Garden design - method and material
Information from the course leader
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LK0416 Trädgårdsdesignens metod och material HT2024
Kursen är utformad efter ett antal undervisningsmoment som är viktiga för en blivande trädgårdsdesigner att få med sig vidare in i sitt yrkesliv samt i kommande designkurser på programmet. Kursens syfte är att ge studenterna kunskaper och tekniker inom trädgårdsdesignens kontext, så som exempelvis grundläggande färdigheter i användningen av designprocessens verktyg och metoder, platsanalyser, rumsgestaltning och visuell kommunikation. Vidare syftar kursen till att få studenterna engagerade i ämnets olika delar, där inspiration för trädgårdsdesign och personlig utveckling går som en röd tråd genom kursens olika delar.
För frågor om kursen innan kursstart samt under kursens gång, vänligen kontakta mig på
Karl Lövrie, Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för landskapsarkitektur, planering och förvaltning
Digitala verktyg:
Kristin Wegren, Universitetsadjunkt vid Institutionen för landskapsarkitektur, planering och förvaltning
Monika Gussarsson, Utbildningscentrum
Course evaluation
The course evaluation is open
Please fill in the evaluation form
You have until 2025-02-28
Additional course evaluations for LK0416
Academic year 2023/2024
Garden design - method and material (LK0416-20105)
2023-10-31 - 2024-01-14
Academic year 2022/2023
Garden design - method and material (LK0416-20001)
2022-11-01 - 2023-01-15
Syllabus and other information
LK0416 Garden design - method and material, 15.0 Credits
Trädgårdsdesignens metod och materialSubjects
Horticultural Science Landscape Architecture Landscape Architecture Horticultural scienceEducation cycle
Bachelor’s levelModules
Title | Credits | Code |
Digital tools | 3.0 | 0102 |
Design method and process, spatial design and visu | 12.0 | 0103 |
Advanced study in the main field
First cycle, has only upper-secondary level entry requirementsBachelor’s level (G1N)
Grading scale
The grade requirements within the course grading system are set out in specific criteria. These criteria must be available by the course start at the latest.
SwedishPrior knowledge
Knowledge equivalent to:• Mathematics 2a or Mathematics 2b or Mathematics 2c
• Science Studies 2
• Social Studies 1b or Social Studies 1a1
This course aims to give an understanding and knowledge of how to develop different methodological skills such as space and room analysis, illustration techniques and software’s relevance in the context of garden design.
After completing the course, the student should be able to:
demonstrate basic skills in applying the tools and methods of the design process, such as plant analysis, sketching, and models,
with help of reflections and sketches, demonstrate basic skills in spatial design and visual communication as well as applying scale and plans,
demonstrate basic skills in applying software in design process,
demonstrate basic skills in use of reference systems and critical thinking, as well as understanding policy on plagiarism.
In the course, the student is introduced to the tools, methods and materials which are basic within garden design. These are applied in examples and exercises where the student, step by step tackles the different parts of the design process. Theoretical sections are interleaved with practical exercises where the knowledge is deepened and strengthened by reflections over the own work process.
Scheduled exercises, seminars and exkursions are compulsory.
Grading form
The grade requirements within the course grading system are set out in specific criteria. These criteria must be available by the course start at the latest.Formats and requirements for examination
Approved assignments and attendance at compulsory elements.
If a student has failed an examination, the examiner has the right to issue supplementary assignments. This applies if it is possible and there are grounds to do so.
The examiner can provide an adapted assessment to students entitled to study support for students with disabilities following a decision by the university. Examiners may also issue an adapted examination or provide an alternative way for the students to take the exam.
If this syllabus is withdrawn, SLU may introduce transitional provisions for examining students admitted based on this syllabus and who have not yet passed the course.
For the assessment of an independent project (degree project), the examiner may also allow a student to add supplemental information after the deadline for submission. Read more in the Education Planning and Administration Handbook.
Other information
The right to participate in teaching and/or supervision only applies for the course instance the student was admitted to and registered on.
If there are special reasons, students are entitled to participate in components with compulsory attendance when the course is given again. Read more in the Education Planning and Administration Handbook.
Responsible department
Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management
Further information
Litterature list
Litteratur- och materiallista
Material att ta med till kursens designövningar
- Skallinjal
Välj en skallinjal med skalserien: 1:100, 1:200, 1:250, 1:300, 1:500
- Skisspapper (finns på rulle, 30 cm är en bra bredd att börja med).
- Valfritt illustrationsmaterial, färgade pennor, promarkers, tusch, blyerts pennor, akvarell etc.
Obligatorisk litteratur
Litteraturen nedan kommer att användas vid seminarier och skriftliga reflektioner.
Kompletterande litteratur kommer att anges och tillhandahållas under kursens gång.
Dee, C. (2001). Form and Fabric in Landscape Architecture: A Visual Introduction, London.
Referenslitteratur (ej-obligatorisk men värdefull)
Sørensen, C.TH. (1966, 1984, 2023): 39 haveplaner – typiske haver til et typehus, Gyldendal
Grant, W.R. (2007). From Concept to Form in Landscape Design
Grant, W. 2002, Landscape Graphics, New York
Lockard, W. 2000, Design Drawing Experiences