Group members

Last changed: 10 June 2020

Claire Cayol (Postdoctor)

I am broadly interested in the ecology of zoonotic pathogens and parasites. I am currently researching the role of biodiversity on microbiota and disease risk in bank voles and moose as a member of the WILD HEALTH project.

Frauke Ecke (Senior Lecturer, group leader)

Research focus on population dynamics and landscape ecology of small mammals and their zoonoses and the small mammals' trophic interactions in time and space.

Keywords: Climate change, ecosystem engineer, ecosystem health, Environmental Monitoring of Small Rodents, land use change, pathogens, Puumala orthohantavirus, tick-borne pathogens, tularemia, zoonoses

Annika Holmgren (Research Engineer)

Birger Hörnfeldt (Senior Adviser)

Henrik Johansen (Master Student)

Sonya Juthberg (Research Engineer)

Hussein Khalil (Researcher)

My research revolves around identifying and mitigating the environmental, social, and economic determinants of infectious diseases, especially in low-income urban areas.

Magnus Magnusson (Postdoctor)

Research towards a better understanding of the effects of land-use change and habitat restoration on biodiversity, disease and human health.

Keywords: Biodiversity, boreal ecosystem, diseases, voles, insects, landscape change, land-use change, population dynamics, restoration, zoonoses

Mikael Marberg (Research Engineer)

Anita Norman (Researcher)

Research in immunogenetics and pathogen-host genetics within the bank vole and Puumala orthohantavirus pathogen-host system.

Åke Nordström (Research Engineer)

Navinder Singh (Senior Lecturer)

Saana Sipari (Postdoctor)

In my research, I am studying the winter dynamics between voles and humans, and how their movements, behavior and interactions affect emergence and transmission of the Puumala orthohantavirus, i.e. "vole fever".

Britt van Zelst (Bachelor Student, Intern)

I am a Dutch International Land and Water Management student from Wageningen University and I am an intern in the Rodent & Disease Ecology group, where I focus mainly on water quality research related to beavers.
