i Nordsveriges jordbrukssystem, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2009:51. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1652-6880,  ISBN 978-91-794-8228-2 (Jamtli)  

Thesis 2009:51 Abstract & full text PDF

Päiviö, Eva-Lotta. 2008. Det agrara landskapet på vinst eller förlust: Biologiska och historiska värden inom lantbrukets nya uppdrag, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2008:95. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1401-6249, ISBN 978-91-861-9528-1

Thesis 2008:95 Abstract & full text PDF

Westin (Dahlström), Anna. 2006. Betesmarker, djurantal och betestryck 1620-1850: Naturvårdsaspekter på historisk beteshävd i Syd- och Mellansverige, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2006:95. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 91-576-7144-3, series: CBM:s skriftserie, ISSN 1403-6568 vol. 13  

Thesis 2006:95 Abstract & full text PDF

Martiin (Israelsson), Carin. 2005.  Kor och människor: Nötkreatursskötsel och besättningsstorlekar på torp och herrgårdar 1850-1914, Acta universitatis agriculturae Suecia,e vol. 2005:102. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 91-7844-699-6 [New ed.] Hedemora : Gidlund  

Thesis 2005:102 Abstract & full text PDF

Cserhalmi, Niklas. 2004. Djuromsorg och djurmisshandel 1860-1925: Synen på lantbrukets djur och djurplågeri i övergången mellan bonde- och industrisamhälle, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2004:498. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1401-6249, ISBN 91-7844-668-6,  Möklinta: Gidlund  

Thesis 2004:498 Abstract & full text PDF

Kardell, Örjan. 2004. Hägnadernas roll för jordbruket och byalaget 1640-1900, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2004:445. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1401-6249, ISBN 91-576-645-1-X 

Thesis 2004:445 Abstract & full text PDF

Leijonhufvud, Lotta. 2001. Grain tithes and manorial yields in early modern Sweden: Trends and patterns of production and productivity c. 1540-1680, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2001:309. Language: English, ISSN 1401-6249, ISBN 91-576-5829-3 

Lange, Ulrich. 2000. Experimentalfältet: Kungl. Lantbruksakademiens experiment- och försöksverksamhet på Norra Djurgården i Stockholm 1816-1907, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2000:225. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1401-6249,  ISBN 91-576-5760-2

Slotte, Håkan. 2000. Lövtäkt i Sverige och på Åland: Metoder och påverkan på landskapet, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2000:236. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1401-6249,  ISBN 91-576-5782-3

Flygare, Irene. 1999. Generation och kontinuitet: Familjejordbruket i två svenska slättbygder under 1900-talet, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 1999:54. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1401-6249,  ISBN 91-85618-60-8 (Upplands fornminnesfören och hembygdsförb) series: Upplands fornminnesförenings tidskrift, 0347-9714: 54


Doctoral theses in rural development

Landström, K. 2023. The Specter of Community: An Ethnographic Exploration of the Local Support for the Kaunisvaara Mine. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2023:61. Language: English, ISBN 978-91-8046-174-0 eISBN 978-91-8046-175-7

Thesis 2023:61 abstract & full text PDF

Arvidsson, A. 2023. Smallholders and pigs in northern Uganda : an ethnographic study of pig rearing, disease management and local knowledges. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2023:50. Language: English, ISBN 978-91-8046-152-8 eISBN 978-91-8046-153-5

Thesis 2023:50 abstract & full text PDF

Rosén, L. 2020. At the limits of state governance: Territory, property and state making in Lenje Chiefdom, rural Zambia. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2020:67. Language: English, ISBN 978-91-7760-652-9 eISBN 978-91-7760-653-6 

Thesis 2020:67 Abstract & full text PDF

Elwidaa, E. 2020. Rethinking adequate housing for low-income women of the Global South: Reflections on women initiated housing transformations to Masese Women Slum-Upgrading Housing Project, Jinja, Uganda. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2020:28, Language: English, ISBN 978-91-7760-574-4 eISBN 978-91-7760-575-1

Thesis 2020:28 Abstract & full text PDF

Granlund, S. 2020. The promise of payday: Exploring the role of state cash transfers in post-apartheid rural South Africa. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2020:10, Language: English, ISBN 978-91-7760-538-6 eISBN 978-91-7760-539-3

Thesis 2020:10 Abstract & full text PDF

Amurwon, J. 2019. Responding to chronic illness: A case study from rural Uganda. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2019:64, Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978- 91-7760-446-4, eISBN 978- 91-7760-447-1

Thesis 2019:64 Abstract & full text PDF 

Khatri, B. Dil. 2018. Climate and Development at the Third Pole: Dynamics of power and knowledge reshaping community forest governance in Nepal, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2018:41, Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978- 91-7760-222-4, eISBN 978- 91-7760-223-1

Thesis 2018:41 Abstract & full text PDF 

Engström, Linda. 2018. Development Delayed: Exploring the failure of a large-scale agricultural investment in Tanzania to deliver promised outcomes, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2018:40. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-61-7760-220-0, eISBN 978-91-7760-221-7

Thesis 2018:40 Abstract & full text PDF 

Cras, Patrik. 2017. Landsbygdssamhällets medborgarskap: En studie av organisering av service och infrastruktur i gränslandet mellan det ideella, kommersiella och politiska, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2017:76. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-7760-042-8, eISBN 978-91-7760-043-5

Thesis 2017:76 Abstract & full text PDF

Westholm, Lisa. 2017. Conserving carbon and gender relations? Gender perspectives on REDD+ and global climate policy, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2017:74. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-7760-034-3, eISBN 978-91-7760-035-0

Thesis 2017:74 Abstract & full text PDF

Paju, Martin. 2016. Hälsingegården i omvandling: En studie av världsarvsprocessen i Hälsingland, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2016:60. Language: Swedish,  ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-576-8622-0, eISBN 978-91-576-8623-7

Thesis 2016:60 Abstract & full text PDF

Nagoli, Joseph. 2016.  A lake without water: Livelihood coping strategies during the Lake Chilwa water recessions in Malawi, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2016:36. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-576-8574-2 , eISBN 978-91-576-8575-9

Thesis 2016:36 Abstract & full text PDF

Petitt, Andrea. 2016. Women's cattle ownership in Botswana: Rebranding gender relations?, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2016:35. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-576-8572-8, eISBN 978-91-576-8573-5

Thesis 2016:35 Abstract & full text PDF

Belfrage, Kristina. 2014. Integrating Food Production and Biodiversity: Energy and Scale Issues in Implementation, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2014:57. Language: English,  ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-576-8062-4, eISBN 978-91-576-8063-1

Thesis 2014:57 Abstract & full text PDF

Otto, Opira. 2013. Trust, Identity and Beer: Institutional Arrangements for Agricultural Labour in Isunga village in Kiryandongo district, Midwestern Uganda. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2013:76. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-576-7890-4, eISBN 978-91-576-7891-1

Thesis 2013:76 Abstract & full text PDF

Jacobson, Klara. 2013. From Betterment to Bt Maize: Agricultural Development and the Introduction of Genetically Modified Maize to South African Smallholders. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2013:28. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-576-7795-2

Thesis 2013:28 Abstract & full text PDF

Duveskog, Deborah. 2013. Farmer Field Schools as a transformative learning space in the rural African setting. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2013:47. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-576-7833-1

Thesis 2013:47 Abstract & full text PDF

Eriksson, Camilla. 2013. Fäboden som politiskt rum. Att vara fäbodbrukare i den gemensamma jordbrukspolitiken. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2013:25. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-576-7789-1

Thesis 2013:25 Abstract & full text PDF

Hoang Thi, Sen. 2009. Gains and Losses: Devolution of Forestry Land and Natural Forest. A Study of Forest Allocation in North Central Coast, Vietnam. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2009:72. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-576-7419-7

Thesis 2009:72 Abstract & full text PDF

Eksvärd, Karin. 2009. Exploring New Ways: Systematic Research Transitions for Agricultural Sustainability. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2009:44. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-86195-91-5

Thesis 2009:44 Abstract & full text PDF

Beland Lindahl, Karin.  2008. Frame analysis, place perceptions and the politics of natural resource management. Exploring a forest policy controversy in Sweden. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae Vol. 2008:60. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-85913-93-0

Thesis 2008:60 Abstract & full text PDF

Sandström, Emil, 2008. Reinventing the commons: Exploring the emergence of local natural resource management arrangements. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2008:48. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-85913-81-7

Thesis 2008:48 Abstract & full text PDF

Marquart Arévalo, Kristina. 2008. Burning Changes: Action research with farmers and swidden agriculture in the Upper Amazon. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2008:42. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-85913-75-6

Thesis 2008:42 Abstract & full text PDF

Hofny-Collins, Anna. 2006. The potential for using composted municipal waste in agriculture. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2006:65. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 91-576-7114-1

Thesis 2006:65 Abstract & full text PDF

Beckman, Malin. 2006. Resilient society, vulnerable people: A study of disaster response and recovery from floods in central Vietnam. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2006:115. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 91-576-7264-4

Thesis 2006:115 Abstract & full text PDF

Arora-Jonsson, Seema. 2005. Unsettling the order: Gendered subjects and grassroots activism in two forest communities. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2005:70. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 91-576-6969-4

Thesis 2005:70 Abstract & full text PDF

Farnworth, Cathy Rozel. 2004. Creating quality relationships in the organic producer to consumer chain. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2004:483. Language: English, ISSN 1401-6249, ISBN 91-576-6757-8

Thesis 2004:83 Abstract & full text PDF

Saifi, Basim. 2004. The sustainability of Swedish agriculture in a coevolutionary perspective. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2004:469. Language: English, ISSN 1401-6249, ISBN 91-576-6499-4

Thesis 2004:469 Abstract & full text PDF

Sirén, Anders. 2004. Changing interactions between humans and nature in Sarayaku, Ecuadorian Amazon. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2004:447. Language: English, ISSN 1401-6249,, ISBN 91-576-6455-2

Thesis 2004:447 Abstract & full text PDF

Hårsmar, Mats. 2004. Heavy Clouds But No Rain: Agricultural Growth Theories and Peasant Strategies on The Mossi Plateau, Burkina Faso. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2004:439. Language: English, ISSN 1401-6249, ISBN 91-576-6488-9

Thesis 2004:439 Abstract & full text PDF

Nemarundwe, Nontokozo. 2003. Negotiating Resource Access: Institutional arrangemens for woodlands and water use in southern Zimbabwe. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2003:408. Language: English, ISSN 1401-6249, ISBN 91-576-6427-7

Thesis 2003:408 Abstract & full text PDF

Bekele, Melaku. 2003. Forest Property Rights, the Role of the State, and Institutional Exigency: The Ethiopian Experience. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2003:409. Language: English, ISSN 1401-6249, ISBN 91-576-6429-3

Thesis 2003:409 Abstract & full text PDF

Legesse, Belaineh. 2003. Risk Management Strategies of Smallholder Farmers in the Eastern Highlands of Ethiopia. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2003:404. Language: English, ISSN 1401-6249, ISBN 91-576-6419-6

Thesis 2003:404 Abstract & full text PDF

Kassa, Habtemariam. 2003. Livestock and Livelihood Security in the Harar Highlands of Ethiopia: Implications for research and development. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2003:388. Language: English, ISSN 1401-6249, ISBN 91-576-6436-6

Thesis 2003:388 Abstract 

Beyene, Atakilte. 2003. Soil Conservation, Land Use and Property Rights in Northern Ethiopia: Understranding environmental change in smallholder farming systems. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2003:395. Language: English, ISSN 1401-6249, ISBN 91-576-6401-3

Thesis 2003:395 Abstract

Sobelius, Johan. 2003. Att bruka eller icke bruka jorden: En fenomenografisk studie om uppfattningar av jord och jordbruk. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2003:385. Language: English, ISSN 1401-6249, ISBN 91-576-6430-7

Thesis 2003:385 Abstract & full text PDF

Milestad, Rebecka. 2003. Building Farm Resilience: Prospects and Challenges of Organic Farming. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2003:375. Language: English, ISSN 1401-6249, ISBN 91-576-6410-2

Thesis 2003:375 Abstract & full text PDF

Vergunst, Petra. 2003. Liveability and Ecological Land Use: The challenge of localisation. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2003:373. Language: English, ISSN 1401-6249, ISBN 91-576-6406-4

Thesis 2003:375 Abstract & full text PDF

Matondi, Prosper. 2002. The Struggle for Access to Land and Water Resources in Zimbabwe: The case of Shamva district

King, Christine. 2000. Systemic processes for facilitating social learnig: Challenging the legacy

Larson-Lidén, Lisbeth. 2000. Democracy Grassroots Movements and Rural Development: Case studies from Zimbabwe, Zambia and Kerala

Powell, Neil. 1999, Co-Management in Non-Equilibrium Systems: Cases from Namibian Rangelands


Doctoral theses in landscape architecture


Valentini, D. 2024. (Not) Representing Cycling: Exploring the subjugation and multiplicity of cycling. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2024:15, Language: English, ISBN 978-91-8046-294-5, eISBN 978-91-8046-295-2

Thesis 2024:15 abstract & full text PDF

Sangenoi, M. 2023. Urban Growth Dynamics : Analysis of the Evolution Process of Small Urban Centres in Developing Countries. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2023:59, Language: English, ISBN 978-91-8046-208-2, eISBN 978-91-8046-209-9

Thesis 2023:78 abstract & full text PDF

Engström, A. 2023. Planning for an urban recreational landscape : tracing geographies of outdoor recreation in the compact city. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2023:59, Language: English, ISBN 978-91-8046-170-2, eISBN 978-91-8046-171-9

Thesis 2023:59 abstract & full text PDF

Sanga, E. 2022. Urban places for recreation – beyond dogmatic practices. Case of Manzese Informal settlement Dar es Sal. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2022:57, Language: English, ISBN 978-91-7760-989-6 eISBN 978-91-7760-990-2

Thesis 2022:57 abstract & full text PDF

Ledo, P. 2021. A southern perspective: Northern and indigenous influences on the establishment of a hybrid culture of participatory planning, the story of Sacaba. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2021:44, Language: English, ISBN 978-91-7760-766-3 eISBN 978-91-7760-767-0

Thesis 2021:44 abstract & full text PDF

Nuhu, S. 2021. Rethinking land access governance in Global South Cities: understanding the dynamics and contentions of land access processes and governance mechanisms in peri-urban areas of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2021:27, Language: English, ISBN 978-91-7760-730-4 eISBN 978-91-7760-731-1

Thesis 2021:27 Abstract & full text PDF

Mngumi, L. 2021. Climate change resilience: Exploring socio-ecological system resilience for livelihood effects of climate change in peri-urban areas. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2021:15, Language: English, ISBN 978-91-7760-708-3 eISBN 978-91-7760-709-0

Thesis 2021:15 Abstract & full text PDF

Yang, F. 2019. Rethinking lawns as prevalent elements of urban green spaces: Exploring sustainable lawn alternatives in Chinese mega-cities from social-cultural and ecological perspectives. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2019:6, Language: English, ISBN 978-91-7760-330-6 eISBN 978-91-7760-331-3

Thesis 2019:6 Abstract & full text PDF

Xiu, Na. 2017. Urban green networks: A socio-ecological framework for planning and design of green and blue spaces in Sweden and China. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2017:3, språk: engelska, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-576-8779-1, eISBN 978-91-576-8780-7 

Thesis 2017:3 Abstract & full text PDF

Kågström, Mari. 2016. Strengthening the practitioner focus in environmental assessment. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2016:1. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-576-8504-9, eISBN 978-91-576-8505-6

Thesis 2016:1 Abstract & full text PDF

Nordin, Kerstin. 2015. Att sätta barn på kartan: Barnkartor i GIS för information om barns utemiljö. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2015:116. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-576-8430-1, eISBN 978-91-576-8431-8

Thesis 2015:116 Abstract & full text PDF

Butler, Andrew. 2014. Developing theory of public involvement in landscape planning: Democratising landscape. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2014:52. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-576-8052-5, eISBN 978-91-576-8053-2

Thesis 2014:52 Abstract & full text PDF

Calderon, Camilo. 2013. Politicising participation: towards a new theoretical approach to participation in the planning and design of public spaces. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2013:37. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-576-7813-3

Thesis 2013:37 Abstract & full text PDF

Wärnbäck, Antoienette. 2012. Examples of Cumulative Effects and Final Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2012:38. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-576-7674-0  

Thesis 2012:38 Abstract & full text PDF

Forsberg, Oskar. 2010. Changes Over Time in Remnant Rural Vegetation within Built-up Areas: Recreational use, Vegetation dynamics and Conservation assessment. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2010:84. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-576-7529-3  

Thesis 2010:84 Abstract & full text PDF

Somarriba-Chang, Matilde. 2010. Testing ecotourism principles in Nicaragua. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2010:37. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-576-7450-0  

Thesis 2010:37 Abstract & full text PDF

Åkerskog, Ann. 2009. Implementering av miljöbedömningar i Sverige: Från EG-direktiv till kommunal översiktlig planering. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2009:2. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-86195-49-6

Thesis 2009:3 Abstract & full text PDF

Tandre, Anna. 2008. Grönsöö park och trädgård 1820-1925: Tre familjemedlemmars odling, upplevelser och dokumentation i förhållande till dagens anläggning. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2008:62. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-85913-95-4

Thesis 2008:62 Abstract & full text PDF

Paget, Susan. 2008. Aspekter på landskapsarkitektens yrkesroll med utgångspunkt i skolgårdsutveckling. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2008:66. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-85913-99-2

Thesis 2008:66 Abstract & full text PDF

Myhr, Ulla. 2008. Property-level environmental assessment tools for outdoor areas: Development, analysis and comparison. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2008:38. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-85913-71-89

Thesis 2008:38 Abstract & full text PDF

Granvik, Madeleine. 2005. Implementation of the Habitat-agenda in local communities: Late modern living conditions and residents´ interest, time for and real action in citizen participation, in a Swedish and Russian context. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2005:108. Language: Englishl ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 91-576-6907-4

Thesis 2005:108 Abstract & full text PDF

Ahlberg, Nils. 2005. Stadsgrundningar och planförändringar: Svensk stadsplanering 1521-1721. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2005:94. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 91-576-6993-7

Thesis 2005:94 Abstract & full text PDF

Eckerberg, Klas. 2004. Etta eller nolla?: Landskapsarkitekter, yrkeskunnande och informationsteknologi. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2004:463. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1401-6249, ISBN 91-576-6487-0

Thesis 2004:463 Abstract & full text PDF

Dahlman, Ylva. 2004. Kunskap genom bilder: En studie i hur studenter inom natur- och samhällsvetenskapliga utbildningar fördjupar sin ämnesförståelse genom arbete med bilder. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2004:448. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1401-6249, ISBN 91-576-6457-9

Thesis 2004:448 Abstract & full text PDF

Hedfors, Per. 2003. Site soundscapes: Landscape architecture in the light of sound. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2003:407. Language: English, ISSN 1401-6249, ISBN 91-576-6425-0

Thesis 2003:407 Abstract & full text PDF

Wallin, Fredrik. 2002. Ekologisk potential och upplevd miljökvalitet. Egenskaper i ett urval svenska bostadskvarter med inriktning på solenergipotential, dagvattenhantering, vardagslivets resmönster samt upplevd kvalitet i den lokala boendemiljön. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2002:344. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1401-6249, ISBN 91-576-6198-7

Thesis 2002:344 Abstract & full text PDF


Doctoral theses in environmental communication

Söderlund Kanarp, C. 2024. From Imagination to Practical Understandings : meaning making in climate change adaptation, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2024:83, Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-8046-374-4, eISBN 978-91-8046-410-9

Thesis 2024:83 abstract & full text PDF 

Åhlvik, T. 2023. The ambiguous nature of hope : How a discourse of hope shapes the communicative conditions for exploring challenges in the circular economy transition, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2023:93, Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-8046-240-2, eISBN 978-91-8046-241-9

Thesis 2023:93 abstract & full text PDF 

Bäckman, M. 2023. What comes to count as sustainable in Rosendal? A study of how sustainability is being reproduced in an urban sociomaterial assemblage, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2023:72, Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-8046-196-2, eISBN 978-91-8046-197-9

Thesis 2023:72 abstract & full text PDF 

Tickle, L. 2023. Past echoes and modern pressures: on the changing ethics of hunting in Sweden, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2023:16, Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-8046-084-2, eISBN 978-91-8046-085-9

Thesis 2023:16 abstract & full text PDF 

Westin, M. 2019. Rethinking power in participatory planning: Towards reflective practice, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2019:78, Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-7760-474-7, eISBN 978-91-7760-475-4 

Thesis 2019:78 Abstract & full text PDF 

Caselunghe, E. 2018. Deliberations on Nature: Swedish cases of communication and democracy within nature conservation, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2018:68, Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-7760-276-7, eISBN 978-91-7760-277-4 

Thesis 2018:68 Abstract & full text PDF 

Höckert, J. 2017. Sharing lifeworlds and creating collaborative cultures: Challenges for the advisory system in order to contribute to a sustainable farm development, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2017:106. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-7760-102-9, eISBN 978-91-576-7760-103-6 

Thesis 2017:106 Abstract & full text PDF 

Givá, N. 2016. Parks with People? Action Research in Bridging Conservation and Livelihoods in Limpopo National Park, Mozambique, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2016:118. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-576-8739-5, eISBN 978-91-576-8740-1  

Thesis 2016:118 Abstract & full text PDF 

Sahilu, T. A. 2016. Stewardship towardsresponsible management of pesticides: The case of Ethiopian agriculture, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2016:87. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-576-8676-3, eISBN 978-91-576-8677-0  

Thesis 2016:87 Abstract & full text PDF 

Von Essen, E. 2016. In the gap between legality and legitimacy: Illegal hunting in Sweden as a crime of dissent, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2016:81. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-576-8664-0, eISBN 978-91-576-8665-7  

Thesis 2016:81 Abstract & full text PDF 

Powell, S. 2016. Gender Equality and Meritocracy Contradictory discourses in the academy. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2016:17. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-576-8536-0, eISBN 978- 91-576-8537-7

Thesis 2016:17 Abstract & full text PDF 

Alarcón Ferrari, C. 2015. Forests at the Limits: Forestry, Land Use and Climate Change from Political Ecology and Environmental Communication Perspectives, the Case of Chile & Sweden. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2015:5. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-576-8228-4, eISBN 978-91-576-8229-1

Thesis 2015:5 Abstract & full text PDF 

Ångman, E. 2012. Feelings and Fellings: Exploring the Process of Communication in Forest Management Conflicts. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2012:12. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-576-7648-1

Thesis 2012:12 Abstract & full text PDF

Tadesse, M. 2010. Living with Adversity and Vulnerability: Adaptive Strategies and the Role of Trees in Konso, Southern Ethiopia. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2010:15. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-576-7492-0

Thesis 2010:15 Abstract & full text PDF

Nordström Källström, H, 2008. Mellan trivsel och ensamhet: Om sociala villkor i lantbruket. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2008:74. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-86195-07-6

Thesis 2008:74 Abstract & full text PDF

Bergeå, H. 2007. Negotiating fences: Interaction in advisory encounters for nature conservation. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2007:130. Language: English, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 978-91-85913-29-9

Thesis 2007:130 Abstract & full text PDF

Westberg, L. 2005. Aktörssamverkan i praktiken: Om lärande och makt i samverkansprocesser mellan aktörer i livsmedelssystemet. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2005:9. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 91-576-6995-31

Thesis 2005:9 Abstract & full text PDF

Gunnarsdotter, Y. 2005. Från arbetsgemenskap till fritidsgemenskap: Den svenska landsbygdens omvandling ur Locknevis perspektiv. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2005:3. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN 91-576-7002-1

Thesis 2005:3 Abstract & full text PDF

Hallgren, L. 2003. I djupet av ett vattendrag: Om konflikt och samverkan vid naturresurshantering. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2003:379. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1401-6249, ISBN 91-576-6418-8

Thesis 2003:379 Abstract & full text PDF

Ljung, M. 2002. Collaborative learning for sustainable development of agri-food systems. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, vol. 2002:308. Language: English, ISSN 1401-6249, ISBN 91-576-5827-7


Licentiate theses in agrarian history

Frölund, Per. 2019. Bosättningar och jordbruk i Gamla Uppsala 200 f. Kr–600. Language: Swedish, ISBN 978-91-576-9624-3, eISBN 978-91-576-9625-0

Per Frölund's thesis - abstract & fullt ext PDF

Thunström, Per. 2017. Traktorernas intåg: Teknik, produktion och marknadsföring i Sverige under introduktionstiden 1905-1930. Language: Swedish, ISBN 978-91-576-9504-8, eISBN 978-91-576-9505-5

Per Thunström's thesis Abstract & full text PDF

Höglund, Mats. 2017.  Kampen om fredsmilen: Kartan som makt- och kontrollinstrument i 1655 års reduktion Language: Swedish, ISBN 978-91-576-9456-0, eISBN 978-91-576-9457-7. 

Mats Höglund's thesis Abstract & full text PDF

Licentiate theses in rural development

Cecilia Nylén Andresen. 2005. "Gödsel är bara koskit": Storstadsbarns föreställningar om jordbruk. Dept. of Rural Development and Agroecology, SLU. Language: Swedish, ISBN 91-576-6824-8

Cecilia Nylén Andresen's thesis Abstract & full text PDF

Licentitate theses in landscape architecture

Bergkvist, Johan. 2013. Landskapsarkitektur i järnvägslandskap: Platsernas förändring i historiskt perspektiv. Language: Swedish, ISBN 978-91-86197-09-4

Johan Bergkvist's thesis Abstract & full text PDF

Msangi, Daniel Elwida. 2011. Land Acquisition for Urban Expansion: Process and Impacts on Livelihoods of Peri Urban Households, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.  Rapporter - Institutionen för stad och land, SLU nr 2/2011. Language: English, ISSN:1652-6880, ISBN: 978-91-85735-22-8

Daniel Elwida Msangi's thesis Abstract & full text PDF

Wärnbäck, Antoienette. 2007. Cumulative effects in Swedish impact assessment practiceRapporter - Institutionen för stad och land, SLU nr 3/2007. Language: English, ISSN 1654-0565, ISBN 978-91-85735-02-0

Antoienette Wärnbäck's thesis Abstract & full text PDF

Lindqvist, Carina. 2001. Kretsloppsanläggningar och utemiljö: En studie av tre bostadsområden. Samhälls- och landskapsplanering nr 14. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1403-1361, ISBN 91-576-6038-7

Eckerberg, Klas. 1999. Information technology in landscape architecture: Development of tools, methods and professional role. Dept. of Landscape Planning, Ultuna, SLU. Samhälls- och landskapsplanering vol. 6. Language: English, ISSN 1403-1361, ISBN 91-576-5955-9

Klas Eckerberg's thesis Abstract & full text PDF

Wallin, Fredrik. 1998. Bärkraftigt boende: analys av ekologisk bärkraft i skilda samhällsbyggnadsstrategier: förstudie: problemanalys, metodutveckling och fallstudier.  Samhälls- och landskapsplanering nr 2. Language: Swedish, ISSN 1403-1361

Licentiate theses in environmental communication

Lundström, Christina. 2016. Cognition and decision-making in adoption of agricultural decision support systems the case of precision agriculture. Language: English, ISBN 978-91-576-9433-1, eISBN 978- 91-576-9434-8

Christina Lundström's thesis Abstract & full text PDF
