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Making sustainable futures - An introduction to futures studies and scenario techniques

This is a course for you who want to work both with plausible and desirable futures. You will work hands-on with a range of foresight techniques, including driver mapping, scenario matrices, vision narratives, and backcasting. In addition, you get a solid knowledge base about key theories and concepts in futures studies.

Futures studies is an interdisciplinary field of study. Central to the field is the development and critical assessment of scenarios of plausible, probable, and desirable futures. In this introductory course we will focus on futures studies addressing the broad field of sustainable development.

Plausible futures are used to make society or a sector ‘future proofed’. This is done through identifying key uncertainties and their possible consequences, and then using this to inform planning and decision-making processes. Desirable futures develop visions of sustainable -futures for a specific community, city or sector. Working with desirable futures also includes identifying the incremental steps needed to achieve this vision, so called backcasting.

Throughout the course we will connect the futures studies methods to different sustainability challenges. We will use both established frameworks such as the planetary boundaries or the sustainable development goals (SDG:s), and open up for discussions on the normative and contested character of sustainability.

Information from the course leader

Due to the pandemic, the course will be held entirely online this semester (autumn 2021).

Course evaluation

The course evaluation is now closed

MX0150-10331 - Course evaluation report

Once the evaluation is closed, the course coordinator and student representative have 1 month to draft their comments. The comments will be published in the evaluation report.

Additional course evaluations for MX0150

Academic year 2022/2023

Making sustainable futures - An introduction to futures studies and scenario techniques (MX0150-10129)

2022-08-29 - 2022-10-31

Academic year 2020/2021

Making sustainable futures - An introduction to futures studies and scenario techniques (MX0150-10302)

2020-08-31 - 2020-11-01

Syllabus and other information

Litterature list

  1. Exploring Futures for Policymaking Författare: Van Asselt, M. B. A., Faas, A., Molen, van der F., & Veenman, S. A. (2010). [Exploring Futures for Policymaking] ( Kommentar: This report provides a brief introduction to futures studies, and it uses in and for policy-making. The report includes some basic concepts and definitions. It also discusses a few common issues with the way futures studies are used. We suggest you read this report first, and then go into the rest of the literature.
  2. Manoa: The future is not binary Författare: Schultz, W. (2015). Kommentar: This article introduces the Manoa approach to develop scenarios for exploring eventualities. The Manoa approach was developed by Wendy Schultz in an attempt to provide an alternative to the "two axes" scenario matrix approach, while still providing a structured approach to scenario development.

The article is provided via Canvas.

  1. Unmasking scenario planning: The colonization of the future in the ‘Local Governments of the Future’ program Författare: Ossewaarde, M. (2017) [Unmasking scenario planning: The colonization of the future in the ‘Local Governments of the Future’ program] ( Kommentar: This article shows how also scenario processes intended to open up discussions can be framed by powerful actors, leading to a pre-empting of questions asked and answers arrived at and a maintained business-as-usual.
  2. Developing a theory of plausibility in scenario building: Designing plausible scenarios. Författare: Walton, S., O’Kane, P., & Ruwhiu, D. (2019) [Developing a theory of plausibility in scenario building: Designing plausible scenarios.] ( Kommentar: This article discusses the difference between probability and plausibility, and suggests that plausibility is socially constructed. The article includes a case study in which the Delphi method is used.
  3. Intersections of strategic planning and futures studies: methodological complementarities Författare: Roney, C. W. (2010) [ Intersections of strategic planning and futures studies: methodological complementarities] ( Wild cards, weak signals and organisational improvisation Författare: Mendonça, S., Cunha, M. P., Kaivo-oja, J., & Ruff, F. (2004) [Wild cards, weak signals and organisational improvisation] ( The Futures Toolkit: Tools for strategic futures for policy-makers and analysts Författare: UK Government Offices of Science (2017) [The Futures Toolkit: Tools for strategic futures for policy-makers and analysts] (< >) Kommentar: This report comprises an overview of futures techniques and tools. The toolkit also includes quite detailed instructions on how to use some of the techniques.
  4. Foresight Manual: Empowered Futures Författare: UNDP GCPSE (2018) [Foresight Manual: Empowered Futures] ( Kommentar: This report provides an overview of futures studies tools and techniques. This report is an update to the 2015 Foresight Manual, putting tools and techniques into the context of the sustainable development goals and public service.
  5. Strategic foresight primer Författare: Wilkinson / EPSC (2017) [Strategic foresight primer] ( Kommentar: This report includes an overview of futures studies tools and techniques, with some comparisons across them.
  6. Futures Beyond GDP Growth: Final report from the research program “Beyond GDP Growth: Scenarios for sustainable building and planning.” Författare: Hagbert, P., Finnveden, G., Fuehrer, P., Svenfelt, Å., Alfredsson, E., Aretun, Å., … Öhlund, E. (2019) [Futures Beyond GDP Growth: Final report from the research program “Beyond GDP Growth: Scenarios for sustainable building and planning.”] (< >) Kommentar: This report presents the main parts of the research program “Beyond GDP Growth: Scenarios for sustainable building and planning”. Read "Summary" and Chapters 1–3. Skim the rest of the report.
  7. Carbon ruins: Engaging with post-fossil transitions through participatory world-building Författare: Stripple, J., Nikoleris, A., & Hildingsson, R. (2021) [Carbon ruins: Engaging with post-fossil transitions through participatory world-building] ( Kommentar: This article presents the Carbon Ruins project. The Carbon Ruins is a fictitious exhibition, set in a medium-range future (2053) which displays objects that was part of the fossil fuel era, but that are no longer in production or use. The article is particularly interesting, I think, in providing an exemple of how one can use everyday objects to make scenarios more tangible and comprehensible, as well as making the process of futuring a bit more inclusive.
  8. Mapping diverse visions of energy transitions: co-producing sociotechnical imaginaries. Författare: Longhurst, N., & Chilvers, J. (2019) [Mapping diverse visions of energy transitions: co-producing sociotechnical imaginaries.] ( Kommentar: This article provides an example on how one might engage in a critical examination of visions. In the article, a number of visions of energy transitions are examined using four dimensions of sociotechnical transformation: meanings, knowings, doings, and organisings.
  9. Utopianism and the cultivation of possibilities: grassroots movements of hope Författare: Fournier, V. (2002) [Utopianism and the cultivation of possibilities: grassroots movements of hope] ( Kommentar: This article introduces and discusses utopianism as an approach to foster hope and (grassroot) action in the present to the benefit of more sustainable and just futures.
  10. Alternative futures for global biological invasions Författare: Roura-Pascual, N., Leung, B., Rabitsch, W., Rutting, L., Vervoort, J., Bacher, S., … Essl, F. (2021) [Alternative futures for global biological invasions] ( Kommentar: This article uses a "two axes" scenario approach to explore potential drivers of biological invasion futures.

Course facts

The course is offered as an independent course: Yes Cycle: Master’s level (A1N)
Subject: Environmental Science Environmental science
Course code: MX0150 Application code: SLU-10331 Location: Uppsala Distance course: No Language: English Pace: 50%