Welcome to the website of Professor Göran Ericsson's moose research group at the Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Environment, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Umeå, Northern Sweden. We work with research on moose, environment, climate and humans. Our work includes education and collaboration with various organizations nationally and internationally. Our research task is carried out in cooperation with various stakeholders as government, industry, NGOs and the public.

Moose is the species that is the focus of several of our research questions. In southern and central Sweden, we are studying the interaction between moose and the other deer species - red deer, roe deer, fallow deer and wild boar - and the surrounding environment. Within the national thematic research program WILDLIFE & FORESTRY, we focus on the interaction between moose and forestry activity. In arctic Sweden, in the research project ICEMOOSE, we address questions concerning moose, humans and climate. In partnership with Future Forests, we also work with social issues of wildlife management and forestry.

2021-10-19 New report - Årsrapport GPS-märkta älgar och inventeringar i brandområdet 2020-2021 – Fördelning, rörelse, livsmiljö, bärris ochspillning
2120-09-24 New report - Överlapp mellan betesskadenivåer och älgrörelsedata från Norrbottens älgförvaltningsområden
2020-09-24 New annual report: GPS-älgarna i Nikkaluokta 2019-2020
2020-09-14 New annual report: GPS-älgarna i i Haparanda-Kalix skärgård 2019/20
2020-01-20 New annaul report: GPS-älgarna i Nikkaluokta 2018-2019