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Basic Course in Commercial Law

The course is carried out with the help of lectures, lessons, group exercises and tutorials. Some teaching may be web-based. An important part of knowledge acquisition takes place through reading course literature and other course material. Problem-based group work is also included.

During the course, the participants will mainly study legal subject areas that are relevant to various forms of business activities and that are important to know for everyone who works with legal issues in connection with entrepreneurship.

The course begins with an introduction where various issues of principle are dealt with, the subject area commercial law is presented and defined. It also describes various methodological issues and the role and consequences of legal rules in a perspective that is based on the need for a subject-integrated approach to entrepreneurship.

The course is otherwise divided into 11 sections.

  • The first deals with general and basic law, including the origin, function and systematics of legal rules and important central legal concepts.

  • The second deals with various basic legal rules on contracts and other forms of legal action. Among other things, issues on the significance of the agreement as a means for entrepreneurs to achieve the desired goals are studied.

  • The third deals with general right of purchase and the special rules of right of purchase that apply in the relationship between trader and consumer.

  • The fourth deals with different rules in the area of real estate law, including the form of the purchase agreement, different liability issues but also different types of rights of use environmental law.

  • The fifth concerns the general rules on non-contractual liability.

  • The sixth deals with companies and associations, including the rules that determine the conditions for limited companies and other forms of companies and associations.

  • The seventh deals with the rules that apply to receivables and credit collateral.

  • The eighth deals with market law issues in a broad sense, including the legal rules that apply to intellectual property rights and marketing, but also the rules on competition, corruption and business ethics.

  • The ninth deals with basic labour law provisions, including collective agreements, employment contracts and the working environment.

  • The tenth deals with family law rules concerning financial matters.

  • The course ends with an eleventh section that deals with basic rules on accounting and auditing.

Information from the course leader

Välkommen till kursen Handelsrättslig översiktskurs VT 2024!

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Vid frågor kring kursen, vänligen kontakta kursadministratör Helena Bouveng,

Course evaluation

The course evaluation is now closed

JU0040-30328 - Course evaluation report

Once the evaluation is closed, the course coordinator and student representative have 1 month to draft their comments. The comments will be published in the evaluation report.

Additional course evaluations for JU0040

Academic year 2023/2024

Basic Course in Commercial Law (JU0040-10376)

2023-08-28 - 2023-10-30

Academic year 2022/2023

Basic Course in Commercial Law (JU0040-30184)

2023-01-16 - 2023-03-21

Academic year 2022/2023

Basic Course in Commercial Law (JU0040-10219)

2022-08-29 - 2022-10-31

Syllabus and other information

Litterature list

Övrig rekommenerad litteratur

  • Frans, Emma, Larmrapporten, Första upplagan, Stockholm, Volante, [2017]

* Obligatorisk

Course facts

The course is offered as an independent course: No The course is offered as a programme course: Agricultural Business and Economics Business and Economics - Sustainable Development (BSc) Tuition fee: Tuition fee only for non-EU/EEA/Switzerland citizens: 26170 SEK Cycle: Bachelor’s level (G1N)
Subject: Law
Course code: JU0040 Application code: SLU-30328 Location: Uppsala Distance course: No Language: Swedish Responsible department: Department of Economics Pace: 100%