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Researching Landscape Governance and Management
Syllabus and other information
P000097 Researching Landscape Governance and Management, 5.0 Credits
Education cycle
Postgraduate levelGrading scale
Pass / Failed
Prior knowledge
Applicants must be admitted as PhD-students in a relevant subject.To apply, each student need to submit the following:
- The candidate's name and contact information.
- PhD start date, title of the research project, name of supervisor(s), and home institution.
- A statement of interest with motivation for participating in this course.
- A one page description of their PhD project, emphasizing the relation to landscape governance & management.
After the course students will be able to: - Describe and apply relevant landscape governance theories witihin organizational and academic contexts. - Reflectively chose, describe and argue for research methods for the study of landscape governance. - Discuss their own research projects in relation to the landscape governance scientific knowledge field, theoretically and methodologically.Content
The course introduces students to the advancements of research on landscape governance, and addresses critical questions facing development and management of urban areas of today, seen from an organizational as well as a participatory perspective. Scholars, planners/managers and practitioners worldwide are increasingly recognizing that landscape governance is a promising approach to address "the many ways in which public and private actors from the state, market and/or civil society govern public issues at multiple scales, autonomously or in mutual interaction." (Arts & Visseren-Hamakers 2012, p. 4) We will take an outset in public organisations as in most parts of the world, the public accesible green spaces, including urban forest, are primarily publicly owned and managed. However, in many cases governance arrangements are based on external stakeholders not formally owning or managing public land. We will explore and discuss different views of landscape governance, and present different approaches to understand and research governance structures and approaches. The objectives will be met by critically reading, discussing and identifying relevant challenges while reflecting on contemporary academic perspectives on governance and management. The five-day course will build on a combination of own readings of relevant literature, lectures from leading academics and discussions, as well as essays reflecting the PhD students own work and relating it to the literature, lectures and discussions. The course is the third in a row of Research Landscape Governance PhD courses, with previous courses held in 2023 and 2021. This course, as the previous, has been developed within a close collaboration between SLU and University of Copenhagen, as a part of the NOVA University Network. Pedagogical form The course will be divided into lectures, presentations of students' own work and reflections, discussions in plenum, an excursion, as well as basis for developing individual essays to be handed in and assessed after the course. The first day will be held on-line ca one week before the actual course begins. On site, the fours day will be divided between SLU, Alnarp and University of Copenhagen, Denmark.Responsible department
Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management