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Soil, water, and meteorological processes in the forest ecosystem

The course Soil, Water and Meteorological Processes in the Forest Ecosystem provides knowledge on how forest ecosystem composition and functions are regulated by soil properties, water and climate. Understanding these processes is a prerequisite for sustainable use of our Swedish forests, which represent a key component in climate change mitigation and in the transition towards a bio-based economy.

Detailed knowledge on the interaction between forest water and energy balances as well as soil biological and chemical processes are essential for understanding the ecology of forest ecosystems and for developing sustainable forest management strategies. This course will also provide the tools for critically thinking and scientific methods that can be applied to issues related to climate change, management of land and water resources, environmental pollution and acidification of land and water.

Lectures and individual literature studies are combined with organized group discussions and practical exercises with empirical data and analytical models during which students have the opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge to real-life problems.

Course evaluation

Additional course evaluations for MV0227

Academic year 2024/2025

Soil, water, and meteorological processes in the forest ecosystem (MV0227-30122)

2025-01-20 - 2025-02-19

Academic year 2023/2024

Soil, water, and meteorological processes in the forest ecosystem (MV0227-30281)

2024-01-15 - 2024-02-14

Syllabus and other information

Litterature list

• Brady N C, Weil R R, 2008. The Nature and Properties of Soils (14th edition). Pearson/Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey, USA. (-15:e, 13:e or 12:e edition. Available at Ad libris (online); Bokus (online); (online); both new and used available).

- shorter but not cheaper version ”Elements of the Nature and Properties of Soils “, (2nd ed.) is also OK

• Grip H och Rodhe A, 1985(1988). Vattnets väg från regn till bäck. Forskningsrådens Förlagstjänst.

• Boundary layer climates. T. R. Oke. Routhledge.

• Other material will be handed out

-Mikr. näringsförsörjning, stencil: Gottshalk, G., 1979, Bacterial metabolism, Springer, Berlin, s. 1 - 11.

-Mykorrhiza, stencil: Dahlberg A, Croneberg H & Hallingbäck T, 2000. Sveriges mykorrhizasvampar – en översikt av arter, förekomst och ekologi. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift, 94, s. 267-285.

For questions regarding the literature please contact the course leader (

Course facts

The course is offered as an independent course: Yes The course is offered as a programme course: Forest Science (BSc) Tuition fee: Tuition fee only for non-EU/EEA/Switzerland citizens: 19030 SEK Cycle: Bachelor’s level (G1F)
Subject: Soil Science Biology
Course code: MV0227 Application code: SLU-30258 Location: Umeå Distance course: No Language: English Responsible department: Department of Forest ecology and Management Pace: 100%