Microeconomics II
Information from the course leader
Varmt välkommen till Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet och kursen Mikroekonomi II!
Här kommer allmän information om studentkonto, registrering på kurs, samt annan praktisk information:
Studentkonto behövs för att komma åt bl.a. Ladok, Canvas och mejl. För information om hur du skapar ett studentkonto, se här: https://student.slu.se/studieservice/it-stod1/support/ny-student-kom-igang/.
Registrering på kurs
Självregistrering till kurs görs i Ladok mellan 2024-03-06–2024-03-20. Kom ihåg att du måste vara antagen och registrerad för att gå kursen. Att du som student får tillgång till Canvas innebär inte att du är registrerad och utan registrering riskerar du att förlora din plats på kursen.
Har du antagits till kursen med villkor behöver du skicka din meritlista till kursledaren som avgör om du får registreras. Gör detta så snart som möjligt då granskning kan ta några dagar.
Särskilt studiestöd
Har du behov av särskilt stöd för undervisning ska du informera kursledaren om det redan vid kursstart så att eventuella särskilda arrangemang kan ordnas. Vid examination behöver du följa instruktionerna i anmälan i Ladok för att anmäla extra stöd. Anmälan för extra stöd inför salstentamen stänger 10 arbetsdagar före tentamensdagen.
Avbrott på kurs Om du avbryter kursen skall du meddela utbildningsadministrationen på econ-edu@slu.se som i sin tur meddelar kursledaren och lägger in ett avbrott i Ladok efter studentens godkännande. Du kan själv anmäla tidigt avbrott (inom 3 veckor efter kursstart) via Ladok Student på studentwebben.
Du behöver anmälda dig till tentamina i Ladok. Anmälan stänger 10 vardagar före tentamensdagen. Det är inte möjligt med efteranmälningar. Du finner din anonymitetskod i Ladok Student.
På onsdagar kl 12:30-14:30 har vi tentautlämning på institutionen (Ulls hus, plan 4). Du behöver ha med dig din legitimation för detta.
Tveka inte att höra av dig till econ-edu@slu.se vid frågor!
Course evaluation
The course evaluation is now closed
NA0196-40169 - Course evaluation report
Once the evaluation is closed, the course coordinator and student representative have 1 month to draft their comments. The comments will be published in the evaluation report.
Syllabus and other information
NA0196 Microeconomics II, 15.0 Credits
Mikroekonomi IISubjects
EconomicsEducation cycle
Bachelor’s levelModules
Title | Credits | Code |
Exam | 13.0 | 0001 |
Applied optimization | 2.0 | 0002 |
Advanced study in the main field
First cycle, has less than 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirementsBachelor’s level (G1F)
Grading scale
The grade requirements within the course grading system are set out in specific criteria. These criteria must be available by the course start at the latest.
SwedishPrior knowledge
Knowledge equivalent to:20 credits economics
10 credits microeconomics
The goal of the course is to develop students’ understanding of microeconomic theory, their ability for microeconomic analysis and their ability to apply microeconomic theory to analyse the behaviour of firms and consumers as well as to analyse markets from a societal perspective.
After successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
understand and, using simpler mathematical functions, apply consumer theory to analyse consumer behaviour and demand
understand and, using simpler mathematical functions, apply production and cost theory to formulate and solve firms’ optimization problems, analyse alternative pricing strategies and how these affect the market, as well as apply basic game theory to analyse strategic behaviour
understand and apply the basics of duality in microeconomics
mathematically formulate and, given multiplicative functional forms, solve economic optimisation problems using the Lagrange method.
use microeconomic theory and mathematical methods to analyse equilibrium, welfare and the effects of public policies.
Subject content:
The course provides a thorough knowledge in microeconomic theory and how the theory can be applied to analyse strategic aspects of firm behaviour as well as to analyse markets from a societal perspective. Besides knowledge in economic theory it is during the course emphasised that the student should learn how to formulate and, with an emphasis on the Lagrange method and multiplicative functional forms, mathematically solve economic optimization problems.
The course starts with a review of consumer behaviour and optimal consumer choice as well as analyses of the individual’s and the market demand. After this, we discuss the optimization problems of firms including optimal production decision and the link between costs and supply. We then discuss the alternative pricing strategies of firms. Furthermore, we analyse market equilibria and welfare effects given different market structures and how different markets and market agents are affected by public policies.
Course implementation:
The course uses different teaching methods to promote students' learning and discussions through:
Lectures, a project work and exercises.
The course focuses on the following general competences:
Critical thinking, problem solving, scientific methods
The following components are compulsory:
Compulsory exercises
Grading form
The grade requirements within the course grading system are set out in specific criteria. These criteria must be available by the course start at the latest.Formats and requirements for examination
Passed written exam, approved written presentation of project work, approved participation in compulsory components.
If a student has failed an examination, the examiner has the right to issue supplementary assignments. This applies if it is possible and there are grounds to do so.
The examiner can provide an adapted assessment to students entitled to study support for students with disabilities following a decision by the university. Examiners may also issue an adapted examination or provide an alternative way for the students to take the exam.
If this syllabus is withdrawn, SLU may introduce transitional provisions for examining students admitted based on this syllabus and who have not yet passed the course.
For the assessment of an independent project (degree project), the examiner may also allow a student to add supplemental information after the deadline for submission. Read more in the Education Planning and Administration Handbook.
Other information
The right to participate in teaching and/or supervision only applies for the course instance the student was admitted to and registered on.
If there are special reasons, students are entitled to participate in components with compulsory attendance when the course is given again. Read more in the Education Planning and Administration Handbook.
Responsible department
Department of Economics
Further information
Litterature list
Microeconomic Theory - Basic Principles and Extensions, 12th edition, by W. Nicholson & C. Snyder. ISBN: 9781305505797
Microeconomics: theory and applications with calculus, 4th edition, by Jeffrey M. Perloff.