The Acidification program provides a platform for work with the environmental quality objective Only natural acidification and contributes to the fulfillment of Sweden's commitments under the Air Convention (UNECE / CLRTAP).
The program's activities include evaluating data and provide a basis for assessments of acidification status of forest land and surface waters. A current issue is the acidification impact from forestry and the extraction of biofuel.
Priority areas
The following three issues are prioritized within the program Acidification:
- How affect (spatially and temporally) the current acid deposition and land use, especially forestry and drainage of sulfide-containing soils, the acidity status of soils, soil water, groundwater and surface water and how can the status be affected by a future climate change?
- How should we assess the impact of acidification and is it at all possible to achieve the environmental quality goal Only natural acidification?
- Which geographical areas are most affected by acidification and how can we counteract or remedy this impact in the most cost-effective way possible?
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