Accessible Digital and Physical Play Environments

Last changed: 03 April 2023

The aim of this project was to, through a play concept called DigiPlayScape developed in the DigiFys project Vinnova UDI step 3, enable planning and development of play environments very close to childrens' homes in housing areas and at school yards and make them accessible for differently abled children.

The play concept DigiPlayScape builds on the idea of an available landscape where natural materials are augmented with multimodal technology in a seamless way to inspire open ended play.

To enable the implementation of this concept in society the project also developed methodology that can support the procurement process when planning, designing and building play environments with a high play value for differently abled children close to home and at school yards. These methodologies are based on several decades of research on outdoor play for differently abled children in landscape and environmental psychology as well as interaction and play design in Sweden and internationally.

The project focused on two aspects of accessability:

  1. to enable hildren to get access to a play area outdoors on their own terms very close to home or at their school yard;
  2. accessability in terms of the play environment being graspable and playable for differently abled children in a social play setting with peers.

The fact that the term differently able is complex is acknowledged in the project.


Project leader

Eva-Lotta Sallnäs Pysander, Professor, Swedish Royal Institute of Technology, KTH - Dept. of Media Technology and Interaction Design, +4687906626
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Project participants

Susan Paget, Senior Lecturer, Division of Landscape Architecture, SLU (-2020)

Project time


External funding

Sweden's Innovation Agency (Vinnova) dnr 2017-04907
