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Raw Material Properties and Refining Processes

This is the first course in the master’s program Industrial Wood Supply Mangement. It focuses on the properties of forest-based biomass materials for processing based on end-user requirements. The course covers traditional forest industrial products as well as various types of future products, in the form of e.g. fuels and refined products. The course content provides the students with knowledge of processing technology and in-depth understanding of the role of raw material properties in forest industrial supply.

The course can mostly be completed on distance, but has a compulsory meeting during one week in Umeå. All other teaching also takes place from the campus in Umeå, where infrastructure is provided for students who are physically present.

Information from the course leader

Välkommen till kursen Råvaruegenskaper och förädlingsprocesser som ingår i mastersprogrammet Skoglig råvaruförsörjning!

Här kommer allmän information om studentkonto, registrering på kurs, samt annan praktisk information:


Studentkonto behövs för att komma åt mejl, Zoom, Canvas, VPN och Remote desktop. För information om hur du skapar ett studentkonto, se här:

Registrering på kurs

Du kan inte självregistrera dig på denna kurs. Registreringen görs manuellt av utbildningsadministrationen och baseras på närvarolistan från kursens första tillfälle. Om du har frågor angående dina registreringsmöjligheter eller om du inte har möjlighet att närvara vid kursintroduktionen, vänligen kontakta kursledaren. Har du antagits till kursen med villkor är det kursledaren som granskar dina uppnådda meriter i samband med kursstarten och avgör om behörighetsvillkoren uppfyllts och du får registreras.

Särskilt studiestöd

Har du behov av särskilt stöd för undervisning ska du informera kursledaren om det redan vid kursstart så att eventuella särskilda arrangemang kan ordnas. Se

Krav på teknisk utrustning vid deltagande på distans

Vid distansdeltagande behöver du följande:

  • En dator av nyare modell med ett modernt operativsystem (Windows eller MacOS)
  • Microsoft Officepaketet (framförallt Word och Excel) rekommenderas
  • Bredbandsuppkoppling från en störningsfri miljö (hemmakontor)
  • Webkamera
  • Ljudutrustning av god kvalitet för både ut-/ingående ljud (t.ex. ett bra headset)
  • Ha Zoom, SLU VPN och Remote desktop installerat på din dator

Obligatorisk fysisk träff i Umeå

Under vecka 40 (30/9-4/10) sker en obligatorisk fysisk träff i kursen. Om du har behov av att hitta boende så har ett par fyrabäddsrum reserverats på ett hotell i Umeå centrum, där även frukost och middag ingår till ett överkomligt pris. Hör av dig till programstudierektor ifall du vill boka en av dessa platser till självkostnadspris.

David Agar, kursledare & Emanuel Erlandsson, programstudierektor

Welcome to the course Raw Material Properties and Refining Processes, which is part of the Industrial Wood Supply Management Master's program!

Here is general information about student accounts, course registration, and other practical information:

Student IT account

Student IT account is needed to access email, Zoom, Canvas, VPN and Remote desktop. For information on how to create a student IT account, see here:

Course registration

You cannot self-register for this course. Registration is done manually by the education administration and is based on the attendance list from the first session of the course. If you have questions regarding your registration options or if you are unable to attend the course introduction, please contact the course leader. If you have been admitted to the course with conditions, it is the course leader who reviews your achieved merits in connection with the start of the course and decides whether the conditions have been met and you may be registered.

Disability study support

If you need disability study support, you must inform the course leader about it already at the start of the course so that any special arrangements can be made. See

Requirements for technical equipment when participating on distance

For remote participation, you need the following:

  • A newer model computer with a modern operating system (Windows or MacOS)
  • The Microsoft Office package (especially Word and Excel) is recommended
  • Broadband connection from an interference-free environment (home office)
  • Webcam
  • Good quality audio equipment for both output/input audio (eg. a headset)
  • Have Zoom, SLU VPN and Remote desktop installed on your computer

Mandatory physical meeting in Umeå

During week 40 (30/9-4/10) there is a mandatory meeting on campus in Umeå. If you need to find accommodation, a couple of four-bed rooms have been reserved at a hotel in the center of Umeå, which also include breakfast and dinner at an affordable price. Please contact program director of studies if you want to book one of these beds at cost price.

Best regards,
David Agar, course leader & Emanuel Erlandsson, program director of studies

Syllabus and other information

Course facts

The course is offered as an independent course: Yes The course is offered as a programme course: Industrial Wood Supply Management (MSc) Forest Science - Master's Programme Forest Management - Bachelor's Programme Tuition fee: Tuition fee only for non-EU/EEA/Switzerland citizens: 38060 SEK Cycle: Master’s level (A1N)
Subject: Forestry Science
Course code: SV0047 Application code: SLU-10318 Location: Location independent Distance course: Yes Language: English Responsible department: Department of Forest Biomaterials and Technology Pace: 100%