Does dead wood affect the presence of orchids?

Linnea Edwang Stridbo writes her Master's thesis at the Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies. With her work she hopes to contribute to nature conservation of the unique conifer lime forests in Jämtland.
Who am I?
My name is Linnea Edwang Stridbo and I would describe myself as positive and that I like to try new things. I live in my hometown Östersund where I, in addition to my supervisor from SLU, also have a supervisor at the county administration.
What is your Masters thesis about?
In my master thesis at VFM I will study the occurrence of deadwood and orchids in conifer lime forests in the county of Jämtland. The aim is to find out if deadwood in some way has any impact on orchids.
Why did you choose that topic?
It was through my job at the forest agency that my interest in nature conservation increased and ever since I have wanted to learn more about conifer lime forests in particular. I hope that my master thesis in some way will contribute with something useful for nature conservation of the unique conifer lime forests in Jämtland.
Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies