Research in Political Science
Here we present our research - in projects and publications.

Here at SLU, the research in Political Science mainly focuses on policy and governance issues related to various environmental and sustainability challenges. This includes, for example, research on the design and implementation of policies and instruments, new forms of governance and collaboration, the actors of social planning and their importance, as well as democratic participation and legitimacy. Within the subject, research can be found in a range of policy areas, at local as well as national level, and includes both theory-developing and empirically oriented studies.
Researchers in Political Science participate in the Bachelor's programme Politices kandidat med inriktning mot hållbar utveckling, as well as in several of other courses and programmes at SLU, where our knowledge of democracy, governance and policy is in high demand.
Research and education in Political Science at SLU has a focus on the practical application and development of politics, where cooperation with authorities, organisations, municipalities, companies and other social actors is important.
Researchers in Political Science are involved in the annual conference on biodiversity arranged by SLU Swedish Biodiversity Centre CBM, and the annual MKB-dagen organised in cooperation with several Swedish Government Agencies.