Forest and Landscape
BSc with a major in Landscape Architecture or Forestry Science
Would you like to be able to influence the future development of forests and landscapes? Then look no further - this is the Bachelor's degree for you.
Welcome to a unique programme that gives you in-depth knowledge of forests and landscapes. By taking a holistic approach to forests and their importance to society, the programme focuses on the different perspectives on the environment and management.
In the Forest and Landscape programme you will study courses on how a forest landscape is maintained, experienced and managed from both a landscape and forestry perspective. Based at the SLU campus in Alnarp (10km from Malmö and Lund), the programme attracts both Swedish and international students and all teaching is held in English.
As a student in the Forest & Landscape program, you have the opportunity to apply, in competition, to Wageningen University for your third year of program studies. After completing your studies, you meet the requirements to apply for a double degree, one from SLU and one from Wageningen University.
After obtaining your Bachelor of Science in either forestry science or landscape architecture, you will have adequate knowledge to work as a specialist or advisor at governmental authorities, municipalities, forestry companies or in nature tourism.
You can also continue your studies towards a Master’s degree.
Name:Forest and Landscape (BSc)
Programme scope:3 year, 180 credits
Next start:Autumn semester 2025
Tuition Fees:Citizens of countries outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland are required to pay application and tuition fees.
First semester:SEK 78000
Total:SEK 468000
Application deadline for international students:2025-01-15
Application deadline for Swedish students:2025-04-15
Study location:Alnarp
Pace of study:Full-time
Teaching form:On-campus
Application code for Swedish students:91003
Application code for international students:91001
Selection:Betyg (2/3) och högskoleprov (1/3)
To be admitted to the programme Forest and Landscape (BSc), the following requirements apply: General entry requirements for first-cycle studies and - Mathematics 2a or Mathematics 2b or Mathematics 2c - Science Studies 2* - Social Studies 1b or Social Studies 1a1 + 1a2 *Biology 1 + Physics 1a (or Physics 1b1 + 1b2) + Chemistry 1 replace Science Studies 2 or - Mathematics B - Science Studies B* - Social Studies A *Biology A + Chemistry A + Physics A replace Science Studies B In addition, English B or equivalent is required. As the language of instruction is English, the Swedish language general entry requirement may not apply. The specific entry requirements can also be met by those who have obtained equivalent knowledge from the current or a former Swedish national curriculum. The requirements are also fulfilled if equivalent knowledge has been obtained by other means. For admission to the courses included in the programme, there are specific entry requirements for each course; these are described in the course syllabus.
Degree awarded on completion of the programme
The programme Forest and Landscape (BSc) leads to a Degree of Bachelor of Science, which is a general qualification. Other general qualifications may be awarded, provided that the requirements for them are fulfilled (see see SLU’s system of qualifications), further information is available under Additional information, Possibilities for further study.
Students who fulfil the qualification requirements for a Degree of Bachelor will, upon request, be issued a degree certificate. The degree certificate will specify the qualification as Degree of Bachelor of Science with a Major in Landscape Architecture or Degree of Bachelor of Science with a Major in Forestry Science.
Degree requirements
A Degree of Bachelor of Science with a Major in Landscape Architecture is awarded to students who have successfully completed the qualification requirements of 180 credits, of which at least 90 credits according to the following:
a minimum of 60 credits within the main field of study landscape architecture (G1N, G1F)
a minimum of 15 credits from courses of specialised study within the main field of study landscape architecture (G2F)
a minimum of 15 credits from a degree project within the main field of study landscape architecture (Bachelor´s degree project, G2E).
A Degree of Bachelor with a Major in Forestry Science is awarded to students who have successfully completed the qualification requirements of 180 credits, of which at least 90 credits according to the following:
a minimum of 60 credits within the main field of study forestry science (G1N, G1F)
a minimum of 15 credits from courses of specialised study within the main field of study forestry science (G2F)
a minimum of 15 credits from a degree project within the main field of study forestry science (Bachelor´s degree project, G2E).
G1N and G1F first-cycle courses can be replaced by G1E and G2F first-cycle courses. Courses at first-cycle level can be replaced by courses at second-cycle level, however second-cycle courses may constitute a maximum of 30 credits.
Forest and Landscape Management focus on various aspects of forest and landscape management through an integrated forested landscape approach, addressing many of the societal challenges. The programme starts with focus on fundamentals of natural and social sciences, aiming to create a strong foundation for further studies. In the second half of the 1st year, courses create a firm base in forest and landscape ecology and management disciplines. The 2nd year focuses on understanding the myriad of interacting human and natural processes over a continuum of spatial and temporal scales. Interdisciplinary courses are given on how to incorporate such complexity in practical planning and management. The 3rd year gives students the opportunity to focus deeply in management of forests or other landscape types, depending on the choice of field specialisation. Students will be able to choose one of the main fields of study, landscape architecture or forestry science, for their degree project.
Through study visits, guest lecturers and business- and industry-oriented projects, studies are tied in with professional life, business and industry and the surrounding society. The degree project offers students the option of specialising in a particular subject by applying their knowledge, skills and approach in their chosen main field of study.
Students will have the option to take courses outside the proposed schedule, at SLU or another university in Sweden or abroad. There are good opportunities for exchange studies at one of SLU’s partner universities such as Wageningen University and Research (WUR) in the Netherlands. WUR offers courses in forest governance, which focuses on complex social relations often engaging different public and private actors to address key forest-related issues with the management, use and conservation of forest resources.
The programme is taught in English. This, together with the content and perspective of individual courses, contributes to internationalisation at home.
Forest and Landscape Management graduates will be very competitive on the dynamic and changing job market. Graduates will find work as foresters, planners, managers and advisors for local and national governments, NGOs, multilaterals and private companies.
Degree awarded
Degree of Bachelor of Science with a Major in Landscape Architecture or Forestry Science.
Programme Code: SK001
Finalized by: Ordföranden för programnämnden för utbildning inom skog (PN-S), 2025-03-28 Revised: 2025-03-28 Revised By: Programnämnden för utbildning inom skog SLU ID: SLU.sfak.2025.3.1.1-135 Education plan valid from: Autumn 2025 Responsible programme board: The programme board for education in forestry
Entry Requirements
To be admitted to the programme Forest and Landscape (BSc), the following requirements apply:
General entry requirements for first-cycle studies and
Mathematics 2a or Mathematics 2b or Mathematics 2c
*Biology A + Chemistry A + Physics A replace Science Studies B
In addition, English B or equivalent is required. As the language of instruction is English, the Swedish language general entry requirement may not apply.
The specific entry requirements can also be met by those who have obtained equivalent knowledge from the current or a former Swedish national curriculum. The requirements are also fulfilled if equivalent knowledge has been obtained by other means.
For admission to the courses included in the programme, there are specific entry requirements for each course; these are described in the course syllabus.
Programme description
Students on the BSc in Forest and Landscape have the opportunity to acquire the knowledge needed to understand, explain and manage landscapes in urban and rural environments, with a particular focus on the forest landscape from an international perspective. The way the programme combines knowledge from two central fields at SLU, forestry science and landscape architecture, makes it unique. The programme combines perspectives on the environment and economics, use and management, and urban and rural areas, and includes forestry issues, management, communication and environmental psychology. Students who succesfully complete the programme can continue their studies at the Master’s level or seek employment at public authorities, as municipality forest managers, in the forestry sector or in nature tourism.
The programme has three parts. The introductory part provides basic knowledge. The middle part has topical courses in silviculture, ecology and biology. During the last part, focus shifts towards management of forests or other landscape types, depending on the choice of field specialisation. The forestry specialisation covers silviculture, forestry planning, forest economics, conservation biology, forest technology and natural resource policy. The landscape architecture specialisation covers landscape design, management of peri-urban forests, environmental psychology and landscape analysis. Students can choose one of the main fields of study, landscape architecture or forestry science, for their degree project.
General competencies are integrated in subject courses. Cooperation and oral and written communication skills are practised and developed in dialogue with various groups throughout the programme. The ability to critically and systematically integrate knowledge, as well as a scientific approach, are key components in subject-matter progression. Students practise scientific methods through the use of SLU’s broad research in lectures and supervision. Through study visits, guest lecturers and business- and industry-oriented projects, studies are tied in with professional life, business and industry and the surrounding society. The degree project offers students the option of specialising in a particular subject by applying their knowledge, skills and approach in their chosen main field of study.
Students can opt to take courses outside the proposed schedule, at SLU or another university in Sweden or abroad. There are good opportunities for exchange studies at one of SLU’s partner universities such as Wageningen University and Research (WUR) in the Netherlands. WUR offers courses in forest governance, i.e. forest management with a social sciences profile. This concept concerns public and private actors jointly deciding on and carrying out management, use and conservation of forest resources.
The programme is taught in English. This, together with the content and perspective of individual courses, contributes to internationalisation at home.
SLU actively promotes a healthy work and study environment and equal opportunities. SLU’s profile is focused on knowledge of biological natural resources, and challenges to society such as the supply of raw materials, water and energy, and climate change etc. and are linked to our areas of responsibility. These challenges, and humankind’s use and management of biological natural resources, are also the subject of the UN goals for sustainable development.
Courses in the programme
Main field of study: Biology = BI, Forestry science (SV), Landscape architecture (LK)
Course (Main field of study, Specialisation)
Year 1
Trees: structure and function, 15 credits (BI/SV, G1N)
Analysis of forested landscapes, 15 credits (LK, G1N)
Forest and landscape ecology, 15 credits (BI, G1N)
Forest management methods, 15 credits (SV, G1F)
Year 2
Vegetation design, 7,5 credits (LK, G1F)
Forest and landscape governance, 7,5 credits (LK, G1F)
GIS in forest and landscape, 7,5 credits (SV, G1F)
Urban tree- and forest health, 7,5 credits (SV, G1F)
Forest and landscape biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services, 15 credits (BI/LK, G1F)
Environmental discourses and communication, 15 credits (LK, G1F)
Forestry in Central Sweden, 7,5 credits (SV/BI, GIF)
Year 3
Silviculture in forest and landscape, 15 credits (SV/LK, G1F)
Business management in forest and landscape, 15 credits (FÖ, G1N)
Forest and landscape plannning, 15 credits (SV/LK, G2F)
Independent project in Landscape architecture, 15 credits (LK, G2E)
Independent project in Forestry science, 15 credits (SV, G2E)
The courses offered may change during the programme. This may lead to a new version of the programme syllabus in which transitional provisions is specified. Decisions on the courses offered are taken well in advance of the next academic year.
For each course in the programme, there is a course syllabus describing its content and other specifics. Detailed information on when the courses are offered is available in the course schedule on the SLU student web.
During certain study periods (parts of the semester), SLU offers several program courses that the student can choose from. The student is guaranteed a place on one of the these courses, provided that the entry requirements are met and that the student has applied on time.
General objectives
The general objectives for first- and second-cycle courses and programmes are specified in the Swedish Higher Education Act (Chapter 1, Sections 8–9).
Objectives for a Degree
In accordance with the appendix to the Ordinance for the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, for a Degree of Bachelor, the student must fulfil the following objectives:
Knowledge and understanding
For a Degree of Bachelor the student shall have:
demonstrated knowledge and understanding in the main field of study, including knowledge of the disciplinary foundation of the field, understanding of applicable methodologies in the field, specialised study in some aspect of the field as well as awareness of current research issues.
Competence and skills
For a Degree of Bachelor the student shall have:
demonstrated the ability to search for, gather, evaluate and critically interpret relevant information for a formulated problem and also discuss phenomena, issues and situations critically
demonstrated the ability to identify, formulate and solve problems autonomously and to complete tasks within predetermined time frames
demonstrated the ability to present and discuss information, problems and solutions in speech and writing and in dialogue with different audiences, and
demonstrated the skills required to work autonomously in the main field of study.
Judgement and approach
For a Degree of Bachelor the student shall have:
demonstrated the ability to make assessments in the main field of study informed by relevant disciplinary, social and ethical issues
demonstrated insight into the role of knowledge in society and the responsibility of the individual for how it is used, and
demonstrated the ability to identify the need for further knowledge and ongoing learning.
Qualification Requirements
Degree awarded on completion of the programme
The programme Forest and Landscape (BSc) leads to a Degree of Bachelor of Science, which is a general qualification. Other general qualifications may be awarded, provided that the requirements for them are fulfilled (see see SLU’s system of qualifications), further information is available under Additional information, Possibilities for further study.
Students who fulfil the qualification requirements for a Degree of Bachelor will, upon request, be issued a degree certificate. The degree certificate will specify the qualification as Degree of Bachelor of Science with a Major in Landscape Architecture or Degree of Bachelor of Science with a Major in Forestry Science.
Degree requirements
A Degree of Bachelor of Science with a Major in Landscape Architecture is awarded to students who have successfully completed the qualification requirements of 180 credits, of which at least 90 credits according to the following:
a minimum of 60 credits within the main field of study landscape architecture (G1N, G1F)
a minimum of 15 credits from courses of specialised study within the main field of study landscape architecture (G2F)
a minimum of 15 credits from a degree project within the main field of study landscape architecture (Bachelor´s degree project, G2E).
A Degree of Bachelor with a Major in Forestry Science is awarded to students who have successfully completed the qualification requirements of 180 credits, of which at least 90 credits according to the following:
a minimum of 60 credits within the main field of study forestry science (G1N, G1F)
a minimum of 15 credits from courses of specialised study within the main field of study forestry science (G2F)
a minimum of 15 credits from a degree project within the main field of study forestry science (Bachelor´s degree project, G2E).
G1N and G1F first-cycle courses can be replaced by G1E and G2F first-cycle courses. Courses at first-cycle level can be replaced by courses at second-cycle level, however second-cycle courses may constitute a maximum of 30 credits.
General regulations for first- and second-cycle courses and programmes
For more information on semester dates, examination and credit transfer, see the Regulations for education at Bachelor´s and Master´s level available on the SLU student web.
Possibilities for further studies
Students who complete the BSc in Forest and Landscape and are awarded a degree have the opportunity to continue their studies at second-cycle level. The programme contains courses which, if combined with studies at second-cycle level, may enable students to fulfil the requirements for the professional qualification Degree of Master of Science in Forestry, 300 credits. The objectives for the professional qualification Degree of Master of Science in Forestry are specified in the appendix to the Ordinance for the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. The requirements for the professional qualification Degree of Master of Science in Forestry are defined in SLU´s degree requirements for first cycle and second cycle level.
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Campus Alnarp
Campus Alnarp is located in a large park surrounded by agricultural fields close to the sea between Malmö and Lund in southern Sweden. There is so much for students to explore here. Apart from all the activities on campus, you will also have access to the cities of Malmö, Lund and Copenhagen. Campus Alnarp’s study programmes focus on landscaping, horticulture, and agriculture and silviculture in southern Sweden. The campus has computer rooms, a restaurant, café, landscaping and horticultural laboratories, and a library with thousands of digital journals, databases and three kilometres of printed materials. The student unions organise many activities, ranging from weekly coffee-drinking get-togethers to comedy sketches and proms.
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