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Studio 1 - landscape as a plan, reality and idea

Through the two parts of the course the students are guided through the design process, from the analysis of a site through problem formulation and eventually a final proposal for change of the site. In the course we focus on sketching as a working method. The course contains elements of searching for information and knowledge, problem solving and presentations. The students works mostly individually but certain parts are carried out as group work.

During the course a number of lectures are given. The content of these lectures is supposed to support the students in their individual work. The course also contains literature seminars and the handing in of a written report.

Exercises, seminars, presentations and submissions are mandatory.

The course gives 15 credits of skill training in the degree of master of science in landscape architecture.

Course evaluation

Additional course evaluations for LK0283

Academic year 2023/2024

Studio 1 - landscape as a plan, reality and idea (LK0283-30077)

2024-01-15 - 2024-03-19

Academic year 2022/2023

Studio 1 - landscape as a plan, reality and idea (LK0283-30301)

2023-01-16 - 2023-03-21

Academic year 2021/2022

Studio 1 - landscape as a plan, reality and idea (LK0283-30223)

2022-01-17 - 2022-03-23

Academic year 2020/2021

Studio 1 - landscape as a plan, reality and idea (LK0283-30122)

2021-01-18 - 2021-03-23

Academic year 2019/2020

Studio 1 - landscape as a plan, reality and idea (LK0283-30200)

2020-01-20 - 2020-03-24

Academic year 2018/2019

Studio 1 - landscape as a plan, reality and idea (LK0283-30011)

2019-01-21 - 2019-03-25

Academic year 2017/2018

Studio 1 - landscape as a plan, reality and idea (LK0283-30112)

2018-01-15 - 2018-03-25

Syllabus and other information

Litterature list


Bok att köpa/låna:

  • Gehl, Jan (1996). Livet mellem husene: udeaktiviteter og udemiljøer. Köpenhamn: Arkitektens forlag.

  • Swaffield Simon (ed) (2002). Theory in Landscape Architecture: A Reader. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Digital resurs på SLU-biblioteket:

  • Cresswell, T. (2014). Place : An introduction. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.

På Canvas:

  • Oles, Tomas (2015). Go with me - 50 steps to Landscape thinking. Amsterdam Architectura & Natura

I kompendium:

  • Grahn, Patrik (2001). Naturens och trädgårdens betydelse för personer med utmattningsdepression. Svensk rehabilitering (nummer 3, 2001), s 18–21.

  • Löfgren, Stina (ej publicerad) The hand and the head

  • Andersson, Thorbjörn (1992). Konstvetaren, autentikern, poeten och hans upplevelser*. Utblick landskap. *nr 3/92, sid. 17.

  • Mossige-Norheim, Randi (1992). Gör det med smak /Restaurering som konst/ Parkens hemligheter. *Utblick landskap. *nr 3/92, sid. 18-32.

  • Tidskriften landskap (2022/2) Sammanställning av artikelserien: Utemiljöns förvaltning och governance (Del 1 & 4)

  • Jacobs, Jane (1961/2004). Parkens funktioner. Den amerikanska storstadens liv och förfall (pp. 113–136). Göteborg: Daidalos. [Originalets titel: The uses of neighbourhood parks. The Death and Life of Great American Cities].

  • Friberg, Tora, Carina Listerborn, Birgitta Andersson & Christina Scholten (Red) (2005) Speglingar av rum. Om könskodade platser och sammanhang. Stockholm: Symposium.

  • Movium magasin, nr 4/2012. Att veta sin plats - barnperspektiv i stadsplaneringen. Ansvarig utgivare Anders Rasmusson. (s.14-19, 26-31, 52-59)

  • Oles, Tomas (2015). Go with me - 50 steps to Landscape thinking.* **Amsterdam Architectura & Natura *

**Läsanvisningar till Litteraturseminarium 1: Vad är landskapsarkitektur? **

  • Cresswell, T. (2014). Place : An introduction. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated. (Kapitel 1 Introduction: Defining Place)

  • Gehl, Jan (1996). Livet mellem husene: udeaktiviteter og udemiljøer. Köpenhamn: Arkitektens forlag. (Kapitel 1, s. 7-48)

  • Grahn, Patrik (2001). Naturens och trädgårdens betydelse för personer med utmattningsdepression. Svensk rehabilitering, nummer 3. (s 18–21)

  • Tidskriften landskap (2022/2) Sammanställning av artikelserien: Utemiljöns förvaltning och governance. (Del 1 )

  • Andersson, Thorbjörn (1992). Konstvetaren, autentikern, poeten och hans upplevelser*. Utblick landskap. *nr 3/92, sid. 17.

  • Mossige-Norheim, Randi (1992). Gör det med smak /Restaurering som konst/ Parkens hemligheter. *Utblick landskap. *nr 3/92, sid. 18-32.

  • Whiston Spirn, A (2002) The language of landscape. Theory in landscape architecture, s.125–130.

**Läsanvisningar till Litteraturseminarium 2: För vem designar vi landskapet? **

  • Gehl, Jan (1996). Livet mellem husene: udeaktiviteter og udemiljøer. Köpenhamn: Arkitektens forlag. (Kapitel 4, s. 121-189)

  • Jacobs, Jane (1961/2004). Parkens funktioner. Den amerikanska storstadens liv och förfall (pp. 113–136). Göteborg: Daidalos. [Originalets titel: The uses of neighbourhood parks. The Death and Life of Great American Cities].

  • Friberg, Tora, Carina Listerborn, Birgitta Andersson & Christina Scholten (Red) (2005) Speglingar av rum. Om könskodade platser och sammanhang. Stockholm: Symposium.

  • Movium magasin, nr 4/2012. Att veta sin plats - barnperspektiv i stadsplaneringen. Ansvarig utgivare Anders Rasmusson. (s.14-19, 26-31, 52-59)

  • Tidskriften landskap, (2/2022) Sammanställning av artikelserien: Utemiljöns förvaltning och governance. (Del 4)

Läsanvisningar till Processreflektionen

  • Oles, Tomas (2015). Go with me - 50 steps to Landscape thinking. Amsterdam Architectura & Natura

  • Design process av Hideo Sasaki. Theory in landscape architecture, ( s.35–37.)

  • The art of site planning av Kevin Lynch & Gary Hack. Theory in landscape architecture, (s.37–38.)

  • Community design av Randolph Hester Jr. Theory in landscape architecture, (s.49–56.)

  • Site design av Kevin Lynch & Gary Hack. Theory in landscape architecture, (s.57–58.)

  • Creative risk taking av Steven Krog. Theory in landscape architecture, (s.58–64.)

  • Löfgren, Stina (ej publicerad) Handen och huvudet – Nio texter om illustration.

Course facts

The course is offered as an independent course: No The course is offered as a programme course: Landscape Architecture Programme, Alnarp Tuition fee: Tuition fee only for non-EU/EEA/Switzerland citizens: 38060 SEK Cycle: Bachelor’s level (G1N)
Subject: Landscape Architecture Landscape Architecture
Course code: LK0283 Application code: SLU-30109 Location: Alnarp Distance course: No Language: Swedish Responsible department: Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management Pace: 100%