Landscape Architecture is the art of combining function, aesthetics and sustainability in the planning, design and management of the environment.
The subject covers a broad field, from regional and city spatial planning to the design of urban spaces and the individual elements which constitute them. This is addressed with the awareness of the mutual dependence and interactions between these different scales.
Research and professional activities at the division are implemented in many different forms; from large national and international research projects to partnership projects in close collaboration with stakeholders and administrations, sector organizations and private businesses. Our activities have interdisciplinary and international character and contribute to the knowledge about different types of landscapes, and their shaping at various scales and their role in society. We are collaborating with universities in Europe, the Baltic Sea region, and in the Global South.
The division is supported by the Faculty in their strategic development of the subject Landscape architecture through the following four sub-areas.

SLU Landscape is a cross-institutional platform for collaboration and joint profiling of the landscape subject within SLU and one of the largest environments in research and teaching in landscape architecture in Europe.

Marcus Hedblom is since October 2021 Professor of Landscape Architecture with a focus on Landscape management.
His inauguration lecture had the title: "Multifunktionella grönytor i städer för biodiversitet och människors hälsa" (Multifunctional urban green areas for biodiversity and human health).

Helena Nord is since June 2023 Professor of Landscape architecture with a focus on Design theory.
Her Docent lecture had the title "A place for both the dead and the living".
Head of Division
Bruno Santesson, Lecturer, +4618672519, +46702501165
Send an e-mail to: bruno.santesson@slu.se