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Megafauna and Sustainability (MegaSus)

Welcome to the website of the Megafauna and Sustainability (MegaSus) unit, led by Assoc. Professor Joris Cromsigt, of the Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental studies, SLU, Umeå.

Rhino. Photo.

In this unit, we are passionate to learn more about the community ecology and (socio-) ecological impacts of megafauna. Megafauna, to us, are terrestrial warm-blooded hairy creatures, aka large mammals. MegaSus' ultimate vision is to perform fun basic science that contributes towards achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. We study megafauna from multiple perspectives, including community ecology, trophic interactions, behavioral ecology, and earth system functioning. We focus on African and European systems.


Published: 22 September 2023 - Page editor: susanna.bergstrom@slu.se

Contacts at the Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies

Head of department: Anders Alanärä +46 (0)90-786 8215
Assistant head of department: Anne-Maarit Hekkala +46(0)90-786 8370, +46(0)72-242 97 13
Communications officer: Frida Wengberg +46(0)90-786 81 73

Postal address: Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies, SE-901 83, Sweden
Visiting address: Skogsmarksgränd, SE-907 36 Umeå, Sweden
Payment address: SLU Fakturamottagning Box 7090, SE-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
