The Social Economy of the Forest

Last changed: 17 June 2024

The project maps and analyzes the change in forestry in Småland over a long period of time by compiling information on ownership conditions, afforested land and ditching of forest and bog land, based on historical maps from the archives of Huseby Bruk.

This is part of the larger research project Vändpunkter – Entreprenörskapets villkor i Småland över 100 år at Linné University, and it investigates the transformation of forests and forestry in Småland from 1860–1920. The focus is the landscape's spatial change and socio-economic consequences of a collective village organization and communally claimed forest and agricultural land being individualized and privatized.

The project maps and analyzes the change in forestry in Småland over a long period of time by compiling information on ownership conditions, afforested land and ditching of forest and bog land, based on historical maps from the archives of Huseby Bruk.

The study is based on the Huseby estate archives, and uses documentation in other estate archives as well. Maps drawn up when the landscape's hydrology changed will be digitized in GIS and analyzed to see how man has changed the natural conditions. This mainly concerns forest planting under Stephen's direction, and the effects of digging out forests and lowering the lake. The protracted legal water conflict between Huseby and Engaholm regarding the lowering of Lake Salen is central.


Project leader

Kristofer Jupiter, Researcher, Division of Agrarian History, SLU, +4618672655
Read more about Kristofer Jupiter on his CV page
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Project participants

Gunnel Cederlöf, Professor, Department of Cultural Sciences, Linné University, +46470708931
Read more about Gunnel Cederlöf on her presentation page
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Project time


External funding

The Kamprad Family Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Research & Charity