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Crop management and quality of horticultural products

The course includes:

  • knowledge of domestication of plants, genetics of horticultural plants combined with the surrounding environment and plant breeding methods

  • basic knowledge of seeds, seed germination and seed quality

  • development of horticulture from a historical point of view

  • planning and driving cultures of important annual and perennial plants for a defined purpose, from choosing a cultivar and a starting a culture until harvest and postharvest. Horticultural crop plants for professional field and greenhouse production are included.

  • the influence of genetics and crop management on the quality of horticultural plants and sustainability

  • basic knowledge of reasons for practice of postharvest treatments and storing of horticultural products

  • orientation about limitations of using horticultural products related to food production and toxicology

  • laboratory practicals, including a culture related briefly to the influence of water, nutrition, subtrate and temperature on plant growth and development

  • application of statistics on plant material.

The course included lectures, project work individually and in group, seminars, laboratory practicals, exercises and study visits. Scheduled practicals, supervision, seminars and study visits are obligatory.

Course evaluation

The course evaluation is now closed

TD0010-20079 - Course evaluation report

Once the evaluation is closed, the course coordinator and student representative have 1 month to draft their comments. The comments will be published in the evaluation report.

Additional course evaluations for TD0010

Academic year 2023/2024

Crop management and quality of horticultural products (TD0010-20122)

2023-10-31 - 2024-01-14

Academic year 2022/2023

Crop management and quality of horticultural products (TD0010-20170)

2022-11-01 - 2023-01-15

Academic year 2022/2023

Crop management and quality of horticultural products (TD0010-20183)

2022-11-01 - 2023-01-15

Academic year 2020/2021

Crop management and quality of horticultural products (TD0010-20075)

2020-11-02 - 2021-01-17

Academic year 2019/2020

Crop management and quality of horticultural products (TD0010-20054)

2019-11-01 - 2020-01-19

Syllabus and other information

Litterature list

  1. Kurslitteraturen kommer att bestå av artiklar och websidor. Ingen särskild kursbok kommer att användas. Litteraturlistan finns på Canvas

Course facts

The course is offered as an independent course: Yes The course is offered as a programme course: Syllabus for Horticultural Management – Gardening and Horticultural Production (BSc) Tuition fee: Tuition fee only for non-EU/EEA/Switzerland citizens: 38054 SEK Cycle: G1N
Subject: Horticultural Science Biology
Course code: TD0010 Application code: SLU-20079 Location: Alnarp Distance course: No Language: Swedish Responsible department: Department of Plant Breeding Pace: 100%