Pedagogics and leadership in horse business III
Course evaluation
The course evaluation is not yet activated
The course evaluation is open between 2025-06-01 and 2025-06-22
Additional course evaluations for HO0147
Academic year 2024/2025
Pedagogics and leadership in horse business III (HO0147-30311)
2025-01-20 - 2025-06-08
Academic year 2023/2024
Pedagogics and leadership in horse business III (HO0147-30387)
2024-01-15 - 2024-06-02
Academic year 2023/2024
Pedagogics and leadership in horse business III (HO0147-30388)
2024-01-15 - 2024-06-02
Syllabus and other information
HO0147 Pedagogics and leadership in horse business III, 10.0 Credits
Pedagogik och ledarskap i hästverksamhet IIISubjects
Equine ScienceEducation cycle
Bachelor’s levelModules
Title | Credits | Code |
To teach a group | 4.0 | 0101 |
Coaching | 4.0 | 0102 |
Leadership | 2.0 | 0103 |
Advanced study in the main field
First cycle, has at least 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirementsBachelor’s level (G2F)
Grading scale
The grade requirements within the course grading system are set out in specific criteria. These criteria must be available by the course start at the latest.
SwedishPrior knowledge
Knowledge equivalent to90 credits Equine science
20 credits Pedagogics
15 credits horse business placement
Higher Education Diploma in Equine Science, 120 credits
Grading form
The grade requirements within the course grading system are set out in specific criteria. These criteria must be available by the course start at the latest.Formats and requirements for examination
If a student has failed an examination, the examiner has the right to issue supplementary assignments. This applies if it is possible and there are grounds to do so.
The examiner can provide an adapted assessment to students entitled to study support for students with disabilities following a decision by the university. Examiners may also issue an adapted examination or provide an alternative way for the students to take the exam.
If this syllabus is withdrawn, SLU may introduce transitional provisions for examining students admitted based on this syllabus and who have not yet passed the course.
For the assessment of an independent project (degree project), the examiner may also allow a student to add supplemental information after the deadline for submission. Read more in the Education Planning and Administration Handbook.
Other information
The right to participate in teaching and/or supervision only applies for the course instance the student was admitted to and registered on.
If there are special reasons, students are entitled to participate in components with compulsory attendance when the course is given again. Read more in the Education Planning and Administration Handbook.
Responsible department
Department of Animal Biosciences
Further information
Litterature list
Obligatorisk litteratur - kurslitteratur som alla studenter förväntas ta del av (benämns inom SLU även "gemensam litteratur").
Referenslitteratur-frivillig litteratur för vidare fördjupning (benämns inom SLU även "breddnings- och fördjupningslitteratur").
Tips – frivillig litteratur av skiftande slag som kan vara bra att ha tillgång till som informationskälla.
LÄSÅR: 2024 – 2025
KURS: Pedagogik och ledarskap i hästverksamhet III
- Auty, I. (2016) The power of coaching: Releasing Surprising Potential in Equestrian Athletes. Kap 1 Kenilworth Press. US. ISBN 978-1-910016-10-7 Tillhandahålls av kursledningen.
- Eliasson, I. (2009) I skilda idrottsvärldar. Barn, ledare och föräldrar i flick- och pojkfotboll. Avhandling Nr 92. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå Universitet. (Valda delar)
- Gjerde, S (2012). Coaching. Vad, varför, hur. Studentlitteratur
- Hassmén, P., & Kenttä, G., (2021). Praktisk idrottspsykologi. SISU idrottsböcker
- Ibanez Menguc, A. et al. (2023) Idrottens träning. SISU Förlag
- Lamperd, W., Clarke, D., Wolframm, I. & Williams, J. (2016) What makes an elite equestrian rider? Comparative Exercise Physiology, 12 (3) pp. 105-118
- Lundesjö Kvart, S. (2020) Konsten att undervisa ryttare, en studie om ridlärares pedagogiska praktik. ss. 1-84 samt paper III, ss 223-238. Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Educational Sciences 18. Uppsala
- Långström, S & Viklund, U. (2010) Metoder – Undervisning och framträdande. Lund: Studentlitteratur
- Pihlgren, A. (2010) Sokratiska samtal i undervisningen. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
- Waerner, T.; Thedin Jakobsson, B; Morgan K & Redelius, (2024) Giving orders or facilitating voices – Coaches’ constructions of youth in equestrian sport. Sports Coaching Review. (in press)
- Wolframm, I. (2014) The Science of Equestrian Sports. Theory, Practice and Performance of the Equestrian Rider. Kap 1 – 3 och 4. Routledge, London. Tillhandahålls av kursledningen.
- Wolframm, I. (2021) Perfect mind: perfect ride. Kenilworth Press. Shrewsbury
- Armour, K. (ed) (2011). (Walsh, J.) Sport Pedagogy: an introduction for teaching and coaching. Pearson Education Limited, United States. Tillhandahålls av kursledningen.
- Blomqvist, C. & Röding, P (2010) Kap 4. Ledarskap, -personen, reflektionen, samtalet. Lund: Studentlitteratur
- Eliasson, I. (2017) The gap between formalised children’s rights and children’s real lives in sport. *Sociology of Sport 2017, vol 52(4) 470-496
- Maw, S.J. (2012) What does it mean to teach Riding? A Snapshot of Contemporary Practicies in England and Western Australia. University, Perth, Western Australia. Tillhandahålls av kursledningen.
- Potrac, P., Jones, R. & Armour, K. (2002) It’s All About Getting Respect’: The Coaching Behaviors of an Expert English Soccer Coach. In Sport, Education and Society, Vol 7, No. 2, pp 183-202. Tillhandahålls av kursledningen.
- Uljens, M. (1997) Didaktik. Kap 1, 2, 3, 6 och 9 Lund: Studentlitteratur
- Waerner, T. (2015) Ridsportens ledarskap – en utmaning. En intervjustudie av nio ledare inom ridsporten. Magisteruppsats i pedagogik. Pedagogiska inst. Umeå Universitet
- Weinberg, R. S., & Gould, D. (2019). Foundations of sport and exercise psychology, 7E. Human kinetics.