Portfolio instructions 2025/2026

Last changed: 04 March 2025

To be fully eligible for some of the courses within the Landscape Architecture Master's programme, you need to submit a portfolio according to the instructions.

When is a portfolio required?

Some courses within the Landscape Architecture Master’s programme (LAM) require specific skills. Students without previous studies from a landscape architect programme at SLU or an Erasmus partner university, need to prove that they possess these skills through a portfolio review.

Please note: That approved portfolios don’t automatically grant admission, since the number of students for each course is limited.Also note that you need an approved portfolio for each of the courses listed below.

  • Digital Landscape Visualisation (LK0368)
  • Studio Project – Transforming Urban Landscapes (LK0442)
  • Studio Project – Large Scale Structures, Analysis and EIA(LK0447)
  • Studio Project - Site, Concept and Theory (LK0454)
  • Studio project - Composition, Materiality and Design practice (LK0445)

What is a portfolio?

A portfolio is a collection of samples from projects, assignments or other work that you have produced during previous education or previous professional activity. If you lack suitable material, it is also possible to create new projects, or modify some old project(s) to make it more appropriate.

The portfolio will be assessed in terms of:

  • Relevance
  • Knowledge and skills (general and specific criteria depending on the course)


Relevance (applicable for all courses)

Same criteria for all courses.

  • The submitted portfolio should include at least three (3) projects or assignments that illustrate – using both text and images – your ability to design, plan and visualise a landscape, both digitally and analogue.
  • The presented projects should be relevant for landscape architecture.Examples of landscapes are gardens, parks, cemeteries, squares,streets, residential areas, cities, recreation areas, municipalities, regions and the systems they may be part of.
  • The presentation of each project should be coherent and logical. It is the content and quality of the projects that are important, and the techniques used are a means of mediating this. The projects in the portfolio should be presented using text, graphics, plans, sections,and/or other visualisation techniques according to professional practice.
  • The material presented in your portfolio needs to be entirely your own, or produced by you in cooperation with others, e.g. in group projects! At least two (2) projects must be individual works. If you use a group work, you need to state what your contribution have been. Everything needs to be correctly referenced.
  • The project can be represented in different scales and can include both urban and rural situations.
  • The projects should address issues and questions in landscape architecture or landscape planning that can be linked to the areas and places described.
  • The portfolio must be written in English.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) may not be used to generate images or text.

Knowledge and skills (specific for the courses LK0447, LK0442)

  • Your portfolio should clearly communicate a spatial understanding, demonstrate your ability to deal with complex and multifaceted problems relevant for landscape architecture, and your ability to visualise and communicate situations and atmospheres in landscapes and places, including people and vegetation.
  • Your portfolio should clearly communicate how you work with your own process and approaches to landscape architecture through sketches, concepts, compositions, analysis, reflections, theoretical connections, and proposals etc.
  • Your portfolio will also be assessed based on the quality of your work as well as your ability to communicate and represent your projects.

Knowledge and skills (specific for the courses LK0368, LK0454 and LK0445)

  • Your portfolio should express abilities to explore, sketch, present and communicate through several different media from hand-drawn to digital, depending on the task at hand.
  • Your portfolio should also express your ability to make a balanced and coherent layout, expressing graphical skills.
  • Your portfolio will be assessed based on your ability to visualise and communicate situations and atmospheres in built landscapes, including people and vegetation.
  • Your portfolio should clearly communicate a spatial understanding of the projects that are presented, as well as how you experiment with your own design process and approach to design work through concepts, compositions, and experiments to a final proposal presented in relevant scales.

How to apply?

General information

Applications are made through antagning.se or universityadmissions.se. You need to apply for each course you want to be admitted to; hence your application needs to state what course you are applying for.

Portfolio decisions are made by a jury, appointed by the Programme Board for Landscape and Horticulture. All decisions are final. The students will not receive comments on submitted portfolios.

Please note: Some courses are very popular and not all students can be admitted. If you want to be eligible for your second choice – make sure that you have submitted a portfolio that covers that course as well.


You submit your portfolio when applying for the specific course/courses.
Write your application number from universityadmissions.se on the portfolio.
Please note that no additional information about yourself is allowed (no CV).
You should keep the portfolio anonymous, i.e. avoid mentioning your name or
any other information that could identify you.
