The forest sector is quickly developing towards a wider portfolio of final products for new markets. From solid wood- to nano-cellulose-based products, the management of raw material supply is dynamic and demanding. Changing climate and markets requires agility and collaboration along the entire supply chain.
In this programme you will learn how to master and develop management of industrial wood supply; raw materials requirements for new industrial processes, supply strategy and systems, and operational management of these systems. Having mastered these core courses, the capstone course involves interactive case studies developing sustainable wood supply strategies for forest industries competing in Swedish geographies. All this while working under different scenarios for increased energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.
The pedagogical approach for the master's programme is simple. We start with hands-on laboratory and computer exercises which give the basic understanding of industrial and supply processes. After this we continue with theoretical studies to build the insight required for new challenges. After you have both practical understanding and theoretical insight, your learning is topped-off by top-level guest lectures from the sponsor forest companies.
Digitalization is an integral component of wood supply management because of the large volumes in wood tracking and trading. The programme provides training in both todays state-of-the-art business system solutions as well as use of innovations from machine sensor technology and remote sensing from satellite sources.
This programme is designed to train you for both national and international duties in wood supply management.
Tuition Fees: Citizens of countries outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland are required to pay application and tuition fees.
To be admitted to the Master’s Programme in Industrial Wood Supply Management (120 credits), the following criteria must be met:
general entry requirements: first-cycle (Bachelor’s) qualification comprising a minimum 180 credits or equivalent degree from a higher education institution abroad
specific entry requirements: a minimum of 60 credits from specialist study within one of the following subjects or main fields of study or the equivalent:
- forestry science
- forest management
- forest science
- forest and wood engineering
15 credits within forest technology, wood science/wood technology, or equivalent
5 credits geographic information systems (GIS).
In addition, knowledge equivalent to the Swedish upper secondary course English 6 is required. This requirement is met by those holding a Degree of Bachelor (180 credits) from a Swedish higher education institution. There are specific rules for applicants from certain English-speaking countries.
The specific entry requirements stated above can also be met by someone who has obtained equivalent knowledge through a corresponding qualification from abroad, or in some other way.
There are specific entry requirements for each course included in the programme. These are described in the relevant course syllabus.
Degree awarded upon completion of the programme
The Master's (120 credits) programme in Industrial Wood Supply Management leads to the Degree of Master with forestry science as the main field of study. A Degree of Master is a general qualification.
Students who fulfil the qualification requirements for a degree will be issued a degree certificate upon request, with the title Degree of Master of Science with a major in Forestry Science.
Other qualifications may be awarded provided that the requirements for them are fulfilled. See SLU’s system of qualifications.
The programme contains courses which, depending on choice of courses and combination with previous studies in forestry at first-cycle level, may enable students to fulfil the requirements for the professional qualification Degree of Master of Science in Forestry, 300 credits. The outcomes for a Degree of Master of Science in Forestry are stipulated in the Ordinance for the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. The requirements for a Degree of Master of Science in Forestry are defined in SLU’s system of qualifications.
Degree requirements
The Degree of Master of Science with forestry science as the main field of study will be awarded once 120 credits have been obtained, of which 90 must be from second cycle courses that meet the following requirements:
- a minimum of 30 credits from courses of specialised study within the main field of study forestry science (A1N; A1F);
- a minimum of 30 credits from a degree project/independent project within the main field of study forestry science (second-cycle level degree project A2E).
Additionally, students must have successfully completed a Degree of Bachelor, a professional qualification comprising a minimum of 180 credits, or have an equivalent qualification from abroad.
The Degree of Master of Science (120 credits) may contain a maximum of 30 credits from first-cycle courses, provided these credits were not included in a Degree of Bachelor or its equivalent. All courses included in a degree must be at university level, have been successfully completed and may not overlap/have similar content.
The programme comprises four core courses, each worth 15 ECTS credits. The first three courses, namely raw material requirements, supply strategy, and operations management, are offered during the first year. The first year concludes with 15 credits of elective courses, such as GIS.
In the second year, the programme starts with 15 credits in remote sensing before progressing to the final core course, competitive wood supply. The programme culminates with the completion of a master's thesis. It is worth noting that most of the master's thesis projects are sponsored by companies.
The programme is designed to prepare students for entry-level jobs and equip them with the necessary skills to become upper-level managers and staff specialists in national and international wood supply organizations.
During the summer holidays between year one and year two of the programme, many of our students work as temporary production or logistics managers. The programme is developed in collaboration with major forest companies in the Swedish forest sector to ensure that training is focused on the skills and abilities required in the current job market.
Year 1
Raw Material Properties and Refining Processes
Industrial Wood Supply Strategy
Industrial Wood Supply Strategy
Operational Management of Industrial Wood Supply
Operational Management of Industrial Wood Supply
Management Control Systems
Management Control Systems
Advanced Spatial Modelling through GIS
Advanced Spatial Modelling through GIS
Year 2
Remote Sensing and Inventory
Remote Sensing and Inventory
Sustainable Wood Supply Analysis
Sustainable Wood Supply Analysis
Master's thesis in Forestry Science, A2E - Faculty of Forest Sciences
Master's thesis in Forestry Science, A2E - Degree of Master of Science in Forestry
Programme syllabus
Programme Code: SM011
Finalized by: Utbildningsnämnden, 2023-05-25
Education plan valid from: Autumn 2024
Responsible programme board: The programme board for education in forestry
Entry Requirements
To be admitted to the Master’s programme Industrial Wood Supply Management, the following criteria must be met:
general entry requirements: first-cycle qualification comprising at least 180 credits or a corresponding qualification from abroad.
specific entry requirements: specialisation comprising at least 60 credits in one of the following subjects/disciplinary domains:
- Forestry Science
- Forest Management
- Forest Science
- Forest and Wood Engineering
15 credits within forest technology, wood science/wood technology, or equivalent
5 credits geographic information systems (GIS).
In addition, knowledge equivalent of English 6 is required. SLU regulations state that applicants may meet this requirement if they were awarded a first-cycle degree from a Swedish university, or have completed 120 credits at SLU. For applicants from some English speaking countries certain rules may apply.
The specific entry requirements can also be met by someone who has acquired the equivalent knowledge through a corresponding qualification from abroad or in some other way.
For admission to the courses included in the programme, there are specific entry requirements for each course; these are described in the course syllabus.
Programme description
The Master’s program prepares for a professional career within the forestry sector’s main process – effective organization of raw material supply. The program aims to provide a system perspective and ability to manage, analyze and develop forest industrial supply systems. The program develops a variety of specialist skills, based on applications of methods for management of work processes across the whole supply chain. These methods builds on insights in raw material demands for both existing and new bio-based industries (sawn wood, pulp and paper, energy, and biorefinery) and abilities for quantitative analysis of these. Skills in work process management primarily relates to i) development of competitive supply strategies, and ii) application of methods for efficient control of wood deliveries.
These three parts (raw material demands, supply strategies, and control) underlies the program’s first three courses, and constitutes the core content. Then follows space for individually chosen courses and courses providing specialist skills in management of digital data from remote sensing and the supply chain’s internal data sources. The courses lie the foundation for the last capstone course that trains both analytical abilities regarding improved sustainability and competiveness as well as the ability to handle uncertainties and unforeseen events within supply operations.
The extensive material- and capital flows within wood supply has led to this part of the sector being far ahead in digitalization, and the program therefore provides knowledge of the existing fully digitized architectures for both wood trading and operations control. Focus is also given to the ongoing digital transformations within the forestry sector, and how these opportunities develops wood supply processes.
The two-year program is both an academic education and provide vocational training. The labor market for graduates is mainly within management and specialist roles in the wood supply chain from forest to industry, eg. within wood sourcing, production, or transport. The program is developed and given in cooperation with sector representatives, to ensure high relevance and employability within both industry and academia.
A well-functioning study environment is characterized by openness, equality, and an inclusive approach. SLU works actively for gender equality and equal conditions, which promotes a workclimate that takes advantage of the diversity that employees' and students' different backgrounds, life situations and skills bring.
SLU's profile is focused on knowledge of biological natural resources, and societal challenges such as raw material, water and energy supply as well as climate change have connections to our areas of responsibility. The UN's goals for sustainable development concern, among other things, these societal challenges, but also man's use and management of biological natural resources.
The programme is given in English.
Programme courses
Main fields of study: SV = Forestry Science
Course (main field of study, level)
Year 1
Raw Material Properties and Refining Processes, 15 hp (SV, A1N)
Industrial Wood Supply Strategy, 15 hp (SV, A1F)
Operational Management of Industrial Wood Supply, 15 hp (SV, A1F)
Management Control Systems in Forestry*, 7,5 hp (SV, A1N)
Geographic Information Technology II, 7,5 hp (SV, A1N)
Year 2
Remote Sensing and Inventory, 15 hp (SV, A1N)
Sustainable Wood Supply Analysis, 15 hp (SV, A1F)
Master’s Thesis in Forestry Science, 30 hp (SV, A2E)
*preliminary title
The range of courses offered may change during the programme. This may result in a new version of the syllabus with transitional regulations. Decisions on the courses offered are taken well in advance of the next academic year.
Each course in the programme has its own syllabus with specific requirements. The SLU student web provides detailed information about when the courses are given.
Some study periods (part of a semester) SLU may offer multiple courses to choose between within the programme. Programme students are guaranteed one of these courses, provided that the entry requrements are fullfilled and that the student have applied in time.
General objectives
The general learning outcomes for first- and second-cycle courses and programmes are specified in the Higher Education Act (Chapter 1, Sections 8–9).
Qualitative targets
The Annex to the Ordinance for the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences stipulates that for the Degree of Master (120 credits), the student shall have:
Knowledge and understanding
- demonstrated knowledge and understanding in the main field of study, including both broad knowledge of the field and a considerable degree of specialised knowledge in certain areas of the field as well as insight into current research and development work, and
- demonstrated specialised methodological knowledge in the main field of study.
Competence and skills
- demonstrated the ability to critically and systematically integrate knowledge and analyse, assess and deal with complex phenomena, issues and situations even with limited information
- demonstrated the ability to identify and formulate issues critically, autonomously and creatively as well as to plan and, using appropriate methods, undertake specialised tasks within predetermined time frames and so contribute to the formation of knowledge as well as the ability to evaluate this work
- demonstrated the ability in speech and writing both nationally and internationally to report clearly and discuss his or her conclusions and the knowledge and arguments on which they are based in dialogue with different audiences, and
- demonstrated the skills required for participation in research and development work or autonomous employment in some other qualified capacity.
Judgement and approach
- demonstrated the ability to make assessments in the main field of study informed by relevant disciplinary, social and ethical considerations and also to demonstrate awareness of ethical aspects of research and development work
- demonstrated insight into the possibilities and limitations of research, its role in society and the responsibility of the individual for how it is used, and
- demonstrated the ability to identify the personal need for further knowledge and take responsibility for his or her ongoing learning.
Qualification Requirements
Degree awarded upon completion of the programme
The Master’s programme Industrial Wood Supply Management aims at a Degree of Master of Science (120 credits) with Forestry Science as the main field of study, a general qualification.
Students who fulfill the qualification requirements for the Degree of Master of Science (120 credits) will be provided with a degree certificate upon request. The degree certificate will specify the qualification as Degree of Master of Science (120 credits) with a major in Forestry Science (masterexamen med huvudområdet skogsbruksvetenskap).
Other qualifications may be awarded if the necessary requirements are fulfilled. See the SLU System of Qualifications.
The programme contains courses that, depending on courses taken and combination with previous studies within certain bachelor programmes at SLU, may provide the necessary requirements of 300 credits in total for the professional degree Jägmästarexamen (Master of Science in Forestry). See the SLU System of Qualifications.
Degree requirements
A Degree of Master of Science (120 credits) with a major in Forestry Science is awarded to students who have successfully completed 120 credits, of which at least 90 credits are from second-cycle courses, from the required courses as follows:
- a minimum of 30 credits from courses with specialised study in forestry science (A1N, A1F)
- a minimum of 30 credits from a degree project in forestry science (A2E).
There is additional requirement of a completed Degree of Bachelor, professional degree comprising a minimum of 180 credits, or a corresponding qualification from abroad.
A maximum of 30 credits from first-cycle courses may be included, provided these credits were not included in a qualifying Degree of Bachelor, or equivalent. All courses included in a degree must be at university level, have been successfully completed and may not overlap/have similar content.
General regulations for first- and second-cycle courses and programmes
For more information about semester dates, examinations and credit transfer at first and second-cycle level, see the Education Planning and Administration Handbook.
Possibilities for further study
Students who complete the MSc in Industrial Wood Supply Management and are awarded a degree may continue onto doctoral studies.

Campus Umeå
SLU’s campus in Umeå is an inspiring and picturesque learning environment. Surrounded by deep green forests, scenic parks and clear, blue lakes, it is easy to see why Umeå is the fastest growing city in Sweden. Umeå is considered a youthful and lively city, and is highly ranked amongst Swedish students.
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